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Faroresama's Commissions thread

Hey all, I was recently commissioned by Wes to do 4 full body portraits so I thought it would be a good idea to get a forum account so I can post the sketches here for approval and get feedback and whatnot. ^^

So I've read as much as I can about the characters I'll be drawing, but if I make a mistake about something don't hesitate to correct me!

I'll post the commissions I've been assigned and any questions/thoughts I have about them that anyone can answer.

Right now my commissions are:
Aripael Goriass--Should I draw in him in Senator clothing or the uniform for the Navy? Or does it matter?
Matthew Lionheart--I just can NOT find an illustration of a flash patch that goes on his uniform hat! Please help ;_;
Elysian Patrician for CCG--Based on a suggestion Wes showed me from another user, I'll probably do a female Paragon. Thoughts?
Elysian Plebian for CCG--Based on the same suggestion, this will probably be a male Plebian Navy soldier. Any extra info on their uniforms would be very helpful.

The first sketch I'll probably do is the Patrician since it's a little more experimental than the others, so I won't have to worry about messing up as much from the get-go ^^;
Holy shit, I swear I've seen your art before! Can't recall where though ... lovely stuff, regardless.
Welcome to Star Army, Farore! The Elysians are in desperate need or artwork and I'm glad you've accepted this commissions project. Thomas (Zakalwe) will be your main contact for Elysia.

Nepleslian Army Uniforms:

I'm not sure we have any available closeup of the patch.
thank you both

Wes-- I guess I'll just have to make it up as I go XD
I'm glad I got three Elysians because their society and clothes are very interesting!
I got a suggestion about the flash patch, though its up to Wes and Tom whether to use this idea or not. A flash patch could symbolize the persons occupational choice.

Such as:
Crossed Rifles = Marine
Lightning Bolt = Electrical/Technical Occupation
I dig that.
Aripael Goriass:

Honestly I'll leave that one up to you.

Elysian Patrician for CCG:

I wouldn't do a Paragon. It is unlikely that any player will every play a Paragon - a normal Patrician would be more useful. Female's good.

Plebeian Navy Soldier:

All that is done on their uniforms, per say, is in the clothing thread. However they have recently been approved a new armour, which my compadre will likely link in a minute.
You don't want the armor on the CCG illustration plebe, though, do you?
Aripael Goriass -
Zakalwe has the final say on this, but I think the Senatorial clothing is generally more interesting than the military clothing.

As for the female Patrician, I would suggest she be dressed in teigha - white on the inner layer, followed by pale lilac, and a deeper purple outer layer. A soh'k'tohs of a darker purple than the outer layer should also be worn. Additionally, I for one would like to see the alha'shoh illustrated. Other features I have little preferrences for. See https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4229 for information on these articles of clothing.

The Plebeian male should have standard military clothing. Also available in that thread. For now I would like it illustrated without the Sestina armor, perhaps in the future an illustration of a Sestina-equipped soldier will be requested.
The female Patrician will look muscular, and the male Plebian will look scrawny/underweight, yes?
Indeed, but not 'weight lifter' muscular, more the sort of physique a martial artist or gymnast would develop.
Actually, I'd always imagined they "weight lifter" muscular (but not EXTREME BODYBUILDER, DAMN SHE LOOKS LIKE A MAN muscular).
For the Patrician, I think the muscular structure should be stressed in the chest and shoulders - muscles that would be necessary to support any sort of gliding or flight. I tend to agree with Thomas on how I've imagined them. Wes did invent them, though. He obviously has some say.

As long as it's not overdone I agree with Wes, I was finding it hard exactly how to express what I thought.

I agree with the Twin that the muscles would be strongest in the chest and shoulders.
Actually, I'm prone to thinking the Plebeian's muscular structure should be most obvious in the chest and shoulders as well. Even though the vast majority of Plebeians cant fly, they would still show some genetic throwbacks to the fact that they were desceneded from things built for flight.
Oh wow, LOTS of replies @_@

So I'm still not sure whether to do just a normal Patrician since indeed more people would be playing that rather than a Paragon, but then Moon Doll's Twin wanted to see the alha'shoh, which if I'm correct is only a Paragon garment. (omg I am going crazy with these Elysian clothing names @_@) Today at school I sketched a female Paragon with the alha'shoh but instead of scanning it I'm going to just redraw it on the comp. She also has the teigha, so I'll sketch that up and if we don't want a Paragon it'll be easy to take off the alha'shoh.
Well, few people will play Paragons. This is true. However, the Paragon shows Elysians at the peak of their intricate awesomeness, and that, to me, is what we need. An Elysian at the peak of society (Paragon) and an Elysian cog-in-the-wheel (Soldier-boy).
Elysian Patrician first sketch

Ok, here is my first sketch for the Elysian Patrician. She is a Paragon in this pic with alha'shoh, teigha, Lyko (there is an inconsistancy with this name, the wiki has it as Lyko while the forum has it as Iyko), and soh'k'tohs.

brown is underlying body structure and red is clothing.

I tried giving her the muscle structure while still being elegant since the patricians seem pretty elegant to me. I'm sorry if the muscles aren't well-defined enough; it'll end up being rather hard to see any chest muscles under all that clothing. But hey, at least she's not anorexic.
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