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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Well, by "the same role", I was talking about it being a Spandau equivalent / bullet hose.

Considering we tend to be indoors most of the time, yeah, who needs accuracy?... Probably still a good idea to keep both hands on the gun until the ride is over, though.
Railguns work by firing a dart at supersonic speeds. So, there's two ways to fire one silently. Remove the air, or remove the dart. If it doesn't shoot a physical object, or if it does, but it doesn't pass through anything, there won't be a sonic boom. I think removing the air is more practical of the two, though it's not very stealthy if anyone else nearby is going to notice the air missing, so in that case you'll want to figure out how to make it so the gun still works as a weapon even when it's not firing a projectile.
Railguns work through passing a charge between two rails. They don't have to fire a dart at supersonic speeds.

Just set your railgun to fire at less than the speed of sound and the weapon is effectively silent save for the sound of metal on metal as the round slides down the rails.
True, but I'm not sure that would be up to scratch in terms of damage, Zack...

As for you, Navian, you did raise a couple of interesting points too.

Namely, would the Rixxikor be particularly concerned if there was a sudden air leak? Their ships are complete trash piles, and removing the atmosphere from a section also has the added bonus of silent/non-explosive teleportation. The Eucharis crew would probably need better knowledge of the interior to really capitalize off of this, avoiding any repair teams that come to have a look, but it's worth keeping in mind for smash-and-grabs of the future.
you know something, I didn't even think about it but the aether/scalar SMG is pretty much the same thing as the Gatling. It would make more sense to just use that.
Since Gunsight's character Natsumi was busy healing, Hanako put Raz's spy guy Nicholas Saiga in charge of the next away mission attempt.
Just assume we're on the away team then? Where should we be, in the armory, the shuttle bay or maybe the shuttle itself?
I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it until now; how flexible is the Mindy 4? The waist looks like it's a solid, immobile section. If it's performing in space-flight only, that makes sense, but ground action could get a bit awkward.
The M2-4 is a yarvex chainmail suit with zesu plates over it. Thus, it's pretty flexible.
I understand that, but looking at the arrangement of the plates themselves, and the ones over the waist in particular, those ones seem to be solid. I don't see any joints or anything like that at all.
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