Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

The art is by an Indonesian artist named Marwan Islami. You can find his DeviantArt page here:

This is only the WIP version; the final version is still being worked and and will be even more detailed.
Alright, I've devised a little and big subplot for my character that I'll need to run by Wes for approval but first I would like to see if there is any interest in joining a side mission. There will be some combat and corrupt forces along with some minor controversy. Because I I am morally obligated to play my character the way he is I should mention that this would be a great way to build a relationship with Candon, whether it's a good or bad one is totally open to the circumstances.

I'm just checking for interest right now, any takers?
I might be willing to help Candon in some capacity with Umeshu but nothing too major as my time is constrained right now, hence why I saddled her with the paperwork, heh.
Well, nobody but Jax ever responded to my post about setting up medals earlier in the year. But, if anyone is interested now, don't forget to add your new Service medal and Combat Award that Hanako announced.

I believe everyone should qualify for an Exploration medal as well. Suites and Akiashiro probably got Tomoyo's Kikyo. I am not sure who all qualifies for the Capture medal...Suites definitely, but Mitsuko, Natsumi, Stark and Jackson were all involved and bringing the alien back. Probably Jackson and Stark at least, although I'd guess she'd get different medals.

I'm also thinking Mitsuko would wind up with a Combat Lifesaver.

We can also do a vote or at least suggestions for the Good Conduct, Happy Command and Morale medals. Wes would have to weigh in and approve all of this, of course.
Sounds good to me, Reynolds. Also the reason I didn't promote Mitsuko is because she's only got one enlisted rank above her and she was already promoted in YE 37 once already.
Based on the following event I believe Candon deserves the morale award.
YSS Eucharis, zero-g passageway

"Hey!" Aikiko called out to Sam, trying to remember if she had seen him before, but came up with a blank. "Hey you! Wait a second!" She picked up her pace to catch up with him before he decided to run off from her. She was wearing her duty uniform with her Mindy buttpack turned into backpack. Even with the some of the memories returned from Mitsuka, they were incomplete and still needed to be filled in. And up ahead was obviously one of the Eucharis Crew and hopefully he would be able to help her out.

Sam felt like a diseased freak. Whatever weird things those bugjerks did to him while he was unconscious, it was ruining all the neko plans he made while he was in training camp. He sighed when he heard someone yell in his direction and stopped. "What?"

"Huh... Aparently I've gotten lost and need direction. Could you be a gentleman and show me the way. And where the showers are at. Then to the ships infirmary? " Aikiko blurted out, to hide the fact she was embarrassed to have forgotten the layout of the Eucharis. Specially her assigned quarters. "Are you new to the Eucharis?" Curiousity getting the better of her.

Candon shook his head in disapointment, but with her memory failing he could'nt have really expected her to know that he was absent from the battle... But she was smart enough to know about the duties of an infantryman.

This will be Interesting...

"Why, of course. I know where all the female showers are." Sam made a point to remember those kinds of things. One never knew when a pretty girl might take a shower and have soapy eyes to make her miss a certain someone enjoying some of her more private areas. "The showers are right this way." He began walking toward the direction of the nearest communal shower. He was so eager to see the poor girl nude that he completely forgot that she asked another question.


Samael would have to pass him to get to the shower room, accessed through the lounge. Candon leaned on the wall to the right of the entrance to the zero-g passageway waiting for the human to float to his level and enter. The opening was smaller than the wall it was a part of, a necessary design as it contained the door itself when the passage was open. In short it allowed the agent to remain perfectly out of view.

The young man's feet had barely touched the red carpeted floor before Suites stepped out of cover and pinned him to left wall using his right hand to hold him by his shirt collar. He used his natural ability to fly to keep himself grounded and immovable.

"We were at readiness condition three since we began our voyage to investigate a possible act of WAR. We were at WARTIME READINESS!" He yelled at Samael, pouring his rage into the young man. He raised his bruised, wounded left arm for Samael to look at. "You see this? I broke my arm and had to keep fighting ALONE! An hour ago my damned shoulder couldn't move, and I had NO HELP! She got hit with a missile-no, MANY missiles! During all of that where the hell were you?!!"

Aikiko stood there dumbfounded with a look of shock at the way Candon attacked Samael. She listened to the tirade and at least she now knew the source of her anmesia. She didnt know whether to intervene or watch. But dereliction of duty, even an idiot knew to be at their duty station. Her personal needs were forgotten as she watched and listened.

Sam just kinda hung there as someone seemed to be attacking him, not really caring whether he lived or died. However, when it became clear the dude was just yelling at him and not ending his miserable existance, he just became annoyed. "Well, I'm sorry I spent the last few hours locked in the Med Lab after being fucking hit by some exlplosion earlier. Maybe if locking up injured personnel in cages wasn't proper protocal for treating burn victims, I probably would have arrived at my station sooner, yes?"

"Sooner? We were on call, It was our shift since we took off," Candon released his grip on Samael's collar but didn't move, "We had only hours of transit time. You should have been in the armor bay preparing. And what were you doing in the engineering room, anyway?!" Suites' had found out his locations during the fight from MEGAMI upon his return, though he hadn't checked the security footage yet.

Aikiko watched a bit wide eyed "looks like I m gonna have to find my way, " Edging away from the two. "I will let ya deal with this." She made her escape, leaving the two behind to finish out their conversation.

Engineering room? Wasn't he outside the girls' locker room? Fuck Sam didn't even remember. So much happened after the explosion blew him away it was hard to remember details. And right now, he didn't really care. "I-I was taking a shortcut?" Just then, he noticed the pretty girl leaving and quickly tried to run after her. "Hey, wait for me!" This dude was giving him the creeps. Besides, the girl was looking to shower and it was his duty as an infantryman to properly escort her and keep watch over her as she showered. But this only infuriated Candon and burned off the last of his short, frayed fuse. As Samael tried to leave Candon shoved him back against the wall much harder than he did the first time. The idea of this man only wanting to get into his a Neko's pants had him ready to shoot the man, if given the chance.

"YOU'RE DONE HERE!!!" He roared, paused, then continued, "No, better. I'm giving you two options, kid. You can either pack your things and leave on the Vesper or get your act together. Keep in mind that if you stay I will personally force you to grow up and be a man." With that Candon turned on his heel and headed for the zero-g passageway to join the meeting.

"Choose wisely, boy."

YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

Candon tried to enter enter the meeting quietly But the floor shifted just as he stepped inside. The sudden leveling on the slanted floor he was becoming used to tripped him and his hands instinctively reached out to stop his fall. He stood back up, straightened the items on his belt and continued on his way back to the table, bowing to the captain as he came to stand at the far end of the table.

O.o wait, was that supposed to be kind of serious? Because the way Wes described it, I thought it was just the crew standing in formation for a sort of private, non-formal pep talk. I could go back and edit if need be.
Once Hanako dismissed everyone, they could do what they want, within reason, as long as it ends up with them getting on the ship.