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RP Figments of Fantasia | Playthrough Pt 1: Crossfires

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The screen would fade to black before it opened up to a clear sky, with dotted clouds around the landscape. Suddenly a huge winged creature would fly by and momentarily cover the screen. The camera would follow the horse-sized bird as it dived downward, into a battlefield. As the bird picks up a human soldier and takes to the skies, the camera moves to the left and zooms in on a fight between a Wood Elf woman with daggers and a well-armored male human. The Wood Elf was agile and quick, yet the human was well armored and easily deflected most of her attacks. The camera would start to move across the battle field and the human stabs the woman in the torso. As the camera zoomed crossed the battlefield, which was a relatively open field, with the start of a forest on the left, hundreds of warriors were seen battling. In the distance in front of the camera, the great ocean could be seen. The camera would inch closer and closer to the shore right before it looked to the sky to see a giant ball of flaming rock land on it, and the screen goes to black. The words 'Figments of Fantasia' appeared on the screen with, blood dripping off of the golden letters.

Post Introduction ((You cannot remember the introduction past here, so don't reference it))

The air was warm and bitter inside the room. Stale as if it was there for years. Dirt littered the wooden floors, with mice and rats of all sizes scurrying across them. In the room, there were more than a dozen prisoners, all locked by metal chains on their arms and legs, unconscious. People of all walks of life were prisoners- snow elves, dwarves, even a few gnomes. But most of them were wood elves and humans. Talking could be heard on the top deck, but anyone on the bottom deck could not make the words out, except the expert hearing of elves. To the common man, it was obvious they were on a ship, the smell of salt water and the rocking and creaking of the ship they were in. Standing in the opposing side of the room, stood a stout figure, not able to be seen but it's glowing red eyes, staring at the prisoners. One by one, the prisoners started to wake up, and the figure just stood there. The only light was a single beam shining through an inch-wide hole in the ship wall, where dust could be seen in the light of it. The prisoners were dressed in ripped and torn rags of a shirt and pants, which were a brown tone. Their faces covered in dirt, and the occasional rat crawled over their legs. Sounds of war could be heard in the distance- cannonballs primarily, with a few clashing of swords as the ship inched closer to the shore.

The stout figure that loomed over them banged on the wooden wall, and suddenly it got quiet on the top deck. Footsteps could be heard moving across the top deck and then down creaking steps.
Higashi Takumi put his personal headset on while laying in his bed. It had been a long day, and now it was time to relax! Booting up the Figments of Fantasia program, the title screen popped up before his eyes. Following the intro, he was allowed to create a character by choosing a race and class.

For appearance, the program had linked with his mind temporarily to get an idea of his normal appearance. Although it also allowed him to make alterations, and the Minkan had to choose a new hair color since the game didn't support his natural hair color. Therefore, he went with the simple choice: a soft, earthy shade of brown. The Human race seemed pretty standard, and though he was tempted by the High Elf race, Human ultimately won over in the end.

After a moment of deliberation and assessing the different classes, Takumi decided on simply playing a Mage. That was probably the closest thing to a scientist in this fantasy world anyways. Wondering briefly if there would be more advanced upgrades later, he plunged into the game...

...and then Higashi Takumi was no more. In his place was simply Takumi, a wandering mage who suddenly found himself in a dire predicament. Without knowing how had gotten in this cell, the human mage slowly looked around the dim prison at his unwilling companions. His brown hair clung to his head as he felt the dirt cling to his flesh. How long had they been down here? There was no way to tell.

The shrouded figure looming over them was indeed imposing. What he wanted with his prisoners was unknown, but that fact would probably soon be revealed once all of the prisoners had awaken. Only the dead would remain asleep through the general discomfort, rats fighting over food scraps amongst them, or the figure's loud banging of the nearby wall. Takumi remained silent yet alert to everything going on around him as events unfolded.
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Jack Pine equipped the headset he had bought after being suggested by Alex. He laid in the bunk and booted up the game called "Figments of Fantasia". The avatar menus popped up after a short intro, he chose the Human race, and the class of Rogue. The headset scanned his physical parameters, and kept it other than a few tweaks. He started the game wondering if this was going to be all it wa.....

