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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I guess that all makes sense. I'm just going to continue going along with Nashoba as that seems to be the easiest and most logical solution. Not that it truly matters anymore since the enemies in question are no longer on the ship and bickering about the route taken won't actually change anything that makes a real difference.
Well, they couldn't stick around once they found out Ramiro was on the ship. *wink*
I'm actually surprised none of the intruders have run into Takeyu and tried to take his head off. Considering he's in the cargobay trying to restore power and control (which, from what I've learned from watching sci-fi shows, it isn't always an easy task of doing so)
Please do not use "Mindy's" for the plural of "Mindy." Apostrophes are never used for plurals. The correct term is "Mindy armors," "armor suits," or "Mindy suits." I'm not sure if "Mindies" or "Mindys" would be more appropriate though. Just "armor" works too, both as a singular or plural.

Edit: Whoa, I rolled a D100 to see what percentage of the VIPs made it and I got a 100. Thus, the miracle.
My pad for Mindy's but I was running a fever of 101 at the time.

VIP's or Designers? Last I knew Bravo team hadn't brought any VIP's, so I think they would be the two designers, unless the sneaky VIP's teleported onto the ship rather than wait for Bravo team.
The two designers are VIPs in their own right.

But yes, I meant the two designers.
There is something I noticed a few days ago that I am now just bring up. You mentioned in one mod post that Mikael was assigned a Mindy. But he is way to big and requires a Daisy (can't believe I am saying that, lol) suit. Was it just a mistake or does he have no suit of his own for the moment?
We don't have any Daisy armors aboard, so unless he brought his own, he doesn't have one. I don't think he could pilot one anyway as a human.
I assumed one would have been transferred when he came on board.
Hey. Sorry Konoka hasn't been around so much. I just got back from a long out-of-state trip for my parent's silver anniversary. We had to leave hours before dawn, and, unbeknownst to me, my parents had already shut the computer down and were completely against any use of it. I'm back now, but Nika and Ramiro left the medbay before she could get anything done. So....should I just post her waking up and going to Charisma for orders or telepathing the Taisa or something, or is there something Konoka should be doing right now?
Well there are still walking wounded, I would say report to the Taisa telepathically, and once the ship is secure, she can start fixing the crispy people.
I would have her track down Nika and Ramiro if possible and treat their burns.
Just a quick note to Kyle:

I'm a bit stuck at the moment. In my post, I had Kumiko trying to contact Takeyu, but you didn't respond. If you could, I'd appreciate it, since I cornered myself without a response from you.
Sorry about that Aendri! I didn't even notice your post until you told me about it

I'll go make a post right now, again, very very sorry
Don't worry about it. I figured you'd missed it, and just didn't even think of mentioning it until now. It's fine.
Since Hanako already knows that the teleporters are gone along with the Golden Apple should I even bother rping discovering that they're missing or just head back up to the 'bridge'
Why not both? I would have him confirm that the units are missing, then join Hanako for ship piloting action. Hopefully we don't get blown up by the NMX.
The Main Sensor Dish, how does one enter it? I assume a hatch, or door, (since I believe that protruding bolbius section on the Eucharis's is the main sensor dish)

I'm already aware that the dish was completely destroyed (melted inside according to your post Wes) so I already know that it'll be impossible to repair it, let alone perhaps getting inside of it.

I haven't found any information about a blast shutter being in that area, would there be one? And active due to the loss of the dish?
The Main Sensor Dish, how does one enter it? I assume a hatch, or door, (since I believe that protruding bolbius section on the Eucharis's is the main sensor dish)
According to the ship's stats page, there is "A very short vertical access way from engineering to sensor area on Deck 6." There's probably also a hatch at the bottom of the main passageway from deck six that leads to the short maintenance tunnel. There is no blast shutter (too small of an area).

The entrance to the actual sensor dome is a round hatch. On the other side there will of course be vacuum and hundreds of melted sensors. The only expert on the Eucharis' sensors is Blueberry, but she's dead until someone revives her.
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