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RP Figments of Fantasia | Playthrough Pt 1: Crossfires

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The wood elf coughed up seawater and groaned. This startled the bird that was about to try to make a meal of her. It flew away to find a dinner that wouldn't fight back. She sat up slowly, thinking about how tired she was of waking up in different places. Her eyes opened on a horrific scene. Bodies of man and elf were strewn across the beach. She even spotted limbs detached from their owners.

Branwyn gagged and averted her eyes. She sat there for a few minutes before she remembered she had been chained up. Her gaze shifted to her hands and feet. The shackles were still attached but her hands and feet weren't chained together. She was confused about why she was still alive, then she decided it didn't really matter.

Her ears picked up a purr from nearby that reminded her of Sorewen. She jumped to her feet and turned towards the sound. A cage was halfway submerged on the beach. She saw a familiar white cat-like shape with black stripes. It was Sorewen! Branwyn sprinted to the cage, tears blurring her vision.

Inside the cage, a cat the size of a big dog was mostly submerged. Its head and forelegs were sticking out of the water, and she could see blood everywhere. "I'm here, Sorewen," she said softly."I will get you out. Everything is going to be fine, girl." The saber lifted its head to look at her and then lowered it weakly.

First, she tried to open the cage, pulling at the door as hard as she could. Never that easy is it? Branwyn thought. She looked around for some way to open the cage. It seemed unlikely but maybe the key was on one of the bodies. She frantically searched the bodies nearby, ignoring any corpses with shackles. It took nearly a dozen bodies before she found a key that looked the right size.

She sprinted back to the cage and unlocked it. Sorewen tried to drag herself out of the cage. Noticing that she was struggling, Branwyn helped her, practically having to drag her onto the beach. She could hear other people talking. They didn't matter right now. She would figure out what to do next after she made sure her saber was taken care of. The frantic elf knelt down and searched Sorewen's body for injuries.
"Ah... God bless you." She whispered

Her body was strained and all of her muscles ached greatly. On her own, she wouldn't be able to stand, but with this supportive Dwarf, she could trudge her way anywhere until she found a place to rest. So She slowly took one step forward , followed by another, and another. She was weak in body, but in mind and spirit she could pride herself in being strong. Yet pride in one's self is a sin for the Disciples of the true God.

"I thank you... brave and noble Dwarf for aiding me, a stranger, in a time of great distress for both you and I. Surely, God smiles down upon you for your charitable act." She groaned

Though, the same could not be said about the ones who laid motionless on the shoreline, especially the one who seemed to rummage through their pockets.

"What is she doing?" She whispered to the Dwarf

his vision was tired, should could be imaging the potential desecration of bodies. Just the same way Priscilla imagined the strange canine with two large teeth. There was no way such a large creature with such a pair of teeth existed.
Gnome, Takumi & Jack
As the group huddled around the unconscious faerie, a faint glow could be seen that emanated from the being, which meant she was slightly angry. The more angry a Faerie becomes, the bright their glow becomes, which also blinds their enemies while they attack. Her body could be seen taking slow and steady breaths, with a slight twitch of her hands as she was wrapped in a cloth. Her clothes were made of orange Freesia petals, along with no shoes. Despite being in water and knocked out, her hair was surprisingly good-looking. It was really long, skinny braid reaching down to even her kneecaps. She also had a decent amount of bangs, the only problem was a few strands of hair were out of her braid. Her hair was Auburn, with slight blonde noticeable in places. Her semi-transparent, normal-sized wings showed a slight green tint. To the knowledgeable Wood Elf or scholar, they would know what her appearance meant, but to the average wanderer, she was just a random Faerie. The woman's eyes could then be seen to open, as green as emeralds, albeit still to weak to move but a little bit. She still stayed still however- no one knowing what was wrong, or even if there was anything wrong with the little being, maybe she was tricking them. The faerie peered up towards the Gnome. The Faerie's tiny hands could not wrap around even the Gnome's finger, but she did cling onto her pointer finger, as if it was a hug. That seemingly used up her energy, as she just laid there still.