Jack Harbinger opened his eyes and began surveying his surrounding, unsure of how he arrived in this dark place. His snow white hair most likely standing out in the dark, his crimson eyes locking onto the tall shrouded figure outside the cell. Jack was slightly surprised to find others there as well, he found himself bound, and looked down to find his clothing replaced in rags. Well shit, he thought to himself.
"Oh my oh my," a woman sighed.

Ever since she had gotten caught, K'yorl had found things going from bad to worse, and this had to be rock bottom. Laying there in the lower decks of the ship, the grey skinned drow couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to her. Knowing how things went though, the dark elf knew she was likely going to be sold off very quickly. If lucky, she might just end up as an exotic dancer or something, but the kingdoms of man typically had more...well, they were needy. Not that K'yorl minded too much, but the fact it wasn't going to be her choice of when or where or how was infuriating! And to go from such a high position to this, all of this was just insult to injury.

If only she didn't get caught.

"So," the woman whispered to those around her. "What are you here for?" she asked in vernacular, ruining the tension deliberately. There was no point in it, she felt.
Ship’s Hold

Olgath leaned against the ship’s hull as he roused, trying and failing to wipe the sleep from his eyes, thanks to the chains that held his arms. “Well,” he said, managing to crack a smile at the drow to his right, despite their situation, “There was this great bar brawl and apparently one of them was a nobleman’s son. Rest of the story writes itself, right, lass?”

Glancing around at the rest of the prisoners, the dwarf blinked at the apparition with the glowing eyes. “What you in for, spirit? Poltergeisting in public?”
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Blinking in the near dark, Takumi managed to make out a few of the other prisoners. He didn't even notice the one closest to him, though, until the dark elf had spoken. Turning his head, the apprentice mage nodded politely to the gray-skinned woman, "I... I don't remember, to be honest... What did you end up doing?"

His curiosity was probably unfounded, but there was little else to do about their situation until the shrouded figure decided to speak... or kill them all. The dwarf seemed to be trying to antagonize it, though.. Perhaps not the smartest move, but Takumi couldn't doubt his bravery, at least.
Jack looked towards the three strangers to his right, and shook his head but remained silent for the moment. He carefully looked the apparition up and down, gauging whether it's intentions were slavery, or execution. He leaned his head forward to get a better look at the strangers, making mental notes on the mage, drow who was pretty, and the dwarf with little in the way of tact.
Ship’s Hold

She came from the darkest corner of the room, a woman in tattered rags, and a greasy blizzard for hair. She crawled forward towards the talk souls, had they been here before? It has been too long since she had spoken to anyone, but it was the glowing spirit before her that gained her attention. She closed in, a Drow, a Human, a Dwarf, and the incarnation of evil's servant were all visible.

"SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHH!" She had growled with a finger to her caked lips and widened eyes.

"It always watches us, even now it glares directly at our souls. But... never fear!" She gazed up at the small source of light with a crazed smile and basked in the light with her white arms facing out.

"The ones who had placed us together have angered the mighty one... OUR mighty one. It shall protect us, even now you hear you hear the sound of war and combat. IT, our captor, has angered our God with my unjust imprisonment for spreading the truth... BLASPHEMY OF ALL THINGS! BLASPHEMY!" She cried, her smile now gone after mentioning her "criminal" record.

"Our time has come to escape, the hand of God has willed it, that TOGETHER, we shall bind our hands together, and merrily escape our previous fate of anguish. Be thankful, for the Lord has cometh to spare us all!" she said, turning to meet the faces of her new congregation.
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"Oh my."

