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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I was just posting a funny meme. The humorless antagonistic reply from Ira was really par for the course, though.
My face when people post reactions to try to prime responses from others, and then passive-aggressively snipe at each other... sigh.

Sighing is not a face, and I don't care.

Anyway, more relevant to what this OOC thread is for, I have no idea where or what I should be posting now, and lost the thread after the briefing ended. I guess I just have Tan barge into the thread that's already set in the medical center and leave the current one for now? Or I can have her reply to Bronzi, who's still at dinner, because he's in the other thread and if he's not in both places at once, then that means Tan can be in both places, too, because it just means he's not there yet. ...maybe.

I feel like we need a clerk just to keep track of what's going on.
What you did make me laugh. I'm guess I was surprised you didn't see the wisdom is all, sorry
The other thread is like a little bit later
@Rizzo I'm cool with that. This is probly as close as riflecats get to proper slumber parties or something.

Also, just to clarify because i'm dumb - The claw gauntlets would be attached to the forearm by default, yes? Semi-permanently?

Also also, I'm getting some confusion on wether a stock NH-33 could use panoramic vision?
Yes, a stock NH-33 can use the Mindy's skin vision.

I don't know what you mean by claw gauntlets.
The new weapon type we're developing. Its a gauntlet which would be worn over the Mindy's forearm, holding two plasma sabers in a rough "claw" configuration. This should allow an operator to just drop their handhelds and immediately stab without having to take the moment to draw the weapon or plug it in. On second read, it sounds like they'd be fitted/bolted into place over the existing gauntlet by default.

also relevant:

Also, just to clarify because i'm dumb - The claw gauntlets would be attached to the forearm by default, yes? Semi-permanently?
The sabers are permanently attached to the bracketry that holds them. The whole assembly mounts onto the forearm with bolts. The current idea is not something that you can remove and attach at will. You will need tools to remove and attach it.

Also also, I'm getting some confusion on wether a stock NH-33 could use panoramic vision?
The problem lies with focus. Imagine being able to see every single direction all at the same time. Your attention span is still only so great. You're bound to miss details, especially when the cameras you're looking through are constantly in motion.

OR you can close your eyes and use the PAs top tier sensor system to map the space around you. Now you have beyond panoramic vision. You can literally see everything your armor can. You can tell when that pesky machine gunner is about to overheat his weapon, you can aim and hit a guy that's behind cover, you can navigate in zero visibility conditions and NEVER have to "switch to (appropriate) imaging". All the while you can still read signs and tell color because the volumetric system is also part of the sensor system. It would be like seeing in 4 dimensions.
Anything related to a Neko's digital mind I've generally found useful to treat more like how psychic powers are normally handled; Panoramic vision is accessed in a way that doesn't interfere with the regular visual process, because it's basically a different sense entirely, with its own separate 'brain software' that deals with it... Much like vision and hearing, though, I suppose this would mean some Neko are simply better at using it that others are, possibly depending on practice.

As for wrist blades; Why not just use Molecure tape to test it out? It's what Tugboat uses to affix those extra armor plates, without having to deal with a mountain of engineering paperwork. ;I
Photonics Array

The Mindy 4 has a powerful photonics array that can project light in the form of holograpics, volumetrics, and solid volumetrics up to two meters away. This system can be used for optical camouflage and also to create disguises, tools, and protective barriers. When powered, the photonics array is visible as teal lights on the armor's neck, back, and abdomen.

Note: Photonic armor and the combined field system cannot be used at the same time, as the CFS will destabilize the photonic projections.
@FrostJaeger if those are compatible with the new Mindy, maybe they are better weapons.
Buuuuut Junko asked for claws

Also, I'm not sure how a pair of plasma sabers would have any trouble interacting with the photonic system.
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