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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
OOC Chat goes here!

Can I get all my peoples to chime in and report on their progress?
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Our 'plot page' can be found here: Squad XIII

Please add your characters to the list if such has not been done already. If you need help, just PM me and I can take care of it.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Hi, folks!

My character got accepted, so hopefully she'll be able to provide explodey fun times for all (except our enemies). ;)

I'm looking forward to playing; I'll try to get my first post up tomorrow.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Hello all. I've set up a second character for this. I hope she fits.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ch ... :simo_anzu

See anything I missed? I had a certain rifle in mind, it seems like the most fitting one, after a quick search.


Any problem with that one? Would it be okay to start with that? I'm listing her as a bit more experienced (and higher ranking) than my other character, so I figure she worked her way up to that one. I could deduct a chunk from my starting money, or zero it out completely.

Otherwise, any suggestions for a rifle, or anything else to change?
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Looks like I'm all set up! Let me know where or when I should jump in.

I'll try to get my friend to do a picture for me. He said he wanted to do a new one of Mitsuko in her new outfit, so maybe he'll be alright with doing two...
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

You can hop in on This Thread for now, it's basically just killing time until we've gotten enough players and characters to start; hopefully by next week.

also, for everyone:
Note that none of you have been given specific orders as to which squad you're going to yet- None of the characters know that the three more senior soldiers at the cafe are their squadmates.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Hey Kai, I talked to Cadet about joining. I will have my character up sometime tomorrow. Any particular skill you need?
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]


Right. Should I edit my last post to reflect that? I've got a feeling it skirts that line way too closely. Sorry in advance!
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Kai said:
Note that none of you have been given specific orders as to which squad you're going to yet- None of the characters know that the three more senior soldiers at the cafe are their squadmates.

Works for me, I was planning on having that moron not be aware that he was talking to future squadmates anyways.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

@ Brett: No worries, just continue on with the thread as is, I was just making sure you knew what I was expecting of everyone right now before we'd have to get into any editing

@ Warriorx1: We don't need any specific skills right now, so far we have our medic, our demo, and our sniper, though.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Another note: your characters are not required to stop at the Cafe- if you have other things you'd like to do- say, go and buy some clothes, or in Anzu's case, buy a Knife, you may do so, and I'll accommodate you.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Alright, thanks for clearing that up Kai. I'll try to be more careful in the future!

I'm writing up part of my post now.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Sorry about ninja posting you earlier Brett, you'd just given a real nice opening situation for me to hop in.

Also, to everyone else, hey I'm one of Kai's regulars off on his own thing and was with him on the short lived Halberdine and Genesis over here on SARP. I'm Origin and not really Fifth Fleet but since you guys are using so much OI-tech I'll be able to worm my way into things after a bit.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Ah, that's fine Gwathdraug (man that's hard to spell). I didn't manage to get anything done beyond the first line anyway (my imagination sure likes to pull the proverbial rug out from under me), so you haven't actually changed much.

All I need to do is figure out how Aya's likely to react, which shouldn't be too hard as long as I can make it seem believable from her POV. Once I get that down pat it should all be smooth sailing.

Anyways, it's good to meet you - I'm looking forward to RPing with you further in future. :)


I apologise if Aya ended up not addressing Kai correctly, I'm still getting used to how Yamataians address each other and such. If I made a mistake, go ahead and tell me.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Ugh, sorry. Finals are here and that's getting in the way of my Sarp time. I'll try to post something this weekend...or tonight if I can.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Just post whenever you can. Important things like school always take priority over SARP. Thanks for letting us know!
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I will try to get a reply out tomorrow. Expect the actual plot to start around next weekend.