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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I feel like I should have gone further with that post, but I couldn't find any description of just how powerful the Mindy's strength augmentation is... and I'm not sure how strong the walls are to within an order of magnitude, anyway!
I'm sorry for the slow rate of posting, there's been a lot of distractions lately (read: other SARP stuff requiring my attention) but I am planning on making posting afternoon. I also will have more free time this week.

I was wondering, do you guys want to do a sort of "dungeon crawl" in the machine planet? I have a map already.

Is everyone in besides Freyja?
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Okay. Sorry for posting slowly.
Candon is still outside, I figured we couldn't all fit into the hole at once and Team Brozu would need some cover. If it became too hot in his location he would just teleport underground and regroup with the team, but he's a pro armed with the finest sensory equipment on his armor so dodging incoming fire would give him some time.
I can edit if the timer still is ticking, I didn't know if you were going to post or not which is a mistake on my part.
(Double post, I know)

And I have committed the sin of not reading and editing without checking. I'll re-edit again to put it back. Apologies to all.
S'all good Ham.

Masumi is just kinda there in my post >.<
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