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RP Figments of Fantasia | Playthrough Pt 1: Crossfires

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Having done his best for the humie and the unconscious elf in his arms, Olgath perked up when he heard the yelling of another damsel in distress. “Excuse me,” he said, giving the elven guard a hearty pat on the back before heading to the ship wreck.

Huh, the dwarf thought as he finished waddling in the water, peeking into a hole in the damaged planks to look at the snow elf perched on top of a pile of corpses, another pretty lass. Hopefully this one ain’t crazy. “Hang in there, lass,” he said, bracing himself against a less-damaged board as he pulled the more damaged timbers off, until there was room enough for him to climb through. Sorry, fellow travelers, he thought, carefully walking across the drowned corpses, fair thee well in the next life.

“Shh, shh,” Olgath said, trying to soothe the lady as he pulled her close and held her in his arms as he took her out of the hole he made. “You’ll be okay. Can you hurt, lass?” he asked, holding her in his muscular arms as he walked out of the surf and towards the other elves. Just don’t be rude and don’t linger on her body, Olgath old boy. Don’t want to scare her off after you saved her from a watery grave after all.
As K'yorl waited, arms crossed and held close to her body to stay warm, she couldn't help but feel resigned. In the end of the day, there seemed nothing for her to do, or could do, to alter her fate. Nothing pertained to her, and her fate was entirely up to the elves now. They most certainly took their time of course, with their typical pomp and grandeur. It only further cemented her dislike of them of course, but, she held her tongue. The woman was not the type to pointlessly bicker like a teenager.

No, she simply had to wait.
Branwyn followed Shandris to the injured woman. She looked out at the beach. It should have been beautiful but instead, it was covered with pieces of the ship as well as bodies. "Yes, the Empire is growing bolder if they would try to capture a Clan Princess. Even using bandits to hide their involvement is new for them." She said with concern.

"About the Snow Elf. Something is not quite right with her. I'm afraid something happened to her that... she couldn't handle. She says she worships a God that is greater than all others and thinks it is his anger that freed us." Branwyn said. "The look in her eyes reminded me of my brother after he lost himself."

She started to say more and a scream from the beach interrupted her. It was close and loud enough to cause her sensitive ears pain. Branwyn turned toward the sound and rushed over. The dwarf beat her to the wreckage, and as she walked up he was pulling another Snow Elf through a hole. "Good work, sir dwarf." She said, smiling at him. "Perhaps I misjudged you. My first impression of you on the boat was that you were nothing but a fool."
Ahh, Olgath thought, looking up from the snow elf in his arms and returned Branwyn’s gaze, that’s how one gets to your heart, huh? Though the way the other elves are treating her, she might be a little out of a poor wandering warrior’s league. If neither of the snow ladies don’t want to deal with me, then I might try shooting for the stars.

“Ehh, you’re more right then you know, lass,” the dwarf said, shrugging as he walked past the pair of wood elves, “I got myself into a stupid fight that got me on a slaver ship after all.”
Izzy shivered in shock as she was helped out of the ship, there were more bodies littering the beach. "What happened? I think I'm fine, just a bit shocked from how I woke up. How did I get here?" She asked, her eyes wide and shocked but other than that her tone was quite sane.

She decided to focus on the living people around her and noticed that there were a mix of races here that made her even more curious as to what had happened. Her nose wrinkled in distaste when she spotted someone who was evidently from the northern human tribes. She was a little surprised to see the northerner honestly but she wasn't happy about him being here regardless. She decided to keep a close eye on him if they were to be traveling together.
Shandris Feathermoon

Shandris was still near the injured human, who was not being lifted by two elven warriors. So much debris- but all useless. The elves could use none of it to help their resistance to the empire....and in truth, she did not know how long her army could defend against the humans. They seemed to get stronger by the day, and soon their tyranny would be upon them....but it was good enough to her, that they won the battle earlier today. Soon enough, she started to make her way back towards the small group, until she found a small, golden picture frame on the ground. Shandris kneeled down to pick it up, but before she could, a scouting party of humans emerged, bows drawn. Several arrows fired before they could do anything. One went through the neck of an elven guard, with another going straight towards Shandris. She quickly picked up the frame, and luckily she was able to deflect the arrow with the golden frame. As the elven warrior stood up, she drew her bow and fired, her arrow going right into the heart of one of the attackers. "Quickly! Go north, you will find a village there!" She yelled to the others, preparing another arrow to fire. Her guards took a defensive stance around the group, firing arrows at the humans as they fired arrows back. Before Shandris could fire another arrow though, a human arrow hit her in the shoulder, and she fell to the ground with a scream of pain.

