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RP Figments of Fantasia | Playthrough Pt 1: Crossfires

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Branwyn stood up and walked over to the gnome. She would have smiled and introduced herself normally but this was no time for pleasantries. Kneeling down, the wood elf looked at the faerie carefully. She sighed in relief and explained, "A forest faerie. I think she will recover, but it would go faster if she could draw pure mana out of someone. Perhaps a mage survived as well?"

At this distance, the gnome would notice that her voice was high pitched, but not unpleasantly so. She spoke clearly and precisely, every word filled with confidence. Branwyn stood up and smiled at the gnome.

"Forgive my manners, friend. I am Branwyn Araven, heir to the Araven Clan." She said, followed by a traditional greeting in Elvish. "The saber is my friend Sorewen."

She heard the approaching elves before they could be seen. The song for the dead was impossible for her to miss. She was relieved that this battle had gone in their favor. Although they were often in conflict she also felt pity for the humans who had died. She felt a pang of guilt for scaring the two humans and sighed.

"Sorewen won't attack the humans if they mean me no harm. Even then, I am afraid she is in no shape to do so." She finally told the gnome. By now the elvish singing could be heard clearly. "Come over here, everyone! My kinsmen approach. I will explain what happened to us." She called to the others, acknowledging them directly for the first time.
Takumi took in the sight with wide, gray eyes. If only he still had his journal! A pang of sorrow struck him upon realizing that all those years of study and experience were probably ruined by the waves... if not just gone entirely to begin with. If nothing else, the mage apprentice would have loved to take notes while witnessing this... death parade? Perhaps that was not the best way to describe these Wood Elf rites.

The brown-haired Human was still a bit away from Branwyn and Fenxi, so he had not heard their discussion about the fairy. Plus, the Wood Elves arriving had distracted him enough to even forget about the soreness of his arm. He pondered the significance of placing a flower over the dead rather than simply taking them home for burial first. It really was a different world out here beyond Imperial boundaries.

Takumi did hear Branwyn's call for them to gather around. Tearing his eyes from the collection of Wood Elves and forest creatures, he carefully closed the gap between himself and the two women with open palms to show that he was no threat to the Woolf Elf or her furred companion. "What.. are they doing, Miss Wood Elf?" the curious mage asked while taking another glance at her 'kinsmen'.
Even from the darkest woods, there is always a hope when one's faith is strong. That's what Priscilla wanted to say when she saw her half-kin appear. She might've never personally met an elf of a different kind, but there was enough faith in Priscilla to believe that these elves would help another in need. From here, nothing was no longer in Priscilla's hands, she saved someone from bleeding out on this battlefield, it was now someone else's job to save the woman from the stake embedded inside her.

With this revelation, Priscilla grazed the Dwarf with her hand as she collapsed with her back on the shore. he knees still faced outward to the woman whilst her ankles were perpendicular from her body, out of context, her situation could've been regarded as promiscuous. From the angle her head was positioned in, Priscilla could barely make out the image of a white haired human apparition. Though it had to be human, spirits and the like do not usually posses scars, it must've been another survivor. Why hadn't she noticed that he was there earlier. It was like some sort of celestial being prevented her from noticing him.

With one hand, she motioned for the white haired human to approach her. Priscilla had forget about the woman, the Dwarf, and the Drow, right now there was a greater curiosity that caught her eye. Perhaps he, like the Dwarf, would help her up. The human seemed to be able to support her much better than the Dwarf could've based on their heights alone, and right now, Priscilla pleaded with her eyes for the human to help her.
Jack who had remained silently at the injured woman's side as the Elven woman attempted to provide aid which in turn only appeared to exhaust her at the gain of stopping the pierced woman's bleeding. As the elf beckoned to him, he felt a sudden worry that she made need aid as well considering recent events.

"Are you alright my lady, your healing seems to have helped this woman for now, I am grateful for your compassion. You seem tired, is there anyway that I may assist you?" Jack said curtly as moved to her side.
“Whoa, steady now,” Olgath said, touching her face and leaned over, making sure she hadn’t passed out. Satisfied, he quickly moved to scoot one of Priscilla’s legs so she had some semblance of modesty. We can worry about any…diversions later, he thought with a chuckle.

