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RP: LSDF Val'ta [Expedition 1] - One from Another

Porrim's Group, Robot-Cat team-up

Knight grabbed his shotgun into his right hand and quickly moved forward to the table. Two badguys done for. One on the ground grasping at his family jewels and second one surprised by the sudden addition of table in his path and in his face. Knight simply raised his shotgun and pressed it against the nose of the newest bad guy, not caring too much about his pain.

"Reach for the guy stranger," Knight said with a firm chuckle. "I think it is about time you yokels stopped misbehaving, don't you think?"
Er'red's Group, Democracy Fails!
Maya and Akihiko blinked. What were their guests doing? They seemed more disunitous when they were glued to each other's hips than when things were just a cold war between two nations. They thought the Lorath and the Nepleslians were at least friendly to each other. But when the two Privates, as the Neko had identified - were trying to disagree with the captain, it amused them quietly, trading quizzical glances before waiting for another outburst.

Akihiko took a bite out of their duq - and it was probably worth pointing out that the duq was not ripe yet, if it was green.
E'red's team

Just like that, Menelik's body posture changed. Defeated. No point in arguing it, or standing up for it. He had his orders and no matter how much he disliked them, he had to follow them. They were soldiers of an enemy, from a war that happened when he was just a dumb teenager. Hell, they were Nekos too, and everyone knew you were supposed to hate them on principle. Ashlinn's idea did sound good, but it didn't matter.

They were POW's. It couldn't be helped. It was for the best to treat them that way.
Near Elm location

Ny'za had positioned the frame back at the field, close to the building but far enough to keep a safe distance. Someone had ran back inside to the others so they were at least aware of her presence. Since she was using non optical systems for 'sight' she couldn't really tell people were looking out the window and the rush of the wind was making it hard for her systems to pick up any sound. She decided to move just a bit closer so that the trip to the entrance would be short and spoke on the external speaker "I am disembarking, please open the doors." After she spoke she began to unfasten everything and adjust her stone thread cloak. The WIND suit underneath and it's helmet would protect her from the environment, but it was always so tight and it felt like she was going out naked. Either way once everything was in order she opened the cockpit and came out.
Porrim's Group, Basement

Aran'ya grabbed the line dropped by Porrim with a gruff thanks and gave it a tug, as her faceted eyes under the stonethread hood of the skin-tight armor watched the Marine summarily de-pants the jailor on the way to grabbing what Nepleslians prize most highly even over some T&A -- guns and ammo of course. "With LSDF," she replied to Ran in her rough Trade. "Joint mission to clean up. What's your name? You a leftover from that Operation Dynamic or whatever?"

The L'manel eyed J'Ann a moment as he got himself a bit more decent in the short pants... it certainly flattered his assets even if it looked a bit silly. Though the dancer was a bit creepy and nosy, Aran'ya couldn't deny he sure had a fine set of gams on him. Certainly a nicer sight than the Jiyuuian booty now on display, the spider-aspect putting a foot on the fleshy backside for good measure to make sure she didn't move while they borrowed her body like a stepstool to the exit.

She held onto the rope with one armored hand, anchoring it while extending the other to give them a WIND enhanced-strength lift upwards towards the Captain upstairs through the hole. "So, you coming? Or do you need some more alone time?" joked Widow sarcastically once more in Trade.
Er'reds Team of Perfect Tranquility

Er'red saw the slump in Menelik's shoulders, even under the suit, the Judas hunch, and droop in posture. The young private might not see sense, but at least he wasn't trying to get everyone in the room killed anymore. Er'red appeared to lose all interest in him as he looked straight ahead and replied to the captain.

"Captain, ma'am. Negotiations were delayed but should progress smoothly for now. We're all fine here, thank you. How are you?"

The cadet did the best he could to keep the tension out of his voice before removing his finger and turning back to the assembled crowd. He turned his head sideways to crick his neck and swung it around loosely like a sports star stretching before a big game, except the only muscle getting stretched here was his head.

"First of all, their food would have probably killed any non-nekovalkrja if they tried to eat it. You need to wait until the duq is red before it's ripe."