The arrow luckily did not hit any vital organs, and she was able to make her way to her feet. "Retreat! Everyone." She said, disappointingly. She had hope to kill the scouting party, but this also meant that a larger force was coming, and they were not prepared. Her guards became to deflect arrows with debri, getting the survivors to safety. With one last look at the ambushers, Shandris fled, the last one to leave.

Two Days Later

The town was vibrant and full of life, despite it's small size. There were marketplaces, homes and even a tavern, which formed a semi-circle around a large, main building. It was a church and a town hall at the same time, where the leader of the town stayed and ruled judgement. The survivors were given a place to clean up, new clothes and a small amount of money. Now they were all in the local tavern drinking and having a meal together.

"Well," Olgath said, sighing as he stared at the bottom of his fourth glass since he had sat down, "Anyone else tired of hanging around here?" He'd apparently drowned his sorrows in the mug for the last few days, due to the lack of female companionship. You'd think one of the elves around here would go for the handsome dwarf, but nooo. Not even the ladies that I helped on the beach, for crying out loud.

The dwarf looked like he was ready to go at the drop of a hat, already dressed in his gambeson, a circular wooden shield leaning against his stool, and a short mace hanging from his belt.
Jack leaned against the wall in the corner of the room where he had his arms crossed, and with nothing but the clothes he wore, which included a white shirt, trousers, and a pair of boots. The elves here hadn't given him anymore, and he understood why given the history of the northern humans that he shared appearances with. The woman he had helped on the beach that day had been different though, and his first instincts when the small group of humans had attacked, was to quickly vacate her from the area. Even now he wondered if she was okay.

"I don't think we have a choice currently master dwarf, as we are at the mercy of our rescuers as we are there guests currently. It would be wise to be patient and see if they wish to communicate with us, but until then we wait it seems. Things have certainly been interesting of late, taken prisoner on a ship belonging to an unknown group, washing ashore on a battlefield, and saved by these noble people. They did not have to help us. They could have killed us, or just left us for dead. I am probably lucky that I was given clothes and allowed to stay at all to be honest, given I share the appearance of the northern houses. I was actually raised by the southern houses, but my appearance is still a curse I bare." Jack said at the dwarf's comment, his head slightly bowed in thought as he waited for something to happen.
"I would rather have a proper job as a teacher or a librarian again," the dark skinned elf spoke up. "But at this rate, I'll even settle for being an adventurer. We can't live off their good graces forever," K'yorl admitted. She then crossed her legs. The woman didn't say it, but Drow did have their pride. Sleeping around was one thing, but selling their bodies was another, and a line that even they were uncomfortable with. "Just how much freedom are they giving us anyways?" she asked. "They haven't made that clear at all, which is just typical of these elves I suppose," the woman verbally jabbed at them, and then the eggs she was having.
Priscilla prodded her food. After a day's long rest, she managed to fully recuperate from the initial shock and damage she suffered since the ship incident. Her ragged and muddy clothes have been replaced with a modest linen surcoat that reached the lower portion of knees. Her hair was combed, braided, and most importantly, clean. A far cry from her time on the ship.

All in all Priscilla felt fine, even though the idea that she owed her rescuers a life debt stung her like a needle. How was she supposed to serve her God when she owed another her life? This could not remain, and thus she stood up from her seat.

"I agree with you K'yori, I don't like this one bit!" She began "While I am thankful that these elves helped us, I cannot abide the fact that we now owe them our lives. We should try our best to pay back our debt so that we can continue on freely. Perhaps adventuring is indeed our best option." Priscilla began to tighten her grip on the walking stick that the elves provided her.

"Unfortunately, I do not know many things besides preaching the holy word, but our Lord has bonded us together, and we are no doubt supposed to aid each other on our quest for freedom. So I promise to aid you all with whatever power our Holiness provides." She gave a look to K'yori "But for now, I must be grateful to you. You were there trying to help that woman, regardless of who she was, and I fear I was just meddling. Please, forgive me." Priscilla took to one knee before K'yori, and lowered her hand with her arm outstretched.