As the woman scoured the shores looking for any useful gear, a hand suddenly came up and grabbed her leg. " me." A raspy voice said. Her hand was covered in blood, which consequently covered K'yorl's leg in blood. The woman was not in rags like the others- she wore fine, well, what seemed like they use to be fine leather armor. She was tanned, with gorgeous blonde hair, which was now in a messy, almost destroyed bun. Her eyes were a magnificent blue. The woman appeared muscular- and was obviously a human, but the subrace was only evident to the knowledgeable. There was a giant cut on her arm, with another wound on her torso. A piece of wood was hanging out, as it presumably was shoved in her during the crash. If no one helped her, the woman would. The woman coughed up blood. "Pl...please." She added, her eyes pleading for help as she stared up at the Dark Elven woman.

Olgath & Priscilla
As the others did their thing, these two were very much in their own, private world near the water. While the duo were just looking at each other- there was commotion. In the sea, it was as if a dozen or more fish jumped out of the water and back in, making waves that hit the shore. For those that looked, they were able to see a sparkle in the water for but a moment before it vanished. But the fish would have had to be humongous to make waves like that. Bodies still littered the water and shore- along with what is left of the ship and supplies. Whatever was in the water went unseen, was it friend or foe- or even a simple fish?

Wood Elf & Saber
As the woman pulled her pet onto the shore, she could see a long cut down it's torso, although luckily it was not deep. It could be bandaged and stitched right up. The woman examined the wounds but had no materials to fix it, until mysteriously a medical kit containing needle, thread and bandages washed up onto the shore beside her. It was if the group had guardian angels.

“No problem,” Olgath replied, giving the snow elf a grin. Hopefully God will bless me a lot, he thought, his eyes wandering as he took in her beautiful, if messy, white hair and her slim elvish figure, but that’s for later.

“Hmm?” he asked, before looking over at the scrounging drow. “Probably checking to see if they have anything we can use. No use to them if they’re dead.” He paused for a moment before looking back at Priscilla. “I forget, is it bad in your religion to mess with bodies? I’d offer to bury them, but who knows how long that’d take.”

Before the dwarf could get the elf’s reply, the spontaneous leaping of fish made him flinch a little before shuddering. “Why did I think going to a port was a good idea?” he muttered, before shaking his head and saying, “C’mon, let’s go make sure she’s not doing anything rash.” At that, he started leading her towards the drow, moving his arm around her waist to give her more support.

“So, m’lady,” Olgath said, after making some distance away from the shoreline, “What’s your name?”
"I can't help you."

The words seemed cold, but it was true. Being a teacher for years upon years upon years at her people's highest academy gave K'yorl a lot of free time, and in that time, she learned many things. Even if it was to simply pass time and sate her curiosity.

"It's lodged deep - without magic, you'd die if it were removed," she added, dispassionately remaining on her feet. Yet despite that, the Drow's face seemed...unhappy. Perhaps a little distressed. This woman was as good as dead without proper care "If you know of where I can find supplies within the ship's remains, tell me." She may have been an academy teacher, but K'yorl was still a Drow. This woman looked strong, and even had a protective leather jack. That meant she was possibly part of the crew. Someone who knew what had happened, perhaps where they were, and so forth. Knowledge was power, and this woman? She was K'yorl's key to that. The shapely woman just hoped trouble wasn't coming in the form of a pair of visitors.

Otherwise, she knew she might have to put her curves to use and slit a pair of throats when the time was right.

"She looks like she's getting better! And she's warmer too!", said Fenxi in a somewhat innocent tone as she looked up at the mage and took the dry cloth off of the fairy. A soft smile crossed her features as she felt the diminutive fairy warm up within her hands.

"Do you think we should set her down?"
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Although he had read a little about the fae-folk, Takumi was not overly familiar with them enough to tell them specifically apart nor of their moods beyond facial expressions. However, her regaining consciousness was a good sign. "Hmm... she still seems weak, but I think she likes you the most. You should hold onto her until we can get her some help."

Pondering what he just said for a moment, it couldn't hurt to ask, and the mage called out to the rest of the survivors surrounding them. "Does anyone know healing magic or medicine?" It would be nice to patch up his arm, too. His back was feeling a bit better, but Takumi still felt off as he straightened his back in a quick stretch.

Turning back down to the Gnome, the taller Human also had forgotten his manners. "Oh.. My name is Takumi, by the way. I am... er, was a wandering mage apprentice, but I am not sure how I got mixed up into... this." He vaguely waved to the entire beach to include the shipwreck and the numerous bodies.
Jack who had reached the mage and gnome stood there for a moment as the scholar spoke, "What is seems to ail your arm scholar?" he said noticing the odd way he moved it.

