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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Welcome back! It's great to have you playing with us again! You have a fun character~
Noticed in one of Gabriels posts that he refers to the enemy as SMX, afaik that is the old name, and this time around the force is the NMX.

My expert analysis suggests that this is due to the Mishhu maturing and loosing the SMXyness of their youth.
But, since no one knows about the 'new' Mishhu, it is correct to still refer to them by their original moniker. All we know so far is that the Mishhu have some new ship designs and are using some sort of Bioweapon. In fact it would be playing out of character information to call them the NMX.
I need a couple people to go up through a maintenance tunnel to main engineering, and open these barriers from there. You're the only technician here, so I have to ask you to do this for us."

Blast shutters cannot be opened remotely, nor unlocked from engineering.

Not sure if you want to edit or not.

There's also this:
Shields didn't allow very much to pass through them. Even Its own ship left a traceable wake in space.
Eucharis does not have her shields up, nor is she moving. Any "wake" of debris could be explained by the presence of a random mothballed Irim-class gunship that Eucharis is currently disguised as.
Wow... I thought the intermediate sketch was awesome, but the coloring is just sick. I am really, really happy with how it came out; pretty close to how I imagined her too.
Whew. Sorry folks for not posting more often, I take time to plan.

Also, damn you, Nashoba, for preventing me from practicing a little bit of selective hearing!

I'll run with it, anyway.

-goes to scribble-
Hey, you should know by now, Sune is not afraid to speak up. :lol: After all time is of the essence, and if incongruous as it may be, going through the conduits is faster, it makes sense. There is nothing to stop Hamada from being stubborn and sticking to her original plan.
Gallant said:
Whew. Sorry folks for not posting more often, I take time to plan.

Also, damn you, Nashoba, for preventing me from practicing a little bit of selective hearing!

I'll run with it, anyway.

-goes to scribble-
Please scribble a bit more, I was hoping you would post something, now I have to have Tasuku respond directly to Sune.... ::sigh:: Well good chance to show he doesn't like doctors at least (yea yea medic whatever)

Sune's posts have my characters name listed wrong, its 'Tasuku' actually.
Not sure how that happened, but I fixed it.
Stfu, Black-Hei.

In other news;

1) Look! A post! It happened. Up till recently I'd been dreading it, but when I actually sit down to post, it comes pretty easily. Strange, that.

Here's the lowdown on that, since I put a lot of it in poetic form and I guess a couple of things need clarified before people start asking about it;

- So far, the path's been clear going up the maintenance tunnels. No news is good news, so to speak.
- I'll leave it up to Wes to decide if the Eucharis can, or can not, detect that the two ships are leaving the area. They're still stealthed so it's a bit of a long shot. If they do show up on your sensors, it should be noted they are running on STL. That is, they're moving, but not terribly fast.
- I am terribly impressed with Sean's engineering bit. I would have been writing for the person staffing the Engineering section, if the saybacks weren't coming from the bridge, too. Redundancy is fun, but not in stories, and if players can be involved with each other, huzzah. BZ, there.

2) ...um,

Hi....what should the analysis results be? Also......I. Am. SOOOO, soooo, so, so sorry for not posting earlier. I'm trying to move, but there's the technicality that my house hasn't sold. So my computer is in my old house, not the newplace I'm renting. I come home to the computer only half of the week. Not half even. And it is against some form of rule that the lovely other people living with me made that it is too expensive or something to have Internet on my laptop. So, in short, I cannot be in the same city as my computer all the time. Or I'd miss school, feeding my dog, and dinner. Sooooo, soooo sorry. Really.

Again, I'm not sure what to do about the analysis results.

And....I'm reaaallllyy SORRY!!
Gallant, can you please help her with the bug details, like putting up a wiki page for them?
Huh, it seems to me like it would do that zombie thing by injecting them with something that would paralyze brain function, poison or something? (Though that might kill the person) They would then use some device within their body to send electrical impulses through the nervous system to control the host, much like how the brain sends electrical impulses to control the body. They would probably prefer the spine for this, but (I'm not sure on this) any major nerve cluster might do.

As for recently dead bodies, as long as the body hadn't degraded too much it would still work. However, if the body had been wounded the wounds would still cause issues for the the body-as-a-host. They wouldn't be zombies, really, though, because shooting them would cause them to go down. Perhaps they heal it somewhat or something?

This is just what I get from looking it over.
No, no, the little "pillbug type" that we found on the ships are a new type that Gallant made up. So far all he's said is they like to eat circuit boards...I'm hoping he'll post something with more detail.

Nobody's found any parasite-type Mishhu onboard.
Konoka has received a PM regarding the Misshu onboard the Eucharis, and I plan to post a full writeup on the Wiki, soon.
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