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OOC Eucharis Discussion

The thought of 'Candon being creepier than Akemi' being something he has in common with Akemi is funny. If Candon were to abuse his position for blackmail, that would be a problem, but doing his job isn't 'lording it over' anyone. I don't think anyone on the crew has done or said anything in regards to Akemi that threatens the Star Army's reputation yet, though it's a serious possibility.

Even without them agreeing to make a porno or whatever, I can easily see Akemi leading them into a situation where all they can say is 'it's not what it looks like!', either intentionally (without really understanding the consequences) or by accident, especially if he's been open with others about what he's doing. I offered to have Tan accompany the others to 188604 as chaperone, partly for that reason. Mostly because I haven't done anything yet, and it's a good chance to RP Tan doing a little more 'field agent' stuff before she settles into being the ship's medic.

I expected Miria to be interrogated off-screen, with us only finding out the result later. Imprisonment seems a bit much, it's not a major leak. A letter of censure, revoked privileges, or a training course is what I'd guess, maybe a demotion if it would reduce her level of responsibility and access to records, it still seems a bit much to me if it's just as a punishment. I don't know how seriously the Star Army would take her association with Akemi, since I don't know how seriously they take Akemi, himself.
Okay, I'm working on the text of the orders threads and should be able to get them posted within the next day or two. I'm sorry it's taking so long to get everything compiled. Thankfully Rizzo, Gunsight, and especially HotelKilo have been huge helpers making and tracking promotion recommendations so all I really have to do at this point is assemble the orders texts and plug them in an RP post.
I'd have thought there'd be a Tomoyo's Kikyo award somewhere in there for Ametheliana's Masumi who got so wounded that it got immortalised in art form.
It was done as my prize for the thread necromancy event during halloween times. I guess neither Wes nor I posted it, though I think I can safely say we both like it quite a bit.
Go ahead and edit the Tomoyo Kikyo in please @HotelKilo

Everyone: Make sure your ranks and awards get updated on your character bios and also on the Eucharis crew roster/personnel page. Thanks!
I edited in the awards and Junko's new rank.

I still need to update Junko's page a bit.

Might need some formatting help? Awards didn't come out looking how I wanted.
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