To beg for forgiveness and to pay back what is owed was one of the greatest commandments that Priscilla's holy Lord provided. For now she would beg for forgiveness to the elf before her, then repay her debt to both the Dwarf and the Human who supported her, and lastly to the elves sent by the lord above.
The drow impatiently tapped a finger on the table.

"K'yorl. With an L at the end," she sighed in exasperation. Barbarians, the lot of them.
What a blunder! Priscilla got the name of the offended wrong!

"I-I am sorry... K'yorl" Priscilla corrected, swiftly getting down on both her knees while she placed her forehead on the wooden tavern floor.
"Please, forgive me for the mistake. I did not mean to insult you or your name. Forgive me for failing to apologize as decreed by the Lord correctly, and forgive me for getting in your way. I am sorry."
Jack began to pace about the room, as the situation was making him unusually restless. Not some much their state of being "guests", but the crew of the ship that had brought them to this region. In particularly the creature who wardened over them, "There was something very wrong about that ship that brought us here. Not the crew as a whole but that creature who appeared born of the dark. For such a being to exist, or even be able to be present in the world does not bode well. I can only hope the powers will balance. There is no guarantee it was even slain in the destruction of that accursed vessel. Things created from darkness are very irritating that way, as they don't normally apply by worldly laws and rules."

He said this calmly as he paced for a bit more, before taking a chair in the opposite corner of the room from where he had been leaning. Jack had started to stroke his white goatee in thought as he neared the chair.

"Other than that the humans affiliation is clearly hostile to elven folk, so we would be best to avoid them, and our current host hasn't been the warmest either in this regard, but mercifully hospitable. The options are few with many uncertainties, and unknown enemies, as well as allies all around. Caution is well advised in our choice of our next actions. My lady K'yorl, I would hope to presume from your familiarity with one of our hosts, that you have knowledge of this region that can help us in this regard?" Jack said with a nod of his head in respect to the elven princess.
Branwyn held a wine glass filled halfway with an elven red wine made from various berries. She took a small sip, savoring the sweet rich flavors. The others seemed to be growing nervous, and the snow elf had proven to be just as crazy as she seemed. It seemed the dwarf and the dark elf were the only two normal people. All in all, she was unimpressed and unsure what they all had in common.

The snow elf thought they were all brought together for a reason. Branwyn had started to consider the possibility but after spending some time with them, she had quickly dismissed the possibility. She wanted to get rid of the sorry group as soon as possible. Her irritation reached its limit when the human called her by the Drow's name.

"My name is Branwyn." She said sourly. "And there is no "we". As soon as the elders become convinced you are no threat, you will be on your way back to where you came from, and I will return to my Clan to prepare for war. Until then, I am forced to watch you and ensure you cause no trouble. The only two of you that I would ever associate with after we part are Olgath and K'yorl. The rest of you are touched in the head."
Jack was utterly confused at how he had managed to confuse the eleven woman with another. As he tried to figure this out, he rubbed at the back of his head in thought, but stopped abruptly. Pulling his hand away slowly he looked at his fingers covered in blood, "Well that explains that, as I've seem to have sustained a head injury, I think I may need to lie down now."

Jack began to finally notice the dizzying feeling that had been behind his restlessness as his body reacted to the injury. He felt light headed as his hand had removed dried blood that had stopped the bleeding. His head began to lull.
Somewhere in Ovelia

The young King stood on his balcony, found in the very back of the city, inside his large fortress. In the distance, siege weapons and a mass of soldiers could be seen approaching. Inside the city, panic had begun as civilians attempt to escape the city but are blocked by guards, who are under orders to escort them to the keep inside the castle. The boy-king stood firm in his balcony, sipping a goblet of wine. He was well-built, standing at an extraordinary 6'3, with short brown hair and eyes. His skin was well tanned, as if he was in the sun all day every day. The King wore fine silk clothing, with a golden crown on top of his head. Along the city walls, archers and soldiers could be seen scrambling to their positions to defend the city.....for the Imperium has finally come to finish the kingdom off. For years, they just had minor skirmishes in the borders, and even thought attacks increased, the king never expected this. Merely sixteen years old, and his legacy would be losing his kingdom. "I need you to head east, to the Wood Elves." The king suddenly spoke out, turning around to face his room, where a muscular young man stood, seemingly a peasant by his clothing.