The cadet reached to pick up his tactical manual and closed it with a punctuating slam.

"Second, do you really want to be transported in a confined space with the general population of a planet who hates and fears you and would want to cause you harm? The ships company would try to protect you, but they couldn't be everywhere, and it wouldn't look good for anyone if you happened to hurt someone, now would it?"
J'ann snapped out of his headlight stare and wiggled the pants on, barely covering half of the exposed undergarments from earlier - but he paid their previous owner no mind. It was a foreigner, and foreigners were unworthy of his attention in "that" area.

"I would just like to have that I was ambushed and these perverted cretins should be executed for their crimes against my personal space," J'ann coolly replied to Aran'ya before taking the offered hand and clambering up back to Porrim.
Ashlinn - Spehss Lawyah... that's a thing, right?..no?..

Ash shifted slowly, and then.... actually did stretch, which was a pretty interesting thing to do given her current status inside a suit of power armor. It was a nervous tic, she wasn't exactly expecting this, from Menelik of all people. When it became clear that logic and the protection of her fellow (If misguided) Nekovalkyrja were actually being considered she'd pivot carefully and give Menelik a pretty solid hip bump as her armored tail flicked back and forth slowly while she thought, then a grin split the petite womans lips, "Cargo containers." She'd glance towards Er'red and hold up a hand, "We have cargo containers - I knwo we do, empty one's most liekyl, and we have fabrication capability, I've yet to come across a single ship in the 'verse that doesn't have the ability to construct basic objects. what if - " she paused and glanced at the Neko's then Menelik and then Er'red, "This is just a suggestion mind you, Setup a cargo container and convert it to a living space for them in the back of one of the holds and post a guard with them - Hell, post me and... "

She almost said Akemi, but she truly, truly didn't want to entertain -that- level of trouble, "Someone you trust." Once again, she'd cant her head towards Menelik, "On a rotating shift. It doesn't stretch any resources, and someone will be with them at all times and I wouldn't put it above anyone watching them in the brig to make the situation worse, all around for everyone." she'd hold her hands up and shrug, "It's a peaceful solution to a suddenly very prickly situation, And there is the small consideration for..uh counseling they are going to need in the mean time since well... they've been lied to since coming off the factory floor and tossed at everyone like rounds from a cannon, at the very least until transportation to Yamatai can be arranged for them at the Val'ta's earliest convenience." She kept her tone respectful, low key and with all difference due to Er'red's position as their leader at the moment.

Er'red calling the girls on the Duq though made her blink, she...had noticed but hadn't known how it was supposed to be treated, prepared or even eaten. Good to know that she hadn't snagged a bite of it. The slamming of the book however reminded her that she probably should shut up.
Elm’s Little Adventure

The tea, to her, seemed bitter and strange on her tongue and it burnt a little bit, so that she only managed one or two sips before offering it back to the person who had given it to her. If she had been less patient and long-suffering, perhaps she might have spat it out; the urge had been there. But what would they do if she did that? For all she knew, tea was some sort of weird Yamataian hospitality custom and she didn’t want to offend them.

She sniffed at the cup noodles surreptitiously and decided that they were, at least, on the lower end of the edibility scale. Had they just given them to her, so that her hands wouldn’t be free? Were they planning on jumping her? For a moment, Elm forced her apprehension down and simply tried the noodles despite having ate breakfast prior to coming on this jaunt.

They weren’t the worst thing that she had ever ate. She at least gave them a try.

Elm couldn’t understand much of what she heard, but she thought that she could read the body language of the people around her. Elm hadn’t thought of them as refugees, more as combatants, and seeing them share the simple meal drove it home for her. However, she couldn’t get herself to relax; some innate, inborn suspicion seized hold at the base of her tail and wouldn’t let it move more than a few inches at a time except to curl.

Then he came.

As though she could smell blood, she knew instantly from his posture and manner that Trevors meant danger, of a sort. Someone with that many guns would be eager to use them. Elm couldn’t understand most of what had been said, but when Ny’za said, in trade, “I am disembarking…” she continued to watch him, silver-eyed and unblinking.

The flame of camaraderie had guttered out for her.

