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OOC Eucharis Discussion

My Humble apologies, my confusion was that I had missed where you said the power armor bay was decompressed before my post.

I've updated my post having Sune use the Armory as a airlock to allow him to enter the Power Armor bay without decompressing the passages.
Received this message from our missing player.

Ughs... Jet Lag :?

Here in Atlanta now, nice stable wireless

So I can post again, didn't know if the connection would last yesterday night since I did notice some small issues. But regardless, I'll be here until the morning of Friday then it's back to Vegas.
Oh hey, where in Atlanta are you?
We need a Konoka post.

@Kyle: Want to hang out? Also, my brother is going to Vegas soon. His group, The Callouts, is apparently competing in the nationals there for the "Band of Buds" contest/reality show by Budweiser.
I wish the best of luck to your brother

As for hanging out; I'm here visiting a friend of mine and have plans for tomorrow(headed out to the Underground) and Thursday(headed out to a Museum of sorts). Hmmm.... and I fly back Friday morning, I don't know how we could arrange to meet
Oi, I hate double posting.. .even though my last post was a few days ago! Anywho, I'm back in Vegas!
A reminder: The posting guidelines for this plot are a minimum of one post every two days.
Umm... curious, how is Takeyu supposed to get to Engineering? (Or Endoh-hei for that matter) with the blast shutters deployed?
Well if you recall, after the collision, while they shutters did close they didn't lock. Since Engineering hasn't had a chance to investigate, safe to say they are in the same state.
Aye thanks, I had forgotten about the blast shutters not locking in place.
Gah, work got me busy over the past few days. Trying to keep up as much as possible.

With that, seems like I mis-read on the part regarding rescuing Sune...
Lorath: "Bring the shuttle into the bay"

Shuttle: *self-destruct to prevent capture*

Lorath ship: "MY ANUS IS BLEEDING"
Oh dear, I foresee hell in the future

Also Wes, i'm not sure if my minor description of the way the pod looked was GMing or not, if so let me know please and I'll remove it. Ughs, always worried about those things but don't want to get thrown out of an airlock
Wes said:
Let's start putting locations in the top of our posts again so we don't have any more snafus like the one that just happened with Nika warping to the bridge. If we keep track of where people are, that will make things less confusing.
Please put your character's location in your posts.
Something I would like to double check before remaking my reply, but can't Takeyu survive in Hyperspace due to him being in Power Armor and attached to the hull, thus being within the hyperspace bubble?

Because if so, then I can continue the scene of him cutting the pod away (though that begs the question, what happens when something on the ship falls off of it during hyperspace travel?)

If not, then I'll just rewrite my reply with him already being back inside.
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