Star Army

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OOC Eucharis Discussion

They could check who's been in contact with Akemi, or if they don't have the means to do that, just who's been behaving suspiciously. Looking through everyone who's checked the roster of the Eucharis recently would probably be difficult, so I think they'd want to have another lead, first, before trying to find the leak.

Though it's not classified information, it's not public, either, if it's only available to members of the Star Army. Sharing gossip about the latest updates on crew rosters with someone not a member, especially someone who is working for an independent organization, does seem like a minor breach of the enlistment contract.
Yes. absolutely. This information is restricted to Star Army personnel. If Star Army Personnel give this military restricted information to civilians they have broken the law, and if it isn't breaking the law then tell me why civilians can't access this information. They cannot access it because it is restricted, the Restriction being we don't want random people, specifically enemies, knowing the operational details does any given ship. Look to militaries of the world, you won't find their rosters being handed out either.

Imagine if someone took the pilot or Gunnery officer's family and threatened them, do we want an enemy to be able to pressure our soldiers like that? Never.

Furthermore, this information is not regarding any random picket ship. It is a flagship, and yes there is an enormous difference of both military and political natures. This would be treated as a major security risk, this data would not be accessible by just any foot soldier, Supply coordinator, or any unrelated personnel.
You say that but I'm going to wait to see what Wes has to say. I think Gallant may have told us what ship he served on over Skype during his time in the military. I guess he should be in prison then. Should we report him? Would you report him? I don't see why you like my posts and then spring this on me.

I'll also refer you to what I edited into my previous post. Are you going to tell me soldiers/former soldiers can't talk about military operations they were in too? Wes told me my character could as long as they weren't classified.
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Old information usually isn't a problem, but up-to-date information can be very serious. The investigators also wouldn't know how much information Akemi was given unless they were able to investigate the leak successfully, so they wouldn't know how serious it was before making the effort, either. I think it's their job to err on the side of caution in these cases.
There is a difference between an individual sharing their own personal information and violating the privacy of others.

I thought this kind of stuff was just common sense, apparently we need a Wiki page about violating people's privacy
Heck I just asked Born on Board on Discord who served in the navy whether if telling a civilian which ship you serve on and the name of another person you serve with on it would be illegal and he said no that'd be stupid. Maybe he's giving me a lazy answer or he's being stupid. This amuses me.
That isn't really comparable to giving out the entire crew roster of another ship to someone who's interested in looking for young crew members they can stalk and send gifts to. You might get different answers if that's the question you ask them.
Again, the issue I see with allowing civilians access to a list of current crew is that an enemy can just as easily acquire that information and then use it against us. A fan site with a list of past crew would probably be fine but listing active crew puts them in danger.

I'm going to discuss this with @raz and see about making a wiki page on the topic of security clearance and protocols.
Like any job, if you do anything that reflects poorly upon your employer, you will probably end up looking for a new job. So making a sex tape or dignifying these kind of seedy messages with a response could easily ruin your military career, that's all I'm saying.
This is how the US Navy gets people in contact with active duty soldiers. It cannot be used by just anyone.

So with this in mind let us consider what is IC fact:
Sato Miria could definitely access this system to locate individuals, however she could theoretically pull strings to see a list of people being reassigned to Eucharis and put 2 and 2 together. She also appears to have the personality of someone who would get her old buddy in contact with the 'hotties'.

Candon, who was made aware of the situation when he returned from the voluntary rescue mission, did not make an issue of it when he was face to face with Akemi. If this would have still been a problem by that point he would have obviously made a point of it to Uso.

Candon is quick to resolve issues, it would be fair to assume that he has, through an investigator, tracked Miria and contacted her CO. At the same time it would also be fair to assume that in the time he was away these messages would have been sent and received at the least.