She slurped the noodles carefully.
Porrim's Group, Spidery Ice Slick
Holding the rope taut against the edge of the hole, Porrim dug her heels into the carpet, likening it to the knotty grass and soil in the highlands close to the North. First, she saw Aran'ya skitter back up the rope. She gave the Lmanel a clap as she walked by, watching Akemi keeping watch. The robot, meanwhile had let the two won't-be bandits stay in place, the one who'd been stunned by Akemi whimpering into the desk while the other one was unresponsive, sorered lump forming on his forehead.

Porrim seemed satisfied by the relative peace, and replied to Er'red, briefly putting her fingers to an ear radio. "Excellent, thank you. I think we're wrapped up over here. We can confirm J'ann's alive and well." She replied in Ly'thir, which the foreigner wouldn't understand, "If yours wraps up, resume exploration as usual, will you? You too, Ny'za. I haven't heard Elm report in- woooh-!" A sharp tug on the rope, she gasped a little, then took the rope with both hands and straightened her back. "Okay, climb." She ordered.

As the spider Lmanel added to patrol, Porrim felt another tug on the rope. So that was one and two, but was it the third person climbing up? The delicate little hand she saw shaking up the rope ... after hearing a chorus of grunting and straining as they kicked against the wall, nearly putting a boot through the rotten plaster and grout. It could only have been J'ann. As he caught his breath stumbling by, Porrim gave the wayward dancer a pinch on the rump. "Tease~!" She cooed.

Then the third set. This was the unknown - a tight tug followed by a gentle easing of the material. Weighing it up, grasping firmly and exhibiting climbing technique. Who was this? A weathered hand then a tug to the biceps - wearing green. Porrim didn't recognise the colour as being from a Lorath regiment. Greys, charcoals, and navies were always the preferred colour variance. Then the face. Scarred, black hair, a distinctive scar.

She looked over her shoulder and whispered, in Ly'thir, "who is this man?" voice playfully curious as her green eyes settled on him dragging himself out of the hole, weak from captivity but still able to give his best. He stood up and dusted the pencil shavings, carpet dust and war off of his uniform. Porrim was evaluating him up and down as she stood up, a foot taller than the Nepleslian, and a much larger figure. She pulled the ear covers of her beanie off, proving they weren't Nekovalkyrja - ears of Lmanel Lorath ending in three small points.

Guessing that he was too stocky for a Yamataian, and the green was something Porrim had seen the Nepleslian wear prior to the mission, this had to be a Nepleslian Space Marine she had on her hands. "We're from LSDF Val'ta." She said in Trade, accent thick, heavy, perhaps even suffocating if layered too closely. "I am Captain Mil'ana Porrim. We are exploring city. Looking for survivor." She nodded to him respectfully and looked aside and, in native tongue asked in Akemi's direction, "Find someone who speaks good Trade. I'm sure they'd have hated being around these pantywaists!"

[Ran has joined Porrim's team.]

Elm's Little Adventure
The blonde man with the weaponry on his back didn't set Elm at ease, but he didn't know what effect he was having on the strange white thing - and frankly didn't care with more pressing matters He'd seen all sorts of strange things ever since he had come to grips with the fact he'd be here for a long time. Things that skittered, slithered, murdered, needed to be splattered apart with buckshot. For some reason, he thought buckshot would be ineffective today, against his normal nature.

Watching the Lorath woman step out of the large mecha so openly was a weird sight to him. He hadn't seen much of the Lorath - the Lorath survivors kept to themselves mostly, in tightly guarded enclaves. No strangers to claustrophobia. "So, you're saying we've been here four years, and someone's finally here to rescue us?" Trevors said tersely.

"Hai." Momoko replied in Trade, drawing Akira's ire as he looked up from a steaming cup. His friend was oblivious to their connection. Especially when he was so curious about the snowy thing sitting in the armchair, shivering and tense enough to draw a bow along and make a noise. "If that thing wanted us dead, we would've known by now."

"About time, then. Right, fluffball there's part of their scout team, like you?" Trevors asked Ny'za, looking over his shoulder and spying the little thing eating the rest of the cup noodles.

