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OOC Eucharis Discussion

The art is by an Indonesian artist named Marwan Islami. You can find his DeviantArt page here: http://aiyeahhs.deviantart.com/

This is only the WIP version; the final version is still being worked and and will be even more detailed.
Alright, I've devised a little and big subplot for my character that I'll need to run by Wes for approval but first I would like to see if there is any interest in joining a side mission. There will be some combat and corrupt forces along with some minor controversy. Because I I am morally obligated to play my character the way he is I should mention that this would be a great way to build a relationship with Candon, whether it's a good or bad one is totally open to the circumstances.

I'm just checking for interest right now, any takers?
Since things have been skewed a little toward higher-ranked discussion lately, I could be talked into something simple.
I might be willing to help Candon in some capacity with Umeshu but nothing too major as my time is constrained right now, hence why I saddled her with the paperwork, heh.
Well, nobody but Jax ever responded to my post about setting up medals earlier in the year. But, if anyone is interested now, don't forget to add your new Service medal and Combat Award that Hanako announced.


I believe everyone should qualify for an Exploration medal as well. Suites and Akiashiro probably got Tomoyo's Kikyo. I am not sure who all qualifies for the Capture medal...Suites definitely, but Mitsuko, Natsumi, Stark and Jackson were all involved and bringing the alien back. Probably Jackson and Stark at least, although I'd guess she'd get different medals.

I'm also thinking Mitsuko would wind up with a Combat Lifesaver.

We can also do a vote or at least suggestions for the Good Conduct, Happy Command and Morale medals. Wes would have to weigh in and approve all of this, of course.
Reactions: Wes
Sounds good to me, Reynolds. Also the reason I didn't promote Mitsuko is because she's only got one enlisted rank above her and she was already promoted in YE 37 once already.
Based on the following event I believe Candon deserves the morale award.

wait, was that supposed to be kind of serious? Because the way Wes described it, I thought it was just the crew standing in formation for a sort of private, non-formal pep talk. I could go back and edit if need be.
Once Hanako dismissed everyone, they could do what they want, within reason, as long as it ends up with them getting on the ship.
Sounds good to me, Reynolds. Also the reason I didn't promote Mitsuko is because she's only got one enlisted rank above her and she was already promoted in YE 37 once already.

Yeah, she doesn't have many places left to go, really.
I don't think I have the strength today to hunt down the 'don't repaint your armor' post by Wes and quote it again.
Reactions: Wes
Oh, I didn't know that but didn't Aikiko have some kind of pattern done on her previous armor?


I checked the uniform and appearance policy and didn't see anything stating that the armor can't be painted or altered.
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