"I am not educated in medicine or the arcane arts, but if it is a simple dislocation, I can aid you." Jack stated looking the man over for any other visible injuries.
Branwyn looked at the medical kit that washed up on shore. Perhaps the gods are actually watching over me, she thought. A sudden wave of hope washed over her. Was the crazy snow elf actually a messenger of the gods? She cleared her mind and returned to the task at hand. The gash on Sorewen needed to be tended quickly, everything else could wait.

She dashed to the shore and retrieved the medical kit. Somehow it was barely damp. She added that to the list of strange things that had happened recently. After returning to the wounded saber's side, she threaded the needle. "This may hurt, Sorewen. I am sorry but if I don't do this, you will die." She said, trying to keep her voice calm. To calm her nerves she started singing an elven lullaby she remembered from childhood.

It seemed to calm the big cat as well. Branwyn stitched up the wound as quickly as possible, singing until she finished. "All done." She said, releasing a deep breath she didn't realize she was holding in. Her ears registered people talking nearby followed by a shout for a healer. She finally looked up to see a gnome and a couple human men with something glowing in the gnome's hand. It reminded her of the glow of a fairy.

She remembered there had been a fairy in a jar on the ship. "Gnome! Is that a fairy?" Branwyn called out as she stood up. The injured saber turned its head towards the two humans and started to growl. "I see them. It's fine, I will call you if I need you." She said, patting Sorewen on the side.

"Bring her over here, I can help! The humans should keep back a bit, though. My friend Sorewen here likes humans less than I do."

"Nice to meet you Takumi! My name is Fenxi...and I'm a...well...I don't actually know what I am but -"

"Gnome! Is that a fairy?", interrupted a feminine voice from outside of the circle. "Bring her over here, I can help! The humans should keep back a bit, though. My friend Sorewen here likes humans less than I do."

With that, Fenxi turned to the mage and gave him a soft smile, before turning back to look at what appeared to be a wood elf woman with a wounded-looking saber cat companion. She gave the wood elf a wave before, walking to her location, keeping her movements slow and predictable, so as not to upset to saber cat. Fenxi also let the fairy cling to her finger as she walked.

"This fairy...she almost drowned. Can you check on her?", said Fenxi as she stretched the palms of her hands out with the fairy cupped within.
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Turning to the newcomer, Takumi nodded to him before replying, "Ah, I am no scholar... just a simple wanderer. My arm hurts, but I do not think it was dislocated." Lifting up the blood-covered sleeve would reveal a shallow gash along his upper arm, deep enough to bleed initially but not life-threatening. It had appeared that the bleeding had stopped as well, so that was a good sign.

"Fenxi, eh? Nice to meet you as well," Takumi smiled as her turned back to the Gnome, but their conversation had been interrupted by the wood elf in distress. "Go on, we can discuss your amnesia another time. Perhaps time will help you find your memory."

It was unfortunate that the Wood Elf did not trust him, but Takumi understood why. His people were normally not known for their kindness or willingness to help... especially someone that would normally be an enemy. The mage himself did not agree fully with the heavy-handed tactics of his Imperial brethren, but it would take time for people to see that.
Priscilla's heart twitched at the sight of the gravely injured woman trying to beg for her life. Like herself, this woman had been spared from the instant fate of death within the ship, yet her destination to the afterlife seemed almost inevitable even from a decent distance. With every step she took forward towards the injured soul, Priscilla winced in pain as her muscles struggled to maintain their form. Fortunately, the Dwarf had maintained her with every step, preventing her collapse.

" My name...? Urgh... my name is Priscilla... servant of the almighty Creator of.... everything... in existence " Was all that she was able to reward the Dwarf for keeping her up, for now.

Names weren't important she thought, at least right now, someone was dying, and that required all of her attention. They way the woman begged seemed to ask for forgiveness, and if Priscilla was able to save her now then her Creator's holy words would smooth sail into her heart. In order for those words to sail however, she had to cross this shore line that seemed much larger than it actually was. Every step she took seemed to quake the earth, not because she caused it too, but because the earth pushed her back up with a strength that Priscilla could not withstand. Every step she took closer the woman, she seemed to go from a sunken trudge to a borderline crawl. By the time they were able to truly see the woman's condition, the unknown Dwarf had been doing most of the traveling for them both.

