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OOC Eucharis Discussion


Contains two side-by-side control stations for piloting the craft. Two additional computer stations also sit behind the pilots

Doesn't matter given how much plot jumped in less than a day
Kudos to Doctomoe for a very well-written report on the mission.
Aye, that was a well written report - better than some others I'ev seen in other RPs.
By the way ,can someone please clear up this confusion for me?

One of the reasons I hadn't yet had Takeyu send in any after mission report was because I'm assuming it's supposed ot me just a medical report (IE: Injuried report)

Am I now right to assume that he is also to send in a report of how the mission transpired or was that something only the Taii could do?

Sorry for the confusion
In my military experience, only officers and team leads typically dealt with anything like that unless your job involved making reports about whatever. But my understanding of who led who in that mission is foggy. So please ignore the manbearpig behind the curtain.
Basically Hanako wants to know what condition everyone is in and any significant details from the mission that she should probably know.
Thanks Wes, Nash did clear that up for me as well. I don't why, but after being in other roleplaying communities, status report has meant various things in those communities. Some meant a report on how the ship is, others are intended for the persons present condition. While other boards use it to refer to a status report on the mission itself.

It does have multiple uses I know that, I just got confused on its usage... sorry about that
Because of the holiday season, from now until January 2, posting requirements are relaxed. Just try to post whenever you can.
Ahhh... and here I was hoping to see what would transpire between Helen and Yaichiro

(I can only assume it's been taken to an 18+ forum, wait... I'm 25... why can't I access that? )
Kyle said:
(I can only assume it's been taken to an 18+ forum, wait... I'm 25... why can't I access that? )

Because you haven't asked for access.
Kind of forgot one existed, as there was never a reason for me request access in the past until now.

Well, regardless, may I ask for access please? Or is there a process I must go through first?
While we're on the topic, may I have access too? I'm sure Kiko will end up doing something 18+ rated eventually.
Well folks, I am heading out the door in a few minutes, heading to my family in MA. The Cottage we will be staying at has no internet, no cell phone. (You have to walk half a mile to the lighthouse to use a cellphone). I will be offline until next Monday.
As for me, I am heading to my wife's grandparents' house for Thanksgiving on Wednesday morning 11/24 and will return Friday night 11/26 or possibly Saturday morning. I do expect to have some internet access (one of the other family members typically brings a wireless AP she connects to grandpa's cable modem) but it's not guaranteed.

Also I have issued promotions.
To Kyle, she sent "Please replace blown out lights in the cargo bay."

To me?

I'd love it if this was real, would be a change from my normal everyday life (know's he'll get odd looks from people considering what the Sarpiverse is like)

Hehehe, just messing with ya Wes, but yea just thought I'd point that out ot ya
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