"Yes. She's just doing her job." She replied in Trade, perhaps not knowing the Helashio situation for Lorath. "Pleased to meet you, Missus...?"

Slurping noodles in the background, just near Elm. Norio had slurped up some noodles "So how are we really getting out?" He asked, in husky Yamatai-go. It was going to be an interesting meeting...

Er'red's Group, Got Litter?
The Nepleslian seemed to swallow their tongue. Fitting, as they were always told to revile their boorishness, in favour of a subtler sort of nymph for a more enlightened age to usher in. Of course, it never came about, but that's what they were fighting for. The fact they felt sorry for themselves was icing on the top in the propaganda, telling little NMX Nekovalkyrja what to think of, and what to exploit.

The Yamataian and the Lorath, however, seemed a little more level headed. The Yamataian was willing to keep personal watch instead of each other. The regular presence, even fleeting of someone other than each other was such an uplifting proposition. "We'll let you guard us." Maya said, pointing at Ashlinn.

"So long as guards. As someone to bring meals, and perhaps even talk a little," Webber nodded profusely from her lapside rest on Emirella. Her feet were drumming against Vee.

Vee didn't seem too thrilled with the snow Emirella had tracked in, and was getting on her pants. "Away from the others, yes." She chipped in, pushing Webber's legs off of her.

Well, they didn't know that guards were not supposed to converse with their prisoners. Perhaps that was the duqs. After they all looked at each other and digital signals flickered between them as they reached consensus, they did an uncanny thing. They all froze, making their furniture shake and roll as they remained perfectly still. They sat up, extremely mindful of each other's movements, like clockwork before standing up together, but moving with a stiffness like a cat that'd seen itself in the mirror.

But they weren't saying anything, and they didn't seem relaxed at all - but they weren't angry either. It was reluctance. But did they have any other choice right now? They were waiting for the next instructions from Ashlinn and Er'red. "We agree." Inoue said, speaking for her sisters.

[Akihiko, Maya, Inoue, Emirella, Vee, and Webber have joined Er'red's team.]



[What is a Gather Phase?]

[Each player is entitled to make a discovery for the LSDF Val'ta. Feel free to incorporate some of the ones I've thrown at you, or create one of your own. You guys are Explorers! Here's an example of Porrim finding something, to give you an idea. Try your own, make it yours! Surprise each other!]

With Porrim's team rescuing J'ann, her team begun exploring the area just north of the carpark Er'red's team was, with an intention circle around the carpark until she hit the river. In particular, she found a pocket sized Lorath art gallery that'd survived the invasion. She'd heard the Yamataians had reverence for civic attractions, and decided to explore. She recovered art pieces by modernist gem carvers, painters, stonecarvers, and sculptors. She called a Journey and some archaeologists on the science team down to extract the artworks.
Porrim's Group

"I speak super swell trade. Gotta be bilingual to efficiently order around the lesser common folk after all. I can speak Iroma too," Akemi replied nonchalantly. He then briefly turned to Aran'ya. "Go line up our prisoners so I can assess their cuteness." The Neko gave a dismissive upwards flick of his wrist and fingers as if shooing her away. "Greetings lesser being," he said, beginning to use Trade, "in our infinite benevolence we have deemed your planet as worth visiting to evacuate sorry sights such as yourself and to evaluate for resettlement. I am the supreme magnificence known as Koga Akemi. What say you untermensch? Dost thou require aid?"
Er'red's Group

Being the little wall flower she was, Jiji, who had up until that point kept to herself. Would just study the six new Ex-NMX members. She took a deep breath before she rubbed her eyes, all this traveling had gotten her a tad bit tired. She, however, had nothing of importance to say at the moment; opting instead to continue being quiet and keeping an eye out on the surrounding area.
Aran'ya said:
"With LSDF," she replied to Ran in her rough Trade. "Joint mission to clean up. What's your name? You a leftover from that Operation Dynamic or whatever?"

"The fuckin' Lorath?" Ran had already begun to slung his rifle on his body in such a way that the muzzle pointed downward at his strong hand side as he grabbed the rope and began to rappel up towards the opening, not really beginning to question where the rope provided for such activities came from. The origin of such things would have to be addressed when he made it to the upper level, where he might be in a more advantageous position to shoot people in the face.