"She... can't speak... fool. Can't, you see?" Priscilla barely exclaimed at the Drow.

In all honesty, she could barely speak herself. Priscilla's pride grew dangerously close to sin, but that was alright as long as the spurts of divine energy continued to be present in her left hand. She would have to beg for forgiveness later, but this was currently a vital moment that could not be ignored. The chance to save a life more than once had presented itself to her, to save a soul now, and if she survives, save a spirit later.

Priscilla reached out to the injured area with her healing hand, still clinging to the Dwarf for as close as she could. Then she motioned to the giant stake within the woman to be removed with a yanking motion while her hand slowly stopped the bleeding. Priscilla pleaded in her heart, that she would have enough strength to save this woman in the name of her God, yet her vision slowly started to fade to the point that she couldn't even tell if she was doing anything in her current state.

Though it was still fine in her eyes, it was still fine.
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As they slowly approached, the Drow couldn't help but tense. It was enough that they were her inferiors, but that they were all in such a desperate state made it worse in so many ways.

"Oh my, oh my," K'yorl began, a smile on her lips but a menacing glare in her eyes. "Says the person who wasn't talking to her a moment ago." The fey Drow looked down on them all, but that didn't mean they didn't deserve help. Looking at the wounded woman, her eyes softened, pleading her to say something that could help. A kit of potions, a healing scroll, anything. Otherwise, the former teacher knew she'd have to go searching on her own - pulling out the piece of wood impaling her was a death sentence without aid.

It was keeping her from bleeding out.
“I see,” Olgath replied, looking up at the snow elf’s face. Wish I could tell you to sit down somewhere, he thought, his hand absentmindedly rubbing Priscilla’s side as he escorted/carried her towards the downed woman. Guess I can appreciate the single-mindedness though.

The dwarf rolled his eyes at both elves’ prickliness. So not a time for a cat fight. “Let’s focus on keeping the wounded alive, ladies,” he said, slowly lowering the priest to the sand, pulling her closer to support her better, as he put his free hand on the large splinter. “Ready?” he asked, looking at the elvish priest, looking for her signal.
Jack settled with the fact that the mage was not in any need of immediate need decided to see if aid was needed by the woman down the beech a little ways with what appeared to be the drow and dwarf. He made his way there at a full on sprint, until only a short distant to where he slowed to a speed walk, he was starting to feel a soreness in his right thigh and forearm he would have to check more closely for injury later. At only a couple paces Jack looked to the drow using what appeared to be some form of healing on the woman who was in a bad way, "Is there any aid I may provide, any assistance I can possibly give?"
"Wait, no!" K'yorl suddenly yelled at the two imbeciles. "Don't you dare touch her - the only thing keeping her from bleeding out is that piece of wood!" she began. It was no wonder that these peoples were her inferiors! Such fools! Calming herself as much as possible, the Drow continued, this time, her voice more level and most importantly, patient, with them. "Unless you have powerful healing magic or potions, removing that now will kill her." She then narrowed her eyes at them.

"Unless...that's what you want?" Her hands tensed, suspicious. Were they killing witnesses?
"I.. Wont..." Priscilla spoke meekly.

Though, once she got a better look at the wound, the more she realized this woman was mostly likely going to die. Yet, she couldn't give up, every life was precious, even if they are only seconds away from their death. This was the Doctrine that Priscilla followed, and she wouldn't give up until this woman's heart stopped bleeding, and judging from the bleeding, it still beat. For now, all she could do was first aid, a skill often taught to priests, and a natural skill one obtains after deacdes of treating people from woulds. The bleeding would have to stop, and the Drow was correct, removing the stake would kill her faster since more blood would flow outward. Yet no amount of healing potions would be effective as long as the recipient is in shock, they would have to stabilize her first.

Priscilla raised her hand slightly above the woman's body, and a yellowish/white light emitted. It was the most basic of healing spells, it's effectiveness was, to say the least, minuscule. Yet there was no doubt in her mind that the spell at least did SOMETHING good. Though, her petty spells wouldn't do the woman much good anymore, Priscilla knew that much. They had to staunch the bleeding. Usually, she'd use bandages, but in emergencies she was taught to use any relatively clean rag she could find. In this case the only rags that she had on hand right now... were her own.