The accompanying smile disappeared when Jack approached. “She’s fine, humie,” the dwarf said, glowering as he put a hand on the elf’s shoulder. Probably shouldn’t yell at him. I can sympathize with going to help the damsel in distress. “You can help me get her back up, if you want,” he muttered, standing up and getting ready to pull the snow elf off of the sandy beach. Hopefully those elves will be useful and not just take all their relatives and leave the rest of us here.
"She doesn't seem like she in the best state to stand, her healing seems to have drained her of energy. It would be best to carry her for now until we can find a proper place to rest. Any aid these Elven folk can provide would be much appreciated, but caution should still be exercised. We do not know them, and we should try avoiding anything that could be considered hostile." Jack said as he moved to pick the woman up, placing his left arm under her's and around her back, and his right arm under her knees before lifting with slight effort. The woman was light and easy for him to carry in this manner, as well as the fact that Jack was in peek physical condition.
As the others made to greet the elves, K'yorl remained in the back, silent.

Elves and Drow never got along, and chances were, things weren't going to go well for her this time. It was likely too late to simply run however, but they were unlikely to simply kill her, she knew. It just bad manners after all. No, if things soured, the former teacher knew that she'd have a chance to break out and sneak away later. It was a shame she wasn't able to salvage anything from the battlefield however. But given how the elves had control of the battlefield, that was probably for the best anyways.

It was best not to be caught re-appropriating unused equipment after all.
Nyrean Feathermoon
Nyrean walked through the forest, over tree stumps and through brush. The traditional dress she wore was elegant yet ready for war. The dress had a magnificently carved iron chest piece that covered her torso. She had shoulderpads along with matching boots- all of which had at least one blue gem. She had a silver leather quiver on her back, filled with golden-tipped arrows. Nyrean gave her bow to a guard, as it would hinder her abilities when she performed the ritual for her fallen comrades. She may not lead a clan, but she was the speaker for Nurel- which was held in high esteem in the Wood Elven lands. It was her that would bring peace between the wood elf clans.

As she reached the edge of the woods, she stepped out into the sunlight. Her dark tanned skin was now visible, and her deep blue hair was shimmering, flowing down half her back. Her eyes glowed blue with magic. "May Nurel take these souls to the stars." She said to herself as her eyes started to glow much brighter. It was as if winds came out of nowhere and were now hitting her. Her hair was flowing, flapping everywhere as the gems on her armor started to glow. The Priestess was now hovering in the air, not even her toes touched the ground. Her eyes were closed, with a blue, or to some, purple, light came out of her hands. Strands of it went in all directions- to every single glowing flower. "By the power of Nurel!" She yelled as the flowers suddenly started to rapidly grow. Within minutes, the once barren field was a wondrous forest. Nyrean fell to the ground, slightly weakened by the magic, but steadied herself.

"I was told a ship wrecked on the coast. Before we press on I want to know if that was ours." Nyrean said, turning around to face glowing purple eyes. The woman was slightly shorter than her, and covered in green and brown armor, with a curved sword in one hand, and a bow and quiver on her back. The woman nodded as she turned around and motioned for her soldiers to head towards the wreckage.

Shandris Silverpetal
Shandris slowly made her way towards the edge of the forest along the beach, dozens of guards following her. From a distance she could not make out any faces- but she could certainly spot survivors, and there were humans with them. "Be ready on my mark." She whispered to the guards around her. Her sword was in her hands as she burst out of the woods. Her light green hair lit up in the light, and her tan skin was now visible. Her hair was in a ponytail as she made a fast walk to the survivors. The guards around her armed and readied their bows, all of them pointed at the humans- but mostly to Takumi. It was evident one of the humans was not Imperial. "Make sure they have no weapons, tie the huma-" She said before she recognized the face of a Wood Elf leader. "Branwyn?!" Shandris exclaimed, knowing the Aravan Heir all too well. Her hand suddenly went out, which stopped the guards in their tracks. The bows went down, and the army seemed to relax. "What...what has happened?" She finally asked, peering over at the two humans.
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Olgath clenched his teeth and did his best to not growl as Jack picked the snow elf off the ground. I could have done that, doofus, he thought. But we don’t have any idea what the elves are going to do. Maybe they’ll just slap irons on all of us and Pricilla will be thrown around some more because you’re an idiot.

Thankfully for his blood pressure, the blue-eyed elf did her magic and, to his surprise, made a forest pop out of what was a battlefield just seconds before. Well, dang. They weren’t lying when they said the elves love their trees, he thought, getting a little uneasy as the jungle literally grew closer. He sighed in relief when it stopped a few feet away, but tensed again when a group of armed elves came out. Well great. Hmm, probably shouldn’t be a jerk and say the humie is a serial killer or something. Although he might be, for all I know…probably not a good idea.

