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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Well I guess its a good thing Sune is in limbo until you get back, it makes me free to switch to my Co-GM hat to take care of any side quests, although where they are going to go when we are in a debris field.
As I recall, there's a Mishhu ship in the debris field. That could be explored for prisoners to rescue and recent orders. I know Yaichiro would love to get his hands on a recent Mishhu computer core to analyze for information. There may also be enemy remnants, if the Fredrick's assailants came from there.

There's also salvaging that can be done, Yaichiro speaking to the crew as Hanako asked, enjoying the facilities, etc.

There's also a side-quest option that Kyle might already have in mind, but that's his call.
Aye, but the minor quest is merely a lot of discussion that can potentially take place during the thread we are already in. Though it centers between Yaichiro and Takeyu, I haven't yet figured out how it can be initiated.

I was considering having it become triggered when some mail meant for Takeyu accidently get's sent to Yaichiro, how this happens could be just a simple computer glitch.

That's up to Toshiro though; would that be alright with you?
A computer glitch is less likely than merely talking, which Hanako has advised Yai to do with all of the crew. ^^
Hmm... that is a good point and it kind of would undermine what the Taisa had suggested Yai do. Ok then, I'll let ya decide how to strike up that kind of conversation

Though I will still have some mail sent to Takeyu; but will post that up in the PCN after I wake up.
From Sean

I put up a short post. My and I are about to get back on the road again. Currently we're in western Virginia with 7 or so more hours to go.
Toshiro, it was already said that Yaichiro would have the 'Reserved' room, Charisma would know that.
While I saw that you asked Hanako that, it was outside the ship at the time and never specifically stated to her. Also, it was not in the Eucharis' wiki when I checked the room assignments...I don't think Junko had a room either, if I remember right. If you want me to edit though, I can.
You can go ahead and update the Wiki. Stateroom 1 is traditionally reserved for the Ship's XO, but Sune since he is still Acting-XO is content to stay in his cabin.

As for Junko, she used to have a cabin, when Sean came back he must not have gone in and assigned her one.

I'll assign her to one of the vacancies since Sean is having Internet issues.

Although with all the smoke grime and the Eucharis primary systems in standby mode, staying in the Ikoi guest quarters would make more sense.
So everything is back in running order. Sorry for any delays this might have caused, and in particular to Kyle and Toshiro, as I did disappear in the midst of that conversation.
Hey guys. I'm halfway home, posting from my hotel in Kentucky. I hope to be on again tomorrow evening. I'm still catching up, so forgive me for not posting tonight.

Stuff involving Hanako is free to move forward again, though. She's still with Sune AFAIK.

EDIT: Actually, I ended up putting up a short post to keep things rolling on the diplomacy front.
I just arrived home in Atlanta.
Unfortunately not; I have to visit my parents-in-law today and then after that we're off to visit my wife's grandparents, who aren't doing so great. I will continue to post, though.
Wes, I still need your input on the prisoner situation. I don't want to make stuff up and throw it up without your input, but I can't just move ahead like you never told me to question her either.
Aendri, I'm available to JP tonight or tomorrow. On Thursday and Friday I'll be at Lauren's grandparents' place.
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