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OOC Eucharis Discussion

That paint job is really cool @Zack. How did you had those stripes to the image?

Also, I've been super busy and won't be able to get a quality post up. Please, don't let me hold you guys up, I can catch up.
Same here. I'll be out for tonight. Lauren and I are visiting my mom-in-law house's because it's her dad's birthday. He passed away this year from cancer so this is the first one he's not around for. We plan to cook some steaks in his honor since one of his favorite things was grilling on the back porch.
I used gimp and traced over the original image using the lasso tool, filled in, then tweaked it with eraser and pencil.

I then used colorize to swap dark blues with lighter blues, then lowered saturation to make the armor look white.

I could make a tutorial if there is intrest.
Adding in some OOC information that may not be apparent from the post or character Bio.

Wazu's leg and many other parts were nearly blown off during the Street War campain on Nepleslia. The context is that he was sent to find the leader of the black syndacate and get rid of him. He found the leader of the syndacate and Admiral Davis dropped a bomb on him with less than a minute warning so Wazu wasn't able to get fully clear in time. He was put back together by the best medics the greens had at the time which probably weren't all that great compared to what they have now. He hasn't had it looked at in years and the SAoY might be able to fix a few things, but I figure at this point the majority of the pain is just in his head. Of course they could probably poke around in his head and fix things there too but he probably wouldn't go for that.

He walks with a bit of a limp in his left leg, but no longer needs/uses the cane. If you're watching you'd probably notice it otherwise he'd look normal. He's also wearing what he's wearing on his wiki page: tank top and pants, no uniform.
Meanwhile, Cherry is showing her side from the old YSS Sakura days!
Not to be picky, but when Hanako says to go to nearest edge of Yamatai system, does she mean Yamatai system(s) in general? I would think so, as we are starting at Hanako's Star and that would likely mean folding along the safe spacelane to Kazumi or the Samurai Sector, then proceeding to Higaflan?
Sorry, I thought I had fixed that. I meant to say the Hanako's Star system, since that's the one we're in.
I know its been so long, I'm still alive and well. I'm all set and ready to make a post. @Wes, I saw that the new Mindy has been fleshed out a little more. Is 4a going to be available for Candon or should I just mention technical difficulties?
Uh, it's not ready yet! I still have more work to do on it. When it's done, we can have a shipment arrive by logistics shuttle.
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