Before K'yorl knew it, everyone had some sort of story to share. From the person getting in a fight with a noble's son to someone that claimed they couldn't remember, more people than she expected had at least something to say. In the end of the day, they were all social creatures after all. But then, the crazy started coming. Normally, the drow would have simply kept on walking, passing them by like most would a homeless loon, but she had little choice but to listen given that they were all chained up. Now that she did however, the grey skinned woman realized something, the thought suddenly lighting up her eyes.

"Of course! I just realized, you remind me of some of my students - the ones that have all these super powers held back by eye-patches or bits of cloth tied around their neck and such. Some would even claim they had an invisible ally and that they were the chosen ones as well," she teased the disheveled woman. Truth be told, she was fond of those young boys and girls, and it was a shame she got caught.
Ship's Hold

A small Gnome was curled up in the tightest corner of the hold, beset on nearly all sides by bodies larger and louder than hers. Many questions floated through her mind as she tucked herself away in the muggy blackness

Why was she here? Who was she? Why was she wearing rags? What was even her name?

The Gnome thought through these questions and more as she tried to ignore the steady hum of conversation happening on the top deck. After attempting to gleam abstractions about her own existence for so long, the Gnome was restless and distressed. Upon hearing a faint squeak, the Gnome rose her head up and saw the outline of a rat approaching her in a zig-zag motion. Presumably, the small creature was searching for food and was nearing it's quarry.

The Gnome inched a tentative hand near her surroundings. She brushed a finger over a small crumb, before slowly grasping the object and holding it close to her face. The creature seemed a bit confused by the sudden translocation of it's quarry, but it continued to slowly zig-zag toward the Gnome's direction.

Feeling a sudden charitable impulse, Fenxi, outstretched her hand with the crumb towards the desperately sniffing creature. She felt it sniff at her hand and at the crumb before the rat took the morsel from her hand. Fenxi smiled with satisfaction as the rat scurried away, but only for a brief moment. An exasperated frown crossed her dirt-stained features as she recognized the implications of the seemingly mundane event.

How did she know that what she saw was a rat? How did she know that the creature was sniffing?

Fenxi shook her head, not wanting to think on the implications now, instead drawn to the raving voice that seemed to echo across the hold. With that, Fenxi stood up, brushed herself off, and followed the direction of the voice...
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Freyja couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Natsumi. Images of her bullets slamming into the XO's Mindy were impossible to get out of her head. She sighed and connected to the VCE with her SPINE through the strange device. A few weeks ago she had bought a new VRMMO called Figments of Fantasia was getting popular. It claimed to be able to literally make you forget it was actually a game. She decided to give it a try. After a few minutes, she had chosen her class, customized her avatar, and chosen her pet. A message played inside her head.

CONGRATULATIONS! The serial number you have registered indicates your FoF account has been selected for a unique bonus! Only a select number of people will receive this option. If you decline, a new user will be chosen at random.

Freyja Yuuki, if you choose to accept, your character will be of tremendous influence to the evolving story of Figments of Fantasia! Your Wood Elf Hunter will be the Princess of the Araven clan. She could personally alter the story in bigger ways than other players will be able to for quite some time. Be aware that once this prize is accepted, your character will be responsible for many lives and the burden will feel extremely real while you are playing.

With a shrug, she accepted the reward. She spent a few minutes syncing up with the servers. The interface asked if she was sure she wanted to log in and displayed some terms of use and she just skipped to the bottom and....

Branwyn opened her eyes slowly. She could see a wooden wall, but nothing else. How in the seven hells did I get here? She thought. I was in the jungle with Sorewen tracking a boar, and then... Nothing. I can't remember. Her hands and feet were sore. She tried to move them but they wouldn't move apart. Realizing she was on her side, she was able to sit up and move awkwardly to a sitting position and turn away from the wall. She looked down and saw she was chained up. Someone captured me. Humans probably. The sounds of cannon balls echoed loudly, and she could hear water. I'm on a ship, Branwyn realized.