Still, it was nice having rope. It beat climbing up the face of several parking high rises to rob the convenience mall atop of them in Funky City of all of their cigarettes and alcohol. Yet the entire way up he managed to find a way to bitch and be as nasty as possible, questioning Aran'ya regarding "What in the fuck Operation Dynamic are you talkin' about? I'm fucking runnin' bitch."

At that, the former Marine was hoisted onto solid ground, and despite all empirical odds still did his best to stare down some overgrown broad messing with her headgear to show she wasn't some fuckin' cat.

Porrim said:
"We're from LSDF Val'ta." She said in Trade, accent thick, heavy, perhaps even suffocating if layered too closely. "I am Captain Mil'ana Porrim. We are exploring city. Looking for survivor."

"Looking for survivors? Fuck, boss bitch, you might as well be discovering rats in a fuckin' trench." Ran unslung his rifle and activated the action slightly to ensure that there was a round chambered. More supposed contrivances followed when the tall broad started talking in some foreign bullshit, and with the tall woman's rather unnatural grasp on Trade in mind, Ran looked towards the oncoming figure of someone who he assumed would be his designated translator.

Koga Akemi said:
"Greetings lesser being," he said, beginning to use Trade, "in our infinite benevolence we have deemed your planet as worth visiting to evacuate sorry sights such as yourself and to evaluate for resettlement. I am the supreme magnificence known as Koga Akemi. What say you untermensch? Dost thou require aid?"

"Who in the fuck let the cat talk to me?" Ran called at Porrim, without any regards to whether the individual could understand his highly "nuanced" Trade. His hands immediately darted into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Withdrawing two Nepleslian Greens and lighting them, the too-old-for-this Mid Corporal drank in the smoke like sweet ambrosia, letting the smoke eventually leak out of his nostrils in a rather forced manner in the direction of the Yamataian.

"You gonna have a hissy fit over that, kitty?" Ran's grip tightened slightly on the grip of the stock, the muzzle flirting with the idea of flying in the direction of this unknown Yamataian that dared to talk down to a Nepleslian. "I've died once before over less, I'm fucking ready to add another notch on."
Elm's Little Adventure

Ny’za now out of the cold and in the building looked around and took note of everyone present and the situation, it didn’t look like there was any need to stay on alert so she took off her helmet so they could see her face clearly. Not everyone was speaking in trade though, so it was a bit confusing for her. “Hello I am..Pitch. I come from the LSDF. Trade is not my first language so speak slowerly and not at once time.” She was pretty sure she didn’t get all the words right but she was doing the best she could.
Elm (And Ny'za)'s Little Adventure

"You can understand them."

Elm said it quietly, though directly, cradling the cup noodles. They didn't seem half bad, though Elm expected that if she could read Yamataian, she would probably find they were expired. Despite her lingering suspicion that this couldn't possibly be 'going to plan', it had seemed like a nice gesture to her.

"Could you thank them? And, um, what are they saying about me?"

She had cut the channel to the translator-neko when she had removed her hood, and had cut the feed for the readout. The other teams seemed busy and the comms chatter had been distracting.
Porrim's Group

Aran'ya gave a solitary chuckle to the dancer as he laid the blame squarely on his captors, "We'll leave that punishment to the Captain. Can't say I blame them though... the way you sashayed off from us like that they probably just couldn't resist."

The L'manel didn't seem to be that offended by the crass Nepleslian -- she'd heard language far worse. After all, he was fitting into the Marine stereotype she was expecting, her Trade might have been mangled on the delivery and ticked him off, or he just needed to vent from being trapped in there for so long. Maybe she should respond in a way that he'd appreciate more...

"My name is Widow. Now grab fucking rope, and be fucking happy not a squid here to eat you," the Medic replied to Ran, knowing full well she was cursing back at him in Trade. It came off quiet well considering she had a reputation for having a mouth on her in Lorath. Maybe he would even find it refreshing, as she made her way back to the first floor along with him and J'Ann.

