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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Here's a map. Sorry, it's a bit on the rough side, but I'm working off of powerpoint here.


  • Presentation1.webp
    78.1 KB · Views: 81
I'm considering bringing in a returning player as a cadet so he can fill our First Officer slot. Is this okay with you guys? Please let me know.

Details here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5133&p=74918#p74918
I have nothing against it really, but I think there are already characters on board who have shown themselves as a good candidate, and I feel that it would just be unfair to the players who are around and advancing to get skipped over like that.
Thinking about it, Aendri has a point to be honest. I've read a bit of the past history on the Eucharis, and I do see the potential in other characters in the RP who have the ability to be great first officers, bumping someone who hasn't been around in awhile to first officer straight away is kind of an insult to the characters who have bene here awhile and have been active more.
The thing is that none of the PCs on the Eucharis are in range of being an officer except for Sune, and because the XO slot is kind of a training ground for game masters I'm not sure I should put Brian in there because he's already a well-proven GM.

I do agree that it should be fair, though. The only reason I came up with the cadet idea is because it's not his first PC, and because we don't have any officers right now.
I am pleased to report that the Eucharis' plot audit score is 97.5 (A) for this cycle. We almost made S but I haven't gotten around to posting medals and orders updates for Mission 8, and I haven't been advertising the plot because I want to finish up this mission first.

I have put up a poll for our next mission. Please vote!
I've been holding posts for Hanako waiting for the team to get where it's going so we don't have any post collisions, so don't wait on me. Brian is being my Co-GM for the main team.
Regarding the XO question, sorry everyone! I imagine I must look pretty iffy from where you're standing. In my defence, I didn't realise that it was a GM-training role. I'm more than happy to fill in the open starship operator slot, and hope to post with you all soon.
Gah! I apologises for the slow posting due to real life issues.

Let me get some rest and I'll reply back within 7-8 hours.
On the YSS Frederick.

Wes said he'd try to give them more visibility. I'm glad to see a follow up on that.
Please note that non-player characters are played by the Game Master (me).
Three posts later, and my post is actually POSTED this time... :?

I swear, I will never understand why sometimes when I make a post, it says the post was made yet the post isn't there (I know it wasn't deleted, as the thread itself doesn't say that I made a post)

Hopefully this time I didn't overstep my bounds (I think I did before in a post or two previously, sorry about that)
If you want to have your character order anything (from the Public Communications Network, for example) please do it now so we can say it is part of the shipment coming aboard the YSS Frederick, which will will mee with soon.
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