Her sensitive elven ears could pick up voices from somewhere above. They were discussing how much money the prisoners would go for. Most alarming was the voice that said those who weren't worth anything would be tossed overboard. She could see other people now as she looked around the room. The humans she would throw overboard herself, but there were elves from all around. One of the pale elves was raving like a lunatic, which reminded her of her brother. She even saw a dwarf and a gnome.

Her breath caught in her throat when she noticed the looming figure with red eyes. What sort of creatures have red eyes? I've not heard of anything like it. She wanted to tell the others what she heard. The presence of this ominous human-shaped creature kept her from speaking up about it just yet. "I don't know what you're raving about, cousin elf, but could you please shut your mouth?" She exclaimed, shooting the girl the practiced glare of a noble elf.
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Ship's Hold

The looming figure watched simply, as if not moving a muscle as the prisoners talked. The prisoners would be able to see the eyes start to move- closer and closer to the Snow Elf. Suddenly a hand was wrapped around the Elf's throat and she was shoved against the wall. "You fucking lunatic. I could kill you right now and no one would even blink." The creature said, having a deep voice. He would release his hand and swiftly move across the room and land a blow on Olgath's face. It was interrupted though, when the doors open and walked in two figures. One shorter while the other was taller. "Get some god damn lights on in here. What are we, barbarians?" He said, and within a minute the smaller figure would hold a lamp. The smaller figure would flick it, and suddenly a bright light shone from it, illuminating the room. Inside the lamp was a fairy, which seemed to be furious as she tried to break out of the glass. "Bron, you better not be fucking with my noble, that will drop the price." The taller figure said, now being able to be seen. He was obviously an Aasimar- one of the three human subspecies. The two other figures were apparently dwarves. The one with red eyes surprisingly had dark skin- and to any scholar, they would know he was a Duermar. His kin who forced the fairy to light the room, was presumably a Hillguard Dwarf, as he has no tattoos, was pale and had brown hair. The Duermar would go to the opposite side of the captain than his kin. "Na, cap'n. It was just the albino and smartass." The duermar said, referring to Olgath and the only Snow Elf in the room. The human, who was obviously the captain, observed the room of half-dead prisoners.

The door they came through was wide open- which revealed stockpiles of food and gold. On top of that, there was a medium-sized animal cage, which housed a saber, one of the cats native to the Wood Elf territory. The top deck also seemingly got noisy again, with footsteps and chatter. By now everyone could hear it- gunshots, and canon fires. Swords clashing. The high winds were pushing the ship towards shore.

"Well, welc-" Was all the captain got to say before a huge canon ball flew through the wall, over all the prisoners and hit the man. It continued the whole way through the other side of the ship and into the ocean. The Duermar's arm was ripped off while the other dwarf tried to tend to him. The Fairy was laying on the floor, still in the lamp. On the top deck, panic could be heard as bodies hit the floor. Without a second warning, another canonball flew through the ship- this time in the room opposite of the prisoners, where everything was stored. It pretty much split the ship in half. Water could be seen pouring in from the other room, soon coming over to the prisoner's room. As the water kept rising, covering the prisoners, several more canon balls could be seen crashing into the ship.

On The Beach - Five Hours Later

Parts of the ship littered the beach, along with bodies and parts of bodies, both prisoner and crew member. The back of the ship, or what was part of it, was laying on the edge of the beach, semi-submerged. A few hundred yards inward from the beach laid a battlefield, which was now all but deserted. Bodies of wood elves and humans littered the small open field which was above the beach. Death was everywhere. Even mice from the ship could be seen laying the beach, some slowly moving about, while others were dead. This attracted seabirds, which pecked at the bodies, even if they were still alive.

Fenxi was pulled awake by the sun as it crossed over her eyes. As she blinked into consciousness, she covered her eyes with one hand and turned herself over in the sand. Taking in her surroundings, Fenxi gasped in dismay at the traumatic scene that surrounded her. The loud and vile cackling of the seabirds made the scene all the worse, as they pecked at the malodorous bodies in various states of decay. Blood red water surrounded them, as the ocean drained the bodies of blood.