The King slowly walked into his wondrously decorated room. Gold dotted everything, the floor was red velvet- the curtains and even the bedspread. "I will be sending the nobles south, along with your family for your troubles. But tell them..." He said, obviously choking up. "...tell them Ovelia is gone." The King finally spoke, handing the man a letter and going back out to the balcony. His family and his court would at least survive in the high elven city, if they let them in at all. But it would give him comfort, as he knew it was likely him and all other civilians would be dead by morning.

Somewhere in Calor

Screams and shouts could be heard in the crowd of thousands of civilians. They were dropping like flies. dropping their belongings. Everyone dropped what they were carrying and simply ran for the lives. Behind them were Imperium soldiers and cavalry. Although the natives had cavalry, which was known to be the best in the world, they did not have the numbers. The Imperium soldiers did not care- they were ordered to kill and conquer, and if any survived, so be it, they'd be slaves for resisting Imperium rule. A young woman in tight leather armor, braided red hair with war paint was obviously a high ranking cavalry member. She was towards the front of the running group when she suddenly got off her horse. Hundreds of civilians kept running past her, before she grabbed the arm of an older woman who had a toddler in her arms, along with a child at her side. No words had to be said. Both woman had their eyes watering as the older woman and children were put onto the Horse and sent away.

The young red-headed cavalry member had given up her horse so some civilians may live- as she wouldn't abandon her people without dieing. She unsheathed two curved, short swords and swung them around as the enemies got closer. Ahead of her were dead civilians and soldier, with a few left alive, but within a few minutes they'd be dead, along with her. Suddenly the woman charged, her braided hair bouncing in the wind. A war cry could be heard screaming from her mouth as she met the enemy horde.

Somewhere in Jydar

In an isolated monastery on the outskirts of Jydar, a small squadron of soldiers forced open the gates and marched through the streets until they found the High Priest. It was obvious the high priest was scared, as he shook and tried to run away before being grabbed by a soldier. "We own this region now....everyone needs to come with us." The commander said before a bright light formed in the High Priest's hands and shot towards them. All the soldiers were blinded temporarily for several minutes.

The commander was furious- he thought the priests would come willingly. After all, it is known they are pacifists and do not bother with the outside world. He ran through the streets along with his squadron, butchering the people as they try to escape. Woman, child and man. Blacksmith, trader and priest. They all could have lived if the High Priest listened.

The Tavern

The group sat in a table, which was roughly in the middle of the room. Behind them was a stage where entertainment where every night someone sang, danced or did something to amuse the guests in this rough time. Tonight is a beauty named Nasheeka. Everyone in the village thought little Nasheeka was just an ordinary elf with a talented voice. But in reality, she was a Siren, a most hated and rare species. To everyone- a dwarf, an elf, to even a human, she looked different. Sirens had a special magic about them, that made them appear as a guy's dream girl. While the affect still works on girls, some are not affected. But even her regular form is very alluring, with a regular human-like appearance, wearing a tight, gem-dazzled leather dress. Her hair was wavy and, lengthy and black. Her eyes were an aqua blue and she stood roughly at 5'11.

As she walked to the edge of the stage, all eyes went on her, and one man even whistled. Seemingly a dwarf of some kind. "Hey sweet cheeks, how bout we meet up afta' your shift?" The tan dwarf said, walking closer to the stage. The dwarf looked up, at a somewhat chunky elf girl with red hair and green eyes. "Sure short stuff, room two upstairs." The siren said, kneeling down and patting the dwarf on the shoulder with a smile.

Soon enough the Siren stood up and spoke loudly. "Are you ready guys?" She said with a laugh as suddenly four duplicates of her appeared on stage. It was obvious the Siren was a quite efficient mage. Her voice was wondrous, and soon would fill the hearts of all the people in the room, mostly men. Her main self started singing first, and one joining in after another. Some singing the same parts and others singing different parts. All the while, they danced with each other. Throughout the bar, there was clapping and cheering.

