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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Actually, Saigas reaction was swift and dutiful. Natsumi countermanning was typical. Charging in head first and well getting jumped as it happens is something marines despise. Usually we stack up and try to mark targets
The sergeant however should be cracking the skulls. The officer shouldn't even have to say anything.
A good NCO is the real power and the real terror of infantry. It's possibly the hardest job in the military
But the truth is you follow your orders even the ones you dislike. Not following orders---in battle is quite a problem.

In this case Candon opening the hatch is at best a fussing, maybe some docked pay.

Out right saying "no" undermines authority and can cause mutiny and a break down of the team.

In some cases you can be shot for it m. Which possibly has happened irl
Ira, can you condense all these into one post? Or maybe use the chat function? Theirs no need to spam with several posts that are so short and immediately after the other.

Also, you seem to be missing some of the point. We're a space military RP, yes, but not all of us are soldiers. I've even had chunks of this discussion, and the response has generally been that if we acted like a true military all the time, their wouldn't be any room for us to actually play.
I'm not sure I should say anything OOC when I can save it for the debriefing, but... I'm just gonna say the criticism Tan would give here is something no one else has brought up yet. So I think we should save all this for the debriefing, because we're not going to be able to cover everything OOC (even if that was a good idea.)
I could help icly. It's nbd and running combat training can. Be fun. Post mission we could do a training war game or something
The issueβ€”not that there is an issue, tbhβ€”isn't that they don't know. All of the characters likely know how things "should be" and are highly trained individuals. The discrepancy between knowledge and what comes out is that we're RPing.

Everyone's just trying to have some funzies, as Stylus' post suggested, and kill the Evil Robots. In the past, I've found disappointment at the lax chain-of-command on Star Army ships. But it's also important to realize that, especially on a populous plot like the Eucharis, some Neko just want to "rip and tear" or fire their auto grenade launcher at a bunch of mooks.

We do plenty of bowing and saluting on the ship, right? I personally love that stuff, but gotta have something for everyone :>

Just some thoughts, buds.
This isn't an MMORPG, plots don't need that much 'multiple demographic appeal'. It makes sense to me for each ship to have its own culture and SOPs. We just need to know what those are, so we can RP accordingly. At least in my opinion, it's no fun to RP without knowing what to write.
It's not so much the bowing and saluting. It's the "we are the best talk" and several not so the best things have occurred that suggests other wise.

And I mean spot on isn't what I'm saying. And I totally get the lack of clarity, I'm talking about the insubordination. The blame being tossed--an officer would see it is his fault---not shift blame.

As well as disrespecting the commanding officer.

All I am saying is if you are trying to tout SOFT as being all pro, they have dropped the ball. If this were irl the mission would have been aborted
I mean, it's a roleplay so "lol u guys dropped tha ball" not really a call or observation that you can accurately make.

While I'm sure our continuing efforts to solve the current problem will have an impact on the course of the mission, the GM posts so far (Victory docking based on where Hanako told her to, a robot being on the other side of the hatch, and the door closing up) would have happened even if we'd posted different things. More of our characters might be inside the station if different choices had been made, but it's safe to say we're currently taking part in the setup for the mission's main action.

tl;dr: Everyone's still a catgirl supersoldier who knows what they're doing, we're just reacting to the crazy situation Wes is providing.
Unfortunately I am mobile so my poss are annoyingly short. I apologize.

And trust me I get it, not everybody was a soldier, and yea it isn't much of an rp of all it is is sir sandwiches and "dagone" being said.

I'm just saying if you guys want to be the best portray that in the combat portion I'm here.

I also thing if a fight is occurring we should stick to posting order for actions.
You haven't offended me at all. All I'm saying is that nobody's portrayal of an uchuugun hohei seems like it needs to be adjusted, and think that point was well made so don't really have more to say on the topic.

People are posting for their characters in a way that brings them enjoyment. I think we'll probably accomplish the mission if we keep that up :>
Hey that's on you,

But if you want to say it's operating like the USMC to a dud who did marine and say "as hahahahah don't care" well that's fine.

All I'm saying is working together for the best and such.
@Ira You're missing what is being said. This isn't a hard space sci-fi. We're an anime sci-fi thing.

Yes, the temporary dysfunction was Not Good. It will be addressed. No one was, as a player, objectively wrong. Snarking from the sidelines, however, does not help as you are doing it. If anything, it only adds to any negativity and volume.

Yes, you were USMC, but not everyone is. Expecting that to be the case would really mean that in combat, only Tsuguka or Natsumi could post, using Junko or Masumi like puppets.

We can only be reasonably expected to get this right to such an extent.
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