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OOC Eucharis Discussion

He won't recover the hand on his own; that's not the level of regen Yamataians have. Once we're back on the ship he can get it fixed easily though.
Yamataians can heal themselves up well, but not quickly enough that it'll have much effect in this battle. It's more of a timescale measured in days or weeks. The medical lab on the ship can greatly accelerate the healing, though. You should be back in shape within the hour once you're aboard.

Also, I'm glad you like the art!
Excellent, thanks for the information! Didn't want to jump the gun and assume it was much quicker than that.

It's definitely awesome, and a sweet surprise. It's also been a Hell of a first mission for Manabu!
Manabu outta count is lucky hat that he wasn't on the Science Ship, or else he might've been in one of those escape pods right now
Everyone make sure to put the location of your post at the top of it.
Wes, Hanako completely and utterly missed the point of Yai's communication.

The point was that they needed carefully guarded as well as that the shuttle needed moved to another ship which actually had intact facilities to handle them.

Also, making arrests will be hard when it's hard to tell exactly who the slaves and slavers are, and they're in a confined enough space to pull out whatever weapons they have hidden on them and start taking hostages. Hanako's response isn't helpful in the least.
You guys can post in either the 11 or 11.2 threads. Congratulations everybody!
I'm confused by something.

If slaves Takeyu was playing were fine being teleported to the shuttle in an emergency, save for maybe a sunburn if they covered their eyes and ears, Why was Takeyu himself so affected by Kumiko's teleporting in? Was it because it was a more confined space, or because he was outside of what was actually being teleported?
The way I've always portrayed it is the origin point and the teleporting objects are minimally affected and the exit point is gets the shockwave.
From the page. DANGER: In atmospheric environments, causes a shockwave of heat, light, sound, and radiation. More dangerous indoors. The shockwave can rupture eardrums, caused temporary or permanent blindness and flash burns.

So it would be safe to say that anyone inside the teleportation bubble would be protected, but anyone outside in a room, would be affected.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but it didn't say that until yesterday. AFTER, I wrote my post. All it said until then was that it caused a moderate shockwave of sound and light. Which is why I have a problem with the situation.
Yeah, I took that into consideration. Because the page wasn't clear, Endoh didn't get in serious trouble, just a verbal slap on the wrist. There won't be any lasting consequences (other than maybe an occasional joke or two in the RP) and she still got her promotion. I updated the teleportation page so it's more clear. Sorry for any stress, Aendri. You are not in trouble or anything. Let's keep on truckin' now.
I've been there too Aendri. Kotori was one of the first PC users of the teleportation device and she ended up giving earbleed to Hanako because she wanted to respond quickly to what might've been a crisis.

It sucked to mess up, but it was no biggie and we eventually moved on.

So, don't worry about it.
Besides, you already have plenty to worry about with Kyou anyhow. =P
I'm not really mad because of anything IC, what makes me mad is that when I came in and tried to explain how I interpreted it and you told me that I was misunderstanding it, you wouldn't allow me to go back and delete or alter my post to accurately reflect the knowledge that the character would've had. So because of vaguely written tech, my character is getting in trouble (regardless of how ineffectual that punishment is), and I wasn't allowed to rewrite to fix the issue when I learned the proper interpretation.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being intentionally stubborn, but I intensely dislike seeing my character penalized for me misinterpreting vague tech. I have absolutely no problem with accepting penalties for a legitimate mistake, the situation just seems inherently unfair to me.
I probably would let you edit it if we hadn't already responded to it.

Anyway, I'm sorry.
Hi! I'd like to welcome you all to the next edition of "Bad Timing!" starring Nergal! It's kind of his specialty.

This weekend i'm taking a mini vacation and will be gone for about four days (Friday morning to Monday evening). I, of course, will continue posting until then and will try to get at least one more in on Friday morning, but will then be away from a computer the rest of the time.

Hate to do this. Not sure what protocol for such an extended length of time is, but i give over full control of Manabu to use as little or as much as necessary. Maybe he gets clumsy and falls into a well for a few days!
Actually you just took care of protocol, letting the GM know you will be away for a few days.
Indeed. As long as you let us know you're out, you're covered. I will control Manabu if necessary but I think that, this being a bit of "downtime" RP he can just wander "off screen" and return later.
Some of us have been linking up with other players and doing some social JPs using titanpad.com - if you're not sure what to post, hook up with another player and do that. These brief stays in port are good opportunities for characters that work in different parts of the ship to bond.
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