Fenxi made an effort to stand up, so that she could attain a full view of the scene and to search for survivors amidst the carnage. Once she stood up, she examined herself for injury. She felt a little sore, but there was no blood, and she was in no state of pain.

Taking a few tentative steps, Fenxi walked perpendicular to the shore, examining each body as she went. Her eyes caught a glass lamp with a diminutive body inside of it. She immediately recognized it as the fairy from the hold, and ran over to extricate the creature from the lamp. The fairy inside looked to be unconscious, but the lamp had small crack in it, which was causing the glass to slowly fill with water.

With delicate and steady hands, Fenxi went about unscrewing the top off of the lamp. As soon as the top came off, Fenxi reached two small hands inside the lamp and pulled the creature out. The fairy was warm within the palms of her hands, which indicated that she was alive and possibly healthy.

Fenxi looked around for anything that could possibly help the poor creature, but initially, all she could see was rotting bodies and pecking seabirds. Soon, her eyes caught a few more ragged-looking survivors stirring in the distance.

Fenxi placed the fairy in a pocket of her now-drying rags, and with small and tentative steps, the Gnome walked over to meet the survivors...
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Takumi wasn't sure what to make of the scene, but then everything went black anyways following the captain's unfortunate fate. Awakening on the beach now, he found himself on his back staring up into the endless sky. Flashbacks of struggling in the water, punching a hungry shark in the nose, and other small bits of memory after the ship was torn apart swirled around in his head as the mage raised himself into a sitting position. At least the chains were gone... mostly, as clamps were still fastened to his wrists and ankles, but the chains themselves were nowhere to be found.

Counting his lucky stars, Takumi shook his head free of the phantoms before finally getting up with a groan. His body ached, and there was blood soaking the filthy sleeve of his left arm. Whether it was his or not, he was not quite sure. Glancing around hesitantly, the scene before him turned his stomach. So much dead... and for what reason?

Then, he saw the little Gnome approaching. Takumi was familiar with the smallfolk, having dined and danced with many a Halfling village during his travels. Their Gnomish cousins were normally underground-dwellers though, so it was odd to see one on the surface. From her tattered clothing, he could only assume that she had been somehow captured as well.

His 'good' arm waved to her, and the brown-haired human immediately regretted the action as his back protested greatly. Curses... He was too young to start having the stereotypical hunched back of an elder mage! The apprentice had not even started growing a beard yet either. His gray-violet eyes wandered around the beach again, looking for more survivors as the little one approached.
Jack awoke with a start at having blacked out, he role over and into a crouch as he coughed up water. He checked himself for injury, but only finding a few cuts and bruises, as well as the fact that the chains to his bindings were gone. With a somewhat steady gaze, his crimson eyes slowly surveyed the scene around him, spotting the gnome a little farther to his left. It appeared to be running to a hunched over man, who's posture seemed to suggest distress. Jack after a moment, pulled himself to his feet, and made his way to assist the man.

As she walked closer, Fenxi noticed the man strain as he raised a hand to greet her. She gave him a wave back as she approached, careful not to stir the unconscious fairy too much.

She also noticed the man's strong jawline, his earthy brown hair, and his aquiline nose. He seemed to carry himself with the demeanor of an old man, yet, his appearance was somewhat youthful.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another male human figure approaching in their direction. This one was tall, and carried himself with the athletic grace of a soldier. He also had a handsome, angular face, however, he had a scar running down the right side of his face that seemed to have a disfiguring effect on his features.

Once she was in audible distance of the pained looking man, she reached in her pocket, and pulled out the unconscious fairy, holding the creature out to the man like a child with a doll.

"Can you help me treat her?", she asked in a soft voice.
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Takumi straightened into a stretch, hearing and feeling his back pop in a couple places. He was definitely sore but would survive. As the Gnome drew closer and asked for help, his gray-violet eyes saw the poor fairy. He had not yet seen the other man before closing the gap to the little one. "I... I can see what I can do," he replied, gingerly taking the fae creature from her.