OOC fact:
This is already in motion, and stopping it would be not be in support of freeform RP. As that is the case, I too shall make use of this opportunity to RP his response pending the situations outcome.
I think this is a good opportunity to add some canonical guidance on soldier privacy/security on the wiki. We should have a thing on there that says what information is and is not available to people outside the military, for starters.
The "privacy act" is what keeps U.S. military members from being directly contacted, and having to go through intermediary services. Maybe we can introduce something similar in the Senate? Unless Yui can/would just make it a directive.
You know I have actually just mentioned the idea of clearance levels to raz to help players see the areas between top secret and public domain. I think I'll draft something up.
Clearances and secrecy levels already appear in RP, so codifying something wouldn't be bad. But I don't really see us ever putting them on wiki pages to let people know who they can't talk to, lol.
Like any job, if you do anything that reflects poorly upon your employer, you will probably end up looking for a new job. So making a sex tape or dignifying these kind of seedy messages with a response could easily ruin your military career, that's all I'm saying.

Just sayin', Shiho's only real responses to all this has been 'this sounds sketch, I'm reporting this to intelligence. But if you wanna give me free stuff, send me free stuff. I prefer money and stuff that'll help me kill Kuvexians.' Anything she does receive she's going to take to a science officer for scanning in case of poison/drugs/nanomachines, then report it in so she's not under suspicion of taking bribes.

I mean, there might be some missing crab crackers unaccounted for. That's about it.

It's really more a problem for 188604 since a big chunk of their operation is probably about to get a SAINT probe because of Akemi's dick pics.
Alls I gotta ask is if you wanna do what you're doin' when Lamb isn't even here to play Miria anymore and I just asked him on Discord if his character would do mine this favor. She's a ditsy goody two-shoes super friendly moeblob who dated and got intimate with Akemi during their time together in Task Force Lantern. Unless you find someone to RP her I guess you'd end up RPing the cop and the perp and throwing the book at yourself.

If the people Akemi contacted are gonna get in trouble I hope their players have fun with the consequences I entirely didn't intend which you would be initiating. Is Candon gonna get them kicked off the Eucharis or be even "creepier" than Akemi by lording his dirt on them over them? If he's gonna do the latter I guess he and Akemi have something in common.

I also gotta say Akemi isn't just some random weirdo. He served for 3+ years in Yamatai's military, got promoted a rank above this SAINT officer, got shot plenty, and helped prevent the possibility of a war against the Iroma over false pretenses. He did serve in the Lorath military for a short time during the DATASS treaty in a plot about troops from each faction being able to intermingle and do joint missions/exploration.

I also also gotta say I don't find him all that creepy when I imagine Yamatai is a free love society based on its acceptance of public nudity and sexual acts. We've seen future sci-fi shows where people in togas walk up to each other, say hello and ask about copulation before even knowing each other's names. I don't think saying someone could make a mint starring in porn is something awful when this is presumably the far future and we see how people have gone from being called prostitutes to sex workers. I'd personally have a hard time not smiling and would likely be as giddy as a schoolgirl if someone said I could do well as a pornstar.

I'm not trying to cause a million page discussion on the last two things, I'm just laying out my rationale for not thinking Akemi is all that creepy.
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I mean, the context of replies so far has been Shiho's poor and blatant attempt at conning free stuff out of Akemi, and Tsuguka leaving a paper trail about her doing this expressly to try and impress SAINT by rooting out an intelligence leak on her own free time.

Chances are that if Miria is being brought in to this at all, it would just be as a side mention that she's in a military prison now. If not, I guess since it's a 188604 thing I'd be in position as GM there to adopt her as NPC for a brief period to play out someone coming after her for the intel leak?
Candon doesn't want to ruin careers or anything. In fact he's trying to get Tsuguka to a point where she's completely in command of the infantry, capable of independent thought with good judgement. This could be a good RP opportunity, if she is makes an unwise decision it'll be a learning experience, but a Eucharis crew porno may very well be a fall Hanako will not permit her to recover from.

Again, Candon's actions will be 100% dependent on what actually happens. like I said this is happening while he's on a rescue mission.