Soon enough the singer bowed. "Be back in five, guys." She said with a smile and wink as she headed over to the bar as her duplicates vanished.

The Princess saw the blood on Jack’s hand. As Jack started to fall over, she dropped her glass and dashed over to him. She caught his head before it hit the table. “I am so sorry, Jack,” Branwyn said, examining the back of his head. “With this injury, it’s no wonder you couldn’t get my name right. Someone get me some bandages!” She ordered.

Even though she was concerned about the white-haired man, the voice of the Siren demanded her attention. It wasn’t that strange for members of her Clan to be interested in beauty no matter what form it took. To her, the woman was tall and thin with auburn braids down her back. She had eyes the color of amber and full lips painted green as clovers. Her skin was dark brown, almost the shade of tree bark. Branwyn bit her lip, enthralled with the performance.

Her senses returned to her, she saw that no one had listened to her request for a bandage. Incensed, she grabbed a napkin from the table and tore it into a strip. She dipped some of the extra cloth in wine and pressed it to the wound. Then, she tied a strip around his head tight enough to hold the alcohol-soaked cloth against the wound. "You need to be more careful." She scolded him.
The Tavern

"Do I look like a queen to you?" the fey dark elf remarked in annoyance. As much as it would amuse her if Priscilla and the rest did, she simply took this excess apology as what it looked like to her. An insult. However, before she could snap back with her tongue, one of the other men had drawn blood. "Hey," K'yorl began, struggling to remember if the human had a name or not. "Are you alright? What happened?" she asked, rising from the table to come over to his side. Though the siren song in the background would have been welcome at another time, the Drow's ears flicked in annoyance.

Well, what do you know? Olgath thought, as the elven princess went to help the white-haired human, turns out the lady likes me somewhat? Enough to dodge her derisive tone, at any rate, I guess.

He was going to go get a bandage, but when the dancer got up on the stage, he was fully enraptured by her spell. For him, Nasheeka appeared to be a slim, dark-haired brunette, her hair intricately braided into a long ponytail that swung around her as she danced. This, of course, gave him a great view of her face, pale skin contrasting with her bright green eyes and burgundy toned lips.

"Who?....That ornament I hit my head on when that patron bumped me, must have been sharper than I thought," Jack said as someone began touching the back of his head. "What all did I say just a moment ago?" He asked before having his attention drawn to what had everybody else so enthralled.

On the stage stood a wood elf with long brown hair, a very voluptuous hourglass figure, wide hips, and a rather large.....chest. He was unsure why, but this seemed to draw him in as well to almost the extent of the others around him, but something about this seemed off, and he felt a familiarity he couldn't quite place his finger on.

As if finally aware of the two of his party that had the kindness to check on him, "I'm terribly sorry for causing you trouble my lady. Any way I can repay you for your kindness, you have but to ask."

Priscilla stayed kneeling even though K'yorl had left, frozen in shock. To others perhaps, an apology would not have mattered this much, but this was a holy mandate. To seek forgiveness and to attain it was a requisite for salvation. In her distorted state Priscilla recited a few holy words originating from divine inspiration, "for if a mortal refuses to forgive you, why then, should you expect the divine to even look down on you?". With those words, Priscilla rose and promised her very own soul that she would attain that forgiveness, no matter what.

Once the dancer left the stage, the dwarf shook his head and realized that Branwyn had taken care of the human. Let's just say that I wasn't completely distracted and failed at getting a willing bed partner, he thought grumpily.

Branwyn stared at him, considering the possibilities. She really didn’t want or expect anything in return, she had been the one in the wrong for thinking him insane when he was merely injured. “That won’t be necessary. From my point of view, we are even.” She finally said.

“Considering the offer further,” she added a few seconds later. “If you insist, I would like to hear of your past. We all will likely be spending a few days together while the elders decide what to do with you and the others. If we don’t speak it will be quite dull.”

"Not really much to tell, I'm a bastard. My father and stepmother live in a village with my siblings. I got tired of a boring life of farming and studies at home, so I took up swordsmanship. Several months ago I decided to become a mercenary and travel looking for a good cause to fight for, adventure, and a purpose to my life. I became very skilled at the wielding of two blades. I was actually traveling and made camp for the night off a bit from the road, and woke up on the ship with the rest of present company." Jack said as he began to get a clear head.

