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OOC Eucharis Discussion


Okay, she did lower her rifle though? I don't see what your upset about. I dropped the camo because it was pointless, and having a persistantly invisible Yam might have made them antsy. She lowered her rifle and went over near to Natsumi. It was sort of in response to both Natsu and Tsuguka, and I didn't want to bog down the writing by getting unnecessarily wordy. She had it aimed in the first place because she thought Natsumi was going to get a hole in her chest.

She -did- obey that order.

Junko's outline solidified as she dropped the active camouflage about as the mist came out. ASBR aimed right for the lead bug's head

and you think this might not have caused us trouble? what part of Natsumi's orders to not make any hostile move does decloaking with your gun pointed at their head fall under? Even if it was lowered after, if Wes had seen fit, the rixxicore could have taken that as an excuse to open fire. Natsumi gave express orders, they were not followed to the T. Junko put the entire away team in jeopardy.

Dude, I was posting with several posts to account for. She had it up because she'd just gotten the order. When she did, and Tsuguka's pep talk, she did lower it.

Also I should point out they don't need to have an excuse.

Like, I know Natsumi is all about Rules. We're a space military RP, I expect that to some degree. At this point your splitting hairs, though, and coming off as unnecessarily hostile. It puts a very negative pall on the rest of us trying to have fun.
I think you're taking this all a bit personally when there is no need to over rp events.

This is not splitting hares. This is a military rp and the characters should act accordingly for being trained military personnel and expect them to be reprimanded in rp when they do not act so. I am not going to change how I play my character because you don't like it.

And you know the situation would have been entirely different if Junko had lowered her weapon, THEN decloaked,, rather than waiting till after she was making a visible threat to lower it.
I'm not asking you to change how you play your character.

Just, ya know, chill a little?

Because I posted with full intent to obey that order. I didn't intend to go against it at all, in or out of character. I didn't know you'd be this particular in regards to the order of events. If it was such a sticking point, you could have said something constructive out of character, maybe? Just a small "Hey, it'd work better if you changed the order because reasons" or something?

We're here to play this game and have fun. Having someone stomp over and bitch you out isn't fun. Its not "taking things a bit personally" to think "Wow, this takes me completely out of the RP and playing my character."
It sounds like Natsumi just needs to give clearer instructions...more time leading = less time berating.

I mean, the Rixxikor sometimes get used as lackeys of the Kuvexians, we've fought them in the past, etc. They're not exactly an enemy military but some of the crew view pointing guns at questionably hostile people's faces is standard operating procedure at this point.

So maybe instead of "don't provoke them" about about saying "Don't point rifles at them." That would be more clear. And instead of "you're disobeying me etc etc" say "Hey, put that rifle down and let them see you do it." If they're following orders badly give them better orders. And the time for punishments is probably not in the middle of the mission, I'm just saying. OOC motivations aside, think of what that does to morale IC.

@Mad_Stylus : Embrace the suck - having leaders you don't like is all part of the military experience. Maybe some internal conflict in the crew will create interesting RP. Now your character has a reason to dislike Natsumi, which is a problem that can be dealt with or solved in various ways.
I dunno, they're Rix. They might feel more threatened if you turn your back on them than if you point a gun at them. Consider certain non-human primates, where smiling and eye contact are seen as the opposite of friendly. Not provoking aliens is hard work.
I'm not saying the gun pointing thing isn't valid criticism.

The problem I have is that the response seems designed to be excessive, rude and unpleasant. Especially since no one, including the narrator, had any problem whatsoever with that post.

I've had fun with my characters being antagonistic to another. Had running rivalries that lasted a long time. This is not congruent.
Why is this turning into an ic grudge?

Honestly I like the friction in the RP. Hey I feel Junko shoots the rixxihor it would be amaze. But there'd be consequences. I daybreak settle it icly
Its... not? I don't -want- it to be. But this latest instance is just so absurdly anal and fun-killing, I have to say something. Because if this kept continuing, I may as well not play on SARP. Because this is a game, and games are meant to be played to have fun.
I'd just like to take a moment to thank Wes for his IC post that moved us past chain-of-command conflicts and refocused us on what this RP is really about: Rixxikor poop.
It's a dirty job...
Reactions: raz
If you're feeling claustrophobic it might happen.

But you'll have to face Natsumi's Wrathβ„’ >:3!!!!!
With the Heirophant metagaming its way into the station without a GM post, this RP has officially jumped the shark.

Please don't kill my character before he can go back to the wider setting in peace.
Actually we were moving out of the mission. It happened, I'm fine with it. But mission is yours, kill em all tiger!
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@ArsenicJohn, I'm pretty sure the mission was aborted because Natsumi jumped into the line of fire and was hit by a friendly, not due to anything pertaining to the mission objectives. We'll probably find out soon, unless the abort gets aborted for some reason.
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