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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Lol. This can still happen. Probably not in the field though.

Perhaps they're all gearing up with these medieval smashy things and Candon will enter and be like, "dude, just bring a pistol."
She specifically said to bring a small firearm as well.

The hammers and stuff are actually for breaking the terrain, partially, too; Most of the team already have knives and beam sabers. Tsuguka wants a low-tech, low key solution for busting open doors and things. Like breaking down a shuttle door without killing the pilot, opening up an enemy robot without toasting the insides, e.t.c...

Small arms are for avoiding future friendly fire, not just from Freyja-type incidents, but from stuff like her own grenade launchers too (that's what the armor pistols on her shoulders were for). Heck knows how they haven't managed to destroy a ship from the inside in the past...

The flag...


That's just Tsuguka being as Yamatai as possible.
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The issue with the cockpit 'glass' was that Tan thought it would be as easy to destroy as in a civilian vehicle, so that her weapon would have shot through it and into space without any problem. It was really made of advanced meta-materials that don't melt until they're over five thousand degrees or something, and disperse heat very well, so the radiation that was reflected or absorbed and scattered back, even in a split second, was enough to kill Victory, who was unarmoured and less than two meters away.

So... if Tan had an axe or a hammer, she would have charged up, swung it at the 'glass', had it bounce back in her face, or get stuck, and while no one would have been injured by that, they'd both have crashed into the planet at a few hundred miles an hour, and been badly injured or died (since the only reason Victory survived the crash in the alternate timeline where Tan didn't try to rescue her first was because she was securely buckled in. ...that, and Nekos are really good at surviving crashes.)

I don't think there was any way to 'just' break through the cockpit, it was way too durable. Now that Tan knows that, she knows that she should have risked injuring Victory by carrying her out the back of the shuttle, instead of trying to save trouble by going through the window. A weapon that's absurdly sharp might have done the job, though.

(Also, you mean using the flagpole as a martial arts weapon?)
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Sorry if it came across like I was being passive aggressive or anything. You don't have to abide by Tsuguka's weird scheme, if you really don't want to. Nobody does.

It's just something I thought would be fun for the characters to bond over. Perhaps instill a little bit of pride back into them, at the very least. Show those bugs that they aren't just a bunch of high-tech useless dopes.

That said, the oni is kind of a big dummie, who only thinks in terms of being a soldier. It would be a bit out of character, for me to have her suggest a really technologically finessed laser cutter, or something. The power armor assisted strength and genetically engineered bodies should give a little more heft to blunt weapons in principle, but I'm not going to pretend like there probably aren't better ways of doing this...

It's just kind of her job, and giving you guys a new modus operandi without telling you off, or being professionally specific to the point where I'm gonna have to tell you off more, well... It's really hard. :/

...And nope, the flag was just for acting like a standard bearer.
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I couldn't tell what it was meant for at first, and then I just noticed the examples you gave, haha. I'm not complaining about the suggestion OOC, the only thing I had to say on that was the 'don't these suits already have options for this?' Apparently the answer to that is 'not really'.

In-character, though, Tan's definitely going to have complaints (though she wouldn't think of any high-tech solutions, either--which you'll see when we get to her list of alternatives.)

As far as less-lethal weapons goes, though, I have no idea what would be appropriate to use on Rixx. Goo rounds? I guess?
Very few things are going to stop incidents like with Freyja and Natsumi because Natsumi willingly jumped into the line of fire. Lowering our damage output is more likely to be a problem when we need to hit an armored target, I'd think? Blunt instruments aren't going to be much a step up from us just punching the problem, I'd think? It'd hurt more to light targets, but not so much to justify swapping out for something we could use in other circumstances.

A side-post about the squad having a big ol training session would be amazing though.
Reactions: raz
Me trying to figure out what Masumi is thinking about at any given moment:
Please don't use the expression "shit-eating grin" in my RP threads or I will assume your character is on the Rixxikor meal plan.
Sorry, I'll edit.
Haha, I didn't know anyone wanted to talk at dinner.

Also, wow, multiple 40mm grenades to immobilize one target? That seems like a lot!
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