The wood elf took a seat across from Jack to listen to his story. She had little respect for those who fought for money. From what he had said, he wasn’t quite as despicable as those men, but he still didn’t seem to have any clear goals for the future.

She could feel the wine taking effect, loosening her tongue. “I envy your freedom. My whole life has been devoted to my Clan. My future was decided for me. From birth, I was taught how to act, how to be the perfect elf-bride. I hated it, yet I would welcome that life back now.” Branwyn said gloomily

“My brother Nadyel should have been the heir. He was better at it. I can’t help but feel some responsibility for what happened to him. Maybe if I hadn’t wanted his life so badly…” She trailed off, reaching up to wipe tears from her eyes.

“I prayed to the gods. Told them I would give anything to be free like my brother. Now he’s locked away in a room, strapped to a bed to prevent him from harming himself and I am the heir.” Tears fell from her eyes. She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. “Forgive me. The heir must never show weakness.” Branwyn said sarcastically.

"Tears like that are necessary, lass," Olgath said after taking a swallow of his mead. "I've been through hard times, seen my brothers-in-arms die in a futile war, and you know what got me through that? It's having someone or a group of people that I could be honest with and shed a few tears without judgment. Alcohol helps too," he added, chuckling darkly as he took another drink.

"Hmph, to imagine I was worried a moment ago," the dark elf remarked. Seeing that he was fine and capable of flapping his lips, she sighed and simply retook her seat. With the troubles on her mind, the woman didn't pay much attention to the goings on around in the tavern, including the show. K'yorl could feel something magical about it, but at this point, simply didn't care for it. There were bigger fish to fry after all. "What are the rest of you jabbering on about anyways? Aren't we in a tough spot?" the woman asked them all.

"Usually had more blood on me in other tough spots," the dwarf said with a shrug. "And less drink. But we're talking about ourselves, so we're not all strangers for the foreseeable future. Might as well get to know each other, right?"

"I don't see why that's important, especially considering our current little predicament," the Drow replied, stabbing at her food for faux-deadly emphasis. The inferior races could be annoying to no end. They might have been brought together by fate for all she cared, but this was practically twiddling the thumbs.

"It will only be as tough as a spot as we make it. We act on our best behavior, we with hope will be allowed to leave soon. We are lucky we are not currently shackled, or worse. I can already estimate that you don't enjoy our company very much. So please share what it is that displeases you so greatly about some of us sharing in your presence. I've had instructors who were more antagonistic to converse with, I have the scars to prove it too. Now relax, stress and anger get us nowhere." Jack said as he grew ever more irritated with every dose of the elven woman's superior attitude.

Branwyn fought the urge to jump out of her chair and slap the Drow. She knew that most of K’yorl’s kind considered themselves superior to other races. They truly were almost exact opposites of her own kind, who tried to live in harmony with other species of Kami. The wood elves had even tried to be friendly with the humans of the Empire before the war started.

Instead, she opted for a different response. “You say you were a teacher. If that’s all you are, why were you looting bodies on the beach? I know full well that your intent was not helping those people as the Priest believes. Perhaps you are just a common thief, playing the part of an innocent teacher so no one will suspect your true nature.”

Well, Olgath thought, taking another pull from his glass, if they keep at it like this, we'll have a catfight on our hands. It'd be entertaining, to say the least.

"Oh, forgive me for trying to do the prudent thing," K'yorl replied to Branwyn, smiling pleasantly with dulcet notes. "Especially after I was enslaved and put on a boat, which crashed in the middle of what looked like a battlefield," she added, ever kindly. "I must be a complete and utter fool, trying to find for myself some resource such as weapon or armor so that I would not be placed in shackles yet again! Silly me!~~~<3" the Drow scathingly rebuked the other woman with honey sweet words.

"Please!" Priscilla interjected, "I ask of you both, of everyone, can we not put aside our hostilities for the moment?" finally daring to move up from her defeated position she faced them all. This group could not fight, the Lord didn't wish it, and Priscilla was obligated to enforce the peace of her Lord by uniting everyone under the same banner. "I dare say we all suffered the same unfortunate fate, but the Divine has graced us with rescue and similar goals. I know not the purpose of our union, but I promise it will be good for us all if we follow the path set before us."