Tugging at her "clothes", Priscilla tried to pull them apart with the meager strength that she had, but to no avail. How could she? She barely could stand on her own, how could she even think to make bandages out of her torn clothes? She needed to rely on someone once again, and the dwarf looked strong enough to accomplish this task. So she held out her ragged tabard with shaky hands towards the Dwarf.

"R-rip it all.... bandages.... we-we go to... stop the bleeding." If they didn't stop the bleeding as much as they could for right now, then there would be no time to search for other alternatives to save her like the potions or the spells that the drow spoke of. This would buy them the time they needed. Or at least, that's what Priscilla hoped for.
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Olgath, Priscilla, K'yorl and Jack
The woman stayed on the wound, shaking badly. Priscilla's meager attempt at a healing spell did barely anything, and if it did, it actually made it worse. The skin around it healed slightly, which made the blood flow out slightly slower. It was not all cheers though, as she just made it harder and more dangerous to remove, as if they pulled it out, whatever she healed would be damaged again. If she was not dying, the look on her face would almost look surprised, with slaves trying to save one of the people that captured them. Her skin began to become paler, her situation obviously getting worse as she inches near death.

Branwyn and Fenxi
The Faerie kept moving ever slightly more as time went on, presumably becoming better as she rested. By now she was able to sit up and peer around at the chaos. Unknown to the gnome, the Faerie was hugging her finger to try and absorb out any mana she had, which would increase her healing process. Unluckily for the Faerie though, the Gnome has none. If the Faerie did not receive mana, she would be ok, but it would take days for her to fully recover. It sat in the palm of the Gnome's hand, looking around for what was happening. Last thing she knew, she was heading to the southern edge of their border due to poachers hunting a rare animal, but she did not remember arriving to the place.

The Battlefield

While the others were preoccupied, Takumi stood alone, with a good view of everything. The trees lining the battlefield suddenly started to move, with dozens of birds of many breeds darting out, swooping over the battlefield then back around. Behind them in the forest, lights could be seen- dozens upon dozens, slowing moving towards the edge of the forest. A sound could be heard to, with it being just muffles until they got closer.

Dozens upon dozens of Wood Elves emerged from the woods, carrying glowing flowers. Animals of all kinds marched beside them, seemingly acting as guards. The civilians- woman and men, young and old, were all singing the song over and over, it being a traditional song found during times of mourning. Each civilian was dressed in a long, robe-like outfit, which were earth colors. They scattered across the field, each going to a fallen wood elf soldier and laying the glowing flower on their chest. Meanwhile they continued to sing the same song.
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Long, light grey ears perked up to the distant sound.

"I know that song. Elves - I saw both human and elvish bodies on the beach, but I suppose we know who won the fight now," K'yorl guessed. It wasn't a bad guess either. Those 'holier-than-art-thou' elves always looked down on her own people, but, there were certain things they adhered to. Certain habits that didn't break. "The bleeding's been staunched for now, so we might be able to bring her to them without killing her," the drow teacher suggested. No matter how much elves tended to look down on others as inferior, appealing to their sense of honor and Noblesse Oblige at least guaranteed your life.


K'yorl felt a lump in her stomach. Talking to them - besides just outright detesting them - meant that she'd be at their mercy, and whatever information this human woman had would become rather useless if she were to be enslaved. Then again, wandering the wilderness without a thing save for torn slave rags wasn't much better.
“Well now you tell me,” Olgath grumbled, loosening his grip on the wooden splinter as he looked up at the drow. “Don’t ask a warrior to do a healer’s job, okay? I’m not trying to kill her.” This is what I get for sleeping through that first aid class, he thought as he looked back at the snow elf. Hopefully she knows more than I do, right?

The dwarf’s mental question was soon answered, though not in the way he expected. “What?” he asked, confusion overriding his libido, for now. “I mean, I guess, but we can’t just rip it all up. You know, exposure and all that.” Don’t need a nosebleed right now.

Despite the mix of emotions he was feeling, Olgath took the lower hem of Priscilla’s clothes and carefully ripping off an inch or two off. Hopefully this will be modest enough to keep all the males calm, he thought, folding the rough cloth up before handing it to the snow elf. “Need any more? Probably could rip a sleeve off of my shirt.”

Whatever her answer, the wood elf’s arrival pulled his attention away from their little drama. “Woah, where’d they come from?” the dwarf asked. “And anyone know if it’s a coincidence that we crashed at a battlefield or what?” Don’t know a lot, but at least I know what I don’t know.
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