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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I'm sorry for not doing this sooner, but in all honesty, the current situation caught me a little off balance. Still, I hope this post was good - I'll move things along as Co-GM just in case Kai's held up in the meantime, so no worries.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I think you might have misinterpreted what Fieke was talking about there Cads, but if you don't mind I'd like to roll with it. Just let me know and I can take my current post down.

Afterall, not like that doesn't happen in real life.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]


It's fine!

I'll still wait on Kai for a bit before making another post - I don't want Aya to appear rude.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

He told me he would have some time today and if he doesn't get it up then he'll have all of Monday basically free, shouldn't be long Brett.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I thought I had responded to you already, Brett? Last post of the previous page, he asked for her orders so he could look them over and figure out where to send her. However, if you don't post I'll just assume she did as asked and have him start telling her.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Got my character done and approved, I'll be posting in the Pre-IC thread once I get caught up with things.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Sorry to keep you waiting Rey - at this point, I'll see to posting every 1 (or 2 days max) regardless of whether or not everyone has kept up or not.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

No problem, it happens when you wander off and don't have multiple people in a group to respond to.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I'll be posting sometime tonight, be in transit for the next hour or two though. Sorry I didn't get anything up yesterday Caddington, had a lot of stuff floating around.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I've got my post more or less written up, I'll post tonight or tomorrow (GMT). Hang on!
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

I kinda interrupted Zozo and Aya conversation, I just didn't wana get left behind haha.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Thanks for the posts, guys!

Just letting you know, I got my work schedule for the week only to find my work days have been reversed over the next week, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to manage a post before Wednesday. I'll try and see if I can get some time in, though.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Sorry for the delay in responding to the official orders, I just remembered today that there's a blank spot for that in Anzu's profile. I was going to ask if you'd be putting orders up for us when the main RP started, checked the forum, and there it was already! I think a few other people here need to respond to and link theirs as well.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

That's fine, Reynolds. And yes, a few more should probably check their orders soon- if not I'll be making them more apparent shortly.

Also, finally, I've been able to post! It's quite a relief to be done with work for the week already, but at the same time I'm left without much to do. Expect at least one more post from me during the week, and then after that we should be beginning the plot proper on Saturday night, PST.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Reynolds - just to check, you're ok with what Josh listed out? So far it's Trench Knife, Kukri, and that chest tri-holster rig (synth-leather). Anzu's in such a hurry, I'd feel it'd spoil the pacing if I had him stop her to ask and make sure. XD
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Yeah, that works for me! I figure it's probably time for her to meet some of the others. Especially if we're about to push the plot forward.
Re: Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies [OOC]

Hope you enjoyed the shopping and the characters - accents are always fun to tinker with.