Before she could respond to K’yorl the self-proclaimed priest interrupted the argument. Branwyn rolled her eyes. “Your Lord is pretty incompetent if he chose this motley crew. If he’s so great, how come he doesn’t destroy the human Empire himself?”

"STOP IT! Insulting the beliefs of others gets us nowhere. Are we children, or adults. She is right, our chances are far better united then alone. If we are to continue, this petty foolishness must stop here." Jack said jumping up from his chair and stepping into the center of the angry women, willing to hold someone back if need be.

Priscilla's eyes began twitching violently, and the look of worry that she had when she pleaded for peace was completely replaced with a resentful smile. "Ah.... so that's what you think huh?" Her grip on her walking stick tightened, and her voice deepened with ire, "Heh... of course, people like you wouldn't understand... no, especially you... royals... thinking you're so high and mighty all the damn time you thinking that you're countries are worth saving at all. Have you ever thought that the possibility that these humans, who sweep across the land like a plague, arrived because of your blasphemous ways? You've become so blind to your vices that you refuse to acknowledge that even you are flawed to the very core. Honestly, I wouldn't care, I put all prejudice against wealth before me, but when you DARE to mock the most superior existence ever before me, I will not, and I cannot let that slide from a heathen!" Priscilla took a small breath, as she brought her walking stick closer to her chest until the moment she screeched, "I WILL MAKE YOU REPENT!" and lashed, swinging her makeshift weapon wildly at the wood elf.

Branwyn barely had time to react to the sudden attack. She flinched in anticipation of being struck and threw her arms up to block the blow.

Jack quickly adjusted his position to place himself directly in front of Branwyn, and furthermore Priscilla's staff. It came down hard on his left arm which he used to stop the strike with a loud clack as a tensed muscled arm met hard treated wood. Jack knew he most likely had a fracture in his arm from the sudden searing pain in said arm, "Enough! Calm yourself, do not let anger control your actions. Would you really be willing to commit a serious crime by hitting an heir? You are better than this, understanding and tolerance is needed if we are to solve our differences. Now I beseech you, my lady, lower the staff, as violence here will solve nothing."

"Humie's got a point," Olgath said, drowning the last of his mead before looking at the elves, "Swinging staffs and shouting words does nothing but cause problems. If you're going to cause mischief, go outside so the rest of us don't get thrown out with you."

The barkeeper suddenly shouted out. "Get her out of the bar!"

Within a minute, two guards pushed there way towards Priscilla to take her and lock her up for assaulting another civilian and attempting to attack a clan royal.

Town Walls

On the town walls, guards armed their bows as a lone human ran towards the gate, obviously exhausted as he collapses before even reaching the entrance. Shandris orders the walls open and she marches swiftly to the collapsed human. "Take him to a medic, quick!" She barked right before she took the note that was within his hands. The guards returned inside the gate while she stood outside. Her face showed distress as she read the note.

Dear Nyrean Feathermoon,

If you receive this note, that means that Ovelia has fallen to the Imperium, and I am most likely being tortured or executed. At the writing of this letter, our northeastern regions have been torched- ours ports conquered. Armies are marching upon our capital. Our nations have never been allies or friends, and I do not blame you. But as a King trying to protect his people, and I do hope there are some Ovelians left after this...that you let any refugees within your lands and protect them. I sent my family and nobles south- but a majority of people wouldn't be able to make it to Aasimar lands, most will die or be forced to flee east towards your land. Nyrean- save your people at all costs, we both know what happens when captured.


King Kolten Stemal

After Shandris finished reading the note, she dashed into the city. They were going to be attacked if Ovelia has fallen- no doubt the other two human kingdoms have. That means they were next, and she had to organize a defense. Around the town, one bell rung, which means the town is on alert two, preparing for a siege, but business as usual.


The few guards within the tavern got up and quickly made their way out of the tavern, in order to go to their defensive positions. All the civilians were acting normally though- not worried about the attack, due to it being somewhat far off, and they held off all other attacks. The siren also quickly took the stage after the bell, her duplicates appearing. "This is for all the soldiers that will be protecting us in the upcoming siege..." She said, sounding sincere as she started to sing again. There was no cheering or whistling this time though, everyone seemed somewhat relaxed, knowing it might very well be the last song they hear, and the song would give them hope.