Her warmth was a good sign, as he remembered reading somewhere that faeries were normally a lot warmer than the larger folk due to their tiny size. Carefully lifting her up to his ear, the mage listened to her chest for a faint heartbeat. Takumi did not have any medicine on him, but he could keep her warm.

Tearing off a mostly dry piece of his prison garb, he wrapped the fairy up gently before handing her back to the Gnome. "Keep her warm, and we will see about getting her medical attention as soon as we can. She is breathing, and her heart seems steady, which is a good sign." He hoped that his words were calming in a time like this.
"Oh me oh my," K'yorl managed to breathlessly utter.

As the seagull pecking at her squawked, flying away as she slowly, slowly, slowly got up, she took in the scene around her. With the battle versus pirates or competitors or whatever having been concluded, the Drow found herself both washed up, and 'free' for the time being, yet still bound in chains. Regaining her breath, the former academy teacher grabbed at a shattered lantern's wire handle and began working to free herself. Unsuccessfully. One of K'yorl's favorite students showed her how, but this was a bit different, and outside the nice, clean, safe haven that was once home. Walking along the bodies and ruins, she spotted some others fussing over a lamp, but hoped they didn't notice her right away.

Making to search the bodies and then the remains of the ship for anything worthwhile - money, weapons, actual keys, more substantial clothing and even jewels - K'yorl wanted first 'Dibs'. They shouldn't have been picked clean. Right? Otherwise, she herself and the others would have been taken again. Even as she went about this, there was something...odd.

That one word in her mind. It seemed so familiar. Oh well.
On the shore line laid a woman covered in wild sea plants and the soiled sand, taking the knee with her shackled arms hanger over her head as if she were begging for mercy.

"Celestial Creation, creator of the holy heaven and precious soil. I strayed from your path when I have failed to give the honored news of your upcoming arrival and eventual return to our humble home. Absolve me once more, for my pride led me to stray away, and let me believe that I alone could have preached your words. Grant me your forgiveness, grant me a chance to restore and prove my faith to you oh mighty one, the one who has exceeded all of this world's gods. I accept my deserved punishment, and graciously give my humble gratitude as your slave, so I can return to the path of righteousness. My good creator, know that I love you, and that I have given my life to serve you. Remember your loyal servant, and bless me with the ability to lead those who've you designated to survive to the path of salvation!" She had concluded.

"Gaahh~~~~ so tired..." she whined as her body began to tremble and eventually collapse.

Swimming with her hands shackled was an intense and almost impossible task. Or at least, that's what Priscilla thought she had done. Truth be told, she had forgotten what had happened a while ago, but there was only one logical explanation for her survival. God had come down and took over her own body in order for Priscilla to survive. Right now, she just needed to rest, but before she could she need to say one thing...

"C-could someone help me up? PLEASE?" She yelled, hoping for someone to help her up.
Ship's Hold

Olgath took the punch with good humor and kept up being a smartass. “Oh, sorry cousin,” he said, idly spitting blood onto the wooden deck, “Couldn’t see you in this light.” Looking no worse for wear, he sized up their captors and obviously wasn’t impressed. He was more impressed when the captain was cut in half by a cannon ball. “Some welcome,” he said, before he was too busy not drowning to make any more smart comments.


Olgath was one of the last survivors to wake, thanks to being hit in the head by one of the sunken ship’s timbers. Coughing the last of the seawater out of his lungs, he looked around and saw the group of people surrounding the fairy and her ‘doctor.’ Huh, he thought, the remains of his chains chinking as he got up, lucky I survived. Especially since I don’t know how to swim. Priscilla’s whining soon got his attention though and when he realized that it was a female snow elf in distress, he hurried right over.

“Need a hand, m’lady?” the dwarf asked, giving her a small smile as he took her arm and helped her to her feet. Seeing her shake, he moved a hand to the small of her back, keeping her stable and letting him get closer, hopefully without getting slapped. “You okay?”
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