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OOC Eucharis Discussion

So it's only as damaging as the shape it takes and the force driving it. I can do that.
About how durable is it? Is there a metal it can compare to?
Since it's a volumetric projection, I assume it's self-regenerating. It can be broken, but if I had to guess, it likely draws off the same resources as the photonic armor system, so you have a lot to work with. Whether or not it can be broken and very quickly regen, or not get broken at all until its energy is sufficiently drained though, I've got no clue. That would be up to Wes I think.

I personally prefer having it break much earlier than its energy storage running out and regenerating really quick since it looks cooler.
I prefer sonic screwdrivers.

In any case I'll be posting tomorrow. Been having power and internet issues.
It might get contentious, but my realistic worst case scenario involves getting drunk and curling up in their respective favorite laps for validation and comfort.

I'm assuming that while Hanako is the ultimate authority, the plan is to listen to Saiga and Takumi first, as described in the initial plan for this mission?
Considering Hanako can give orders no matter where they are, yeah, that's what I would figure.

As for Tsuguka and Junko... I do wonder how it would go myself, considering short stuff is the more aggressive, but boats is the more zealous/nationalistic...
You know, I keep slipping that Junko is short even by the standards of other Neko.


Thats Junko vs Freyja, roughly. She probably has to get on her tip-toes, or use her gravity organ, to kiss her.

Now I'm just imagining Junko indignant over being called short, only for a recently matured Fumiko to show up already towering over her.

I feel like the main division would fall on an axis of aggression versus defense and notions of individual worth and humanity.
To be honest, Junko is still within the standardized height range for a Neko. She's just 5 feet, while Hanako herself is only 5'1" IIRC. If anything, Freyja is actually out of spec, being an inch too tall. : P
IIRC Tsuguka is even taller, by an inch? Then theirs the 33A, which averages higher. Though that could be a joke that the Eucharis is stockpiling all of the tol in the SAoY.

Also I'm now imagining Freyja literally just walking past and plucking Junko up.
There was an intentional thing of Tugboat gettin some of the infantry blood... But when it gets really weird is when you realize the "cute blonde engineer boy" Jax is taller than either her or Candon.
How do you mean getting some infantry blood?

She probably has a lot more bulk than he does, considering she's a superhuman soldier muscle nerd.
Not like its cannon or anything, but I always figured there is some 33a in there somewhere, like y'all brought up.

Hey, it's not too late for them all to turn into TEAM HUGE, though, either.
I always did think someone spiked Tsuguka's vat when they made her.

Also, that reminds me I've wondered if Junko could request to transfer to an Eihei body type on her next body death. Maybe get a few inches as part of the package.
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