The dwarf sighed, once everything had calmed back down again. "Now," he said as he stood up, "I'm going to get more to drink. Anybody need a refill?"

Branwyn grabbed a steak knife from the next table and started to rise from her seat to retaliate when the alarm sounded. The bells sounding and guards running from the tavern meant an attack was coming. She put the knife back and nodded to the dwarf. “I would like some water to clear my head, sir dwarf. If we are to be attacked soon I will not sit around waiting to be killed.”

Jack held his arm after Priscilla lowered her staff, a very dark bruise already visible under the medium sleeve of his shirt of his left arm. It had shown up within seconds after impact and covered a third of his lean forearme. "Yes master dwarf, something for the pain, and thank you for your support in avoiding needless bloodshed," Jack said as he cringed from the pain, knowing that it would need to be treated later.

The Drow simply sighed and raised a finger, catching the tavern maid's attention. "A pint of beer please." Each and every single one of them was an annoyance, but at least they were all warm bodies between herself and whatever danger lay ahead. After all, K'yorl knew she didn't need to outrun the monsters - just the slowest out of the lot of them.

Olgath ordered a water for the princess and two meads for him and Jack, then turned his attention back to Nasheeka. "See, just remember that there are worse things than sitting in a warm tavern with a steady supply of alcohol," he said, putting his hands behind his head.
Izzy had watched from a distance, not wanting to get caught up in the skirmish and argument that was going on. This group was so rag-tag she had a feeling they'd never get along. She ignored the person on stage for the most part, the woman had no real effect on her.

"So what now? I miss adventuring," Izzy said, walking up to the others once everything had calmed down. "I haven't liked sitting anywhere for long since I was a kid. This is horrible for me."

She was tired of just sitting around, she hadn't done much staying in one place since one of her older brothers was killed in a hunting incident. Sure she knew some hunting and healing things because of who her mother and father were originally but she liked being nomadic like she was. She didn't like people much but she could probably stand to stick with this group till they were at least to safety.
Shandris Silverpetal
Archers lined the walls, wearing ornate leather armor and wood armor. Behind them stood warriors, in case anyone tried to get over the walls. There were seemingly a thousand or more soldiers, barely any compared to other soldiers. Just mere hours before Shandris received the letter, she sent a majority of her force to defend other nearby towns and villages, as well as on patrols. That decision was going to cost them dearly if she was correct on what was happening. Shandris herself was on the wall above the gate, bow drawn as she watched carefully at the forest around the town. There was a scary silence, except a little song that could be heard from the tavern. There were several thousand wood elves in this town, not including her army, as well as the other refugees from nations already conquered- they needed to win this defense, or they'd all die.

In the distance, trees could be seen shaking. "Prepare to fire!" Shandris said within moments, not knowing what on earth could make the forest move like that. The trees that moved would get ever closer until it reached the front of the town. By then, the ground could be felt shaking as if it was an earthquake. They were being attacked, but there was no one outside the walls to defend against. The walls around the town began to crack and parts crumbled to the ground as soldiers fell over the sides. "Get off the walls!" Shandris shouted as she saw dozens of huge spikes come up out of the ground. Some destroyed buildings, others the wall- and one even went through a civilian. It was chaos as a third bell rung and Shandris hopped off the wall. After a few seconds the spikes opened down the middle vertically and horizontally, human soldiers bursting out to kill the elven defenders. Shandris fired several bows, taking down the soldiers before she charged in with her sword. All around her way chaos- soldiers were dieing, trying to protect the civilians that the humans also mercilessly slaughtered.

The Tavern

As the siren continued to sing and the bar patrons drank, the bar went silent all of a sudden. Those with drinks could see them start to shake, with bottles falling off of shelves. "What in the he-" The bartender started to say aloud before the shaking became very worse and a giant spike burst through the floor, almost up to the roof. Tables flew across the room with chairs and bodies as it opened. There were screams in the bar as a third bell rang, meaning that they were under attack. Screams could be heard everywhere around the group as imperial humans burst out of the mechanical machine. They scattered throughout the bar, slaughtering the patrons.

The Siren

As the chaos erupted, she simply sighed. She had lived through many wars and disasters, and she was defiantly not going to die