“I’ll leave most of the explaining to, uh, Branwyn,” he said, stepping around Jack so he would be the only one pin-cushioned if something went wrong, “But we were prisoners on a ship and something happened and then we showed up here. Most everyone was dead when I woke up, but there’s this lady over here that’s still alive, if that’s important.”
"Yes as my Dwarven associate here has stated, we have a woman here in great need of aid, and several are in need of rest. We were taken against our will by the those serving aboard the wrecked ship. We also mean no disrespect, or hostility towards you, and if you wish, we will vacate the area immediately my lady." Jack said after seeing the elves emerge from the forest, weapons drawn. He pulled the woman in his arms closer to hold onto her better in the possibility that they would be running.
She was worn out, Priscilla felt her entire body become sore. Even the slightest movement stung her a bit, but at least now she didn't have to support herself anymore, for now at least. Though her body was completely exhausted, she wanted to stay a awake a little bit more like a child at night. So Priscilla closed her eyes, and kept her ears alert while she was in Jack's arms. It was difficult to stay awake in this position, in fact she felt like a child once again, in the arms of some else willing to protect them, and Priscilla liked that feeling.

Her hands laid flat on her person, at ease. However, the conversation that Priscilla could barely focus on, and the way that Jack's muscles tensed up, bringing her closer, made her worry. Priscilla didn't know what was going to happen, but she couldn't do anything about that, not even praying would help her now, she already asked for far too much. Priscilla had to rely on someone else for a change.

With an insignificant grunt, Priscilla brought herself closer to Jack's person like a child would, and then gently wrapped her arms around him, gently gripping his cloths in the process. Priscilla did not want to let go.
As K'yorl watched the elves revitalized the dead plant life, she couldn't help but immediately think how wasteful it was.

Drow and Elf had opposed one another for a long, long time, and the tree huggers were simply too sentimental with such things in her and her people's opinion. Here, on the edge of a battlefield and a newly wrecked ship, their noble one squandered precious magic to revitalize the useless plants, rather than searching for survivors first and treating them. Her own people may have been 'excessive' in some of their more carnal urges, but they were at least proper and efficient when it came to business. This, as it always was with elves, a disappointment. Staying silent, K'yorl simply waited in the back of the group.

With how slow the elves tended to be it had taken them forever to finally address her group. It would likely take more time for anything else to happen.
Takumi bowed his head as the arrows pointed at his heart. It was only natural for these elves to be distrustful of him, so patience would have to reign here. It was unlikely that he would be able to scorch many of his attackers, if any, should their arrows hunger for his flesh too much.

The human made sure his hands were visible. They likely didn't suspect him to be a mage, but the showing of hands was a universal sign of not being a threat. Whether that would be enough, time would only tell. Takumi remained silent, knowing that anything he said would likely be ignored or worse used against to expedite his execution.
Branwyn watched the unfolding spectacle with a mixture of sadness and joy. She smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. The advancing forest seemed to swallow the elves, giving Branwyn time to consider what exactly to tell them. She was afraid they might not listen and hurt the humans anyway. Seeing Shandris was commanding them gave her renewed hope.

Before she could reply, the others had already spoken. She gave the dwarf and the strange looking white-haired human a sharp look. Turning to look at Shandris, her face transformed, her frown turning into a bright smile. She fought the urge to run to her and give her a big hug, opting instead to step forward and greet her. "Shandris! I am relieved to see a familiar face." Branwyn said excitedly.

"The ship... I can't explain how I got there, Sorewen and I must have been captured somehow. These people were all captives as well, even the little faerie. I saw an Aasimar man, a Hillguard dwarf and a Duermar. I overheard one of them say they were planning to kill those of us they couldn't ransom." She explained. "One of them called the human Captain. As far as I know, the two human survivors have done nothing wrong. I saw that one of them tried to assist the gnome and the other helped the snow elf. Surely an Imperial would not display such kindness."

Branwyn paused to consider what else she had noticed. "There's an injured human woman on the beach as well. I suggest you treat her and find out what she knows. She was one of the ship's crew. Sorewen is hurt as well. Could we talk about this after we get to... Wait, where are we?"
Fenxi wobbled back and forth, suddenly appearing very tired. Her eyes had bags under them, her skin became pale, cold sweat dripped down her face. But what was most strange was a blue aura that was seemingly coming out of her.....and was being absorbed by the small winged Faerie. Fenxi dropped to her knees as the Faerie flew out of her hands, the blue Aura disappearing. Something quiet, a murmuring sound could be heard coming from Fenxi before she dropped completely into the sand, unconscious.

