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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Heads up, I've had too much to drink tonight. Wasn't planned, it happens to me on occasion. My last post was heavily influenced by Johnnie Walker so if it is bad I'll accept the consequences and just blame it on a good story... I think a 'thumbs up' emoji would look good here.
I had to retcon out Junko's forearms because of several issues that came up that made no sense for Junko to do so in the first place, not to mention that I'm now under the impression that they wouldn't even be compatible with the Mindy 4 despite being listed on the accessories page.

I'd appreciate if this particular dead horse stopped being beaten.
Oh yeah, you see Candon is an idiot and mods his armor in sneaky ways. So he thought it would be a good idea to be like the Nepleslians and put a drug injector in his armor. @Gunsight1 was GMing IIRC. He was solo, pursuing a Kuvexian pilot and the pilot tossed a grenade. Long story short, his reactor was overheating and he used the injector to numb the pain as he continued the pursuit.

He caught the pilot but the amount of painkiller needed to affect a SAINT is absurd so he borderline OD'd on painkillers. Minutes later he 'ejected' from his M2-2d while in flight and fell from the sky to the ground, landed flat on his back, tried to stand, failed and had a hallucination of his worst qualities embodied in one personage the looked like himself. It made no real impact on the story but serves as a reminder that crack kills.

As far as junk goes, DAMN! I don't know what to do with myself now. I LOVE beating dead horses!

And also, ret-conning is uncool dude! I have a perfect reason why it makes sense that Junko would retrofit the M2-2d forearm weapons into her M2-4. She works with Candon who consistently breaks Da Rulez! Candon is a bad influence, you could just blame him! He deserves it, he really does.

ALSO: worst part is that he would secretly be proud!
Except that at step one, she would have stopped herself before going to step two, but these were not clearly stated on the wiki. So it makes no sense for her to do the things she would have needed for an armor mod that wouldn't have even worked, installing it in a way she wouldn't have even thought to do.
I'm here for this.

Nah, you didn't miss anything! I was just poking fun at the fact that sometimes plots will get all messed up because people will skip over new posts.
@Wes @Ametheliana Tagging you to make sure my math/judgements are correct. Some things I had to make assumptions on.

3k KS for character creation.

I’m getting the pay scales off the wiki, but its noted it got rounded up when we swapped to a nine-month calendar. Per-month pay likely lower, unknown what. I’m going with these numbers for the moment, but can plug in new numbers with updated information.

Junko approved 5/27/16, assuming this as the day to begin with. Assuming pay collected at first of month, unsure what to do with the last of May. Going to begin 6/1/2016 as compromise. Promoted to Nito Hei on 12/1/16, assuming the pay of that month reflects given the timing.

6/1/16 to 11/1/16 is 5 months, 5x2000 = 10,000

Nito Hei for YE 38 is only 2350

Totals 12,350 for YE 38

Current date is 8/25/17, translates to Rokugatsu, 6 months into YE 39.

6x2350= 14,100 KS thus far for YE 39

Total 3,000+12,350+14,100 = 29,450 KS earned.
Now to just figure out how to represent that on the wiki without it being an eyesore. I can easily see accounting for all that to eclipse any other section of the character page, especially as service continues.
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