No sooner had they got there, then he kept up the tirade though, this time directing it at Akemi, replete with smoking on top of it. Though for the way he was coming off, the cat probably deserved it. "Think I should've left him in the toilet with a mouth like that?" she commented, elbowing Captain Porrim lightly.

The Trooper then rolled her eyes at Akemi's highfalutin talk, wondering how he had swapped between being the servant and now the master. "Oh, so we skipping to the concubine selection already, your lordship?" Aran'ya replied sarcastically to the Neko, as she quickly went downstairs to reclaim her stonethread bag of medical supplies and returned to start checking on the condition of the couple casualties of their little scuffle...

(Gather Phase post to come shortly.)
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Porrim's Group

"Whatever Trevor. I don't care about you smoking. Enjoy your coffin nails and death sticks." Akemi smugly grinned from ear to ear. "I actually own a business in Nepleslian space that was too Nepleslian for Yamatai so I don't think we'll have any cultural problems. Since you're running would you like to be taken with us then? We're going to explore and survey this place for resettlement so you could at least stick with us while we're here. Also, don't make me stun you in the balls for insulting m'lady Lycosa shitlord." His weapons were already out so he only had to tilt his NSP slightly to aim it directly at him.
Er'reds Group, Over 500% More Cat People

Er'red's masked face blankly watched Ashlinn's antics as she tried to compromise. Internally, though, Er'red was rather restless.

"I would do almost anything to get out of here right now." He thought to himself intensely.

He started in surprise as Ash stopped talking and then the nekovalkrja who were the subject of the discussion agreed to it. His masked head turned from on to the other and back before he stood and raised his hands.

"Fine, yes. Let's get out of here. Ladies, grab anything you want to take with you and we'll set off when you're ready."

With that he shunted the tactical manual back into his bag, shouldered it and all but fled from the room, downstairs, and then outside to try and adjust his spandex which had twisted and tightened uncomfortably in certain places. "Why is it so tight!"

Gather Post

While waiting for the prisoners-uh, guests to finish packing, Er'red recovered hardcopy media of the entire Aoi Tanaka collection circa four years ago plus posters. Not knowing what else to do with them, and considering them cultural artifacts, he shoved them into his bag and walked back to the parking lot a few minutes later.
Elm (And Ny'za)'s Little Adventure

Ny'za turned her attention to Elm and smiled before nodding. "They wanted to know if you were on the scout team as well, and I'll thank them for you too."

She turned her attention back to the others and spoke in Trade once more. "This is Elm, and she says thank you for what you did. Also she is part of the team that came down on this planet. We came here to make sure everyone was evacuated off the planet since it's sot of lost it's connection to other planets."
Ashlinn - Er'red's home for Wayward CatGirls.

Ash let a smile cross her lips as she nodded towards Er'red when he made his decision, The response from the other girls was... not surprising. In the least bit, for her at least, she'd caught the flurry of hurried communication's but wasn't about to intrude unless they invited her in. she was trying to establish trust. At least with her. In the end as Er'red practically fled due to tightening constraints she'd grin, "Well. " making sure her helmet was still in place she'd start to head downstairs, "When you ladies are ready, We'll be down stairs."

Gathering! wheeee~

Ash stepped outside, helmet still off for the moment as she gathered her thoughts, she purposefully ensured Er'red received a private thank you from her. Raking a hand through her short hair made her pause and look up at the sky before she grinned widely, She knew exactly what she was going to look for. Be-helmeted and checking maps and references she almost hit the sound barrier as she started searching shops, buildings and eventually, a street over from where she had expected it, she found it. Local library. And inside she hunted, crawled and even at the risk of collapsing piles of junk on herself she emerged with a satchel filled to the brim. Astrological data. Pictures of the night skies from Misato city, sound recordings of local astrological phenomena (that one was copied, she was currently listening to the 'music' from said recordings) and of course stripped to her back was a portable telescope. dug outta the archives. Not the best of conditions but she made due as she returned to the car park to retrieve their 'refugee/evacuee's' If anyone could see the look on her face it'd be described as 'child in a candy store with their parents bank account in tow'.