Shandris Feathermoon
Shandris closed her eyes as the human spoke. What kind of arrogant fool would be like that. But due to what her dear friend Branwyn said, she let it slide......for now. Her eyes darted from one person to another, examining each and every one of them. She knew Branwyn- they were childhood friends. They would always go hunt with eachother, pretty much everything, until Branwyn had to become more involved with the clan. Ever since they grew apart- barely seeing eachother due to the skirmishes from the empire. Then there was Branwyn's feline...such a magnificent beast. Both would cause no trouble. Shandris' eyes lingered on the dark elf. It was long since she last saw one....they usually never traveled near their forests. But from what she saw- yet again no threat. The shieldmantle dwarf seemed fine- and in all honestly, she did not mind dwarves. She found them to be nice company, and to bring spirits up. Her worries most lay in the snow-white human, and what was evidently an Imperial. What was most curious though was that the Icemarkian held the snow elf. As she received the hug from Branwyn, she smiled, but did not remove her eyes from the humans. "It is nice to see you again. I know I have been much to busy with defending the forests to see you lately." She said, still looking at the humans.

But then she noticed a small, winged creature fly out from behind the humans. She immediately recognized it as the faerie. An outsider has not seen a Faerie in ages, and yet....all these people did. it would be problematic. "We will take care of the Snow Elf." She added, motioning with her hand for one of her guards to hold the elf instead. But then she turned her attention to the real problem. The Imperial human that was injured on the beach. It was evident that she was a crew member of this ship the survivors spoke of. Shandris nodded to the survivors as she walked towards the injured woman. Two guards followed her, while the rest stayed behind, simply watching the group. When she reached the human, she kneeled down and examined the wounds. "We will take her in for questioning. These bandits are helping the empire...It needs to stop." Shandris said simply as she stood back up.

"We need to move out and get everyone to safety before the Empire returns for another attack." She said loudly so everyone in the vicinity could hear her. She knew they would be back....but when was another question. They seemed to change their tactics daily.
Priscilla knew that she was the only Snow Elf in the near vicinity, she couldn't remember seeing anymore of her kind in the ship nor at the beach. Though the term kind could be used loosely, after all there seemed to be plenty of elves deeper inland, however none of them originated from her home nor bore the camouflage of frost. Funnily enough, she felt very much at ease in the company of the strangers she had awoken to, after all they seemed to be touched with the hand of god. Priscilla was less than inclined to leave her current position, and since she was unable to voice her concern, she opted to demonstrate. Priscilla buried her head and wild hair into Jack, hiding her face from the rest of the world like as if she were child.

That was the extend of her capabilities, with some healing and some rest however, she should be able to able to fend for herself once more.
Jack was caught off guard by the elven woman in his armors intensified embrace as the guard came closer. His cheeks reddened slightly as he was unsure on what to do. She seemed to disagree with leaving him, and he was not about to let someone take her against her will, but there would not be much he would be able to do to stop the approaching guard. The hatred in the snow elves eyes also caught him off guard and made it clear he was in unfriendly territory. He remained silent but he held Priscilla tighter. "Master dwarf, I don't like the looks I'm getting, something I don't suppose you have an idea about. She does not want to go with them, and I will not let her be taken against her will, any plans?" Jack said, whispering the last sentence to where only the dwarf could hear.
Well, Olgath thought, lowering his arms as it became clear that he wasn’t in trouble, looks like I’m fine. Looks like I need to keep the humie alive though. If nothing else, seems like a decent mule. Sighing when he saw the snow elf resist being pulled away from the human, he walked over and put a hand on the elf guard’s arm.

“Hey, I know it’s a pain, but she hit her head earlier and probably should be left alone,” the dwarf said with a shrug, “Maybe keep a weapon pointed at him so he doesn’t get any ideas?” Just don’t do anything stupid, he thought as he smirked a little at the humie’s expense. It’s kind of fun messing with you.
As the new player put on their head set, a menu would pop up for them to create their character. From races such as High Elves to Gnomes, there were many options. Then it would take them to a screen where they would get to edit cheek pones, skin tones, the hair and all the rest. Once finished customizing their avatar, the screen would fade to black before it lights up once again, with birds able to be heard chirping. The screen would move through a thick forest before stopping before a branch, which had a family of blue birds on it. The birds would then suddenly fly away as a deafening sound echoed through the forest. The camera would follow the birds, going every which way, dodging branches. The giant words: FIGMENTS OF FANTASIA would appear on the screen before vanishing....thus the game began.

One half of the frigate that the prisoners were on still was in tact, albeit in thigh-deep water, dug into the sand, with barely the tip sticking out. Inside would be bodies- gnomes, dwarves, humans even. But among those bodies, was someone that survived. A young and beautiful snow elf, floating in the water. She would have drowned if not for the bodies taking up most of the room beneath her, which propped her head into the one air pocket inside the ship.
Izzy couldn't remember how she got where she was but as soon as she realized what was keeping her from drowning she screamed and tried to push against the hull of the ship that was trapping her. She was trying to find a segment of loose boards or something but in her freaked out state that wasn't entirely possible without help.

"Someone help me!" She called out, hoping someone was close enough to hear her.
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