Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

also, Suites did not have any infantry or team mates accompanying him to the crash site. Currently he is there alone
I figured this was the place to say this so...

Sorry about my absence as of late. Things went and got rough with RL.

I got sick, lots of nasal congestion to the point I was coughing up dark green globs every morning. I called out from work and got medicine. The medicine worked, but it made me sleep. When I had to go back to work, I didn't take my cough syrup because it would make me sleep. After three hours at work, I left, knowing I needed my medicine. I got a phone call firing me before I even left the parking lot.

I consulted with a lawyer. Since I live in Missouri, I have no real rights to protect me from termination, so I cannot sue. The lawyer I consulted with would have gladly helped me if he could.

I've been trying to get somewhere with my writing during this time as well. I'm waiting to hear back from an agent regarding one novel. I'm gearing up the first of a digital serial I'm going to release in the next few weeks.

My goal is to start working for myself so I will never be the victim of Missouri politics again. I want to write and I like being able to draw along with that.

I'm going to try and be around more. I'm going to try.
It sounds like you've had it very rough, Night... I'm very sorry to hear about what happened at work. I have had similar experiences, too.. it is unfortunately very competitive and cutthroat out in the labor market right now. They want to work people until they drop and if you flinch more than a day it could be all over just like that.

But it also sounds like you are on the right track building towards something to get you noticed with your creativity. I will say a prayer for you that the agent calls with good news, and that the release of the serial goes smoothly. Working for yourself will be very liberating, indeed.

Believe in yourself and think you can, then get to work making it reality! As an artist your forte is visualizing after all, so bring a future in your minds eye to life. :)
I've been in kind of a slump too but I will post as soon as I can. I was thinking that I might just start a new thread for the barbeque. I think one of the fun things is all the random stuff the Rixxikor will say, and I was wondering if you guys would like to do a JP together, perhaps on Wednesday evening this week?
Sure I would love to do a JP style shindig if it would speed things along (I am more experienced in realtime RP, too). What time are you considering on Wednesday?
Maybe like 6pm Eastern? We could leave oven the pad so that people who miss it can insert themselves in later if needed.
I will be busy most of Wednesday, with a final Choir practice. But I';l be home around 2100 Pacific. 0000 East coast, but I'll throw crap up when I get home and Gunny has my permission to have Stark put on a building nearby and look threatening.
I'd actually love to do that to, but 6 pm EST is just plain impossible for me. That would be midnight where I live (CET) and I have to work the next day. So Sigurd has to be focused on his science stuff without much action.:(
@paladinrpg, my post has a minor discontinuity regarding the footsteps. I just didn't think the drones would've picked up on the footsteps because they were tasked with scanning the ship itself and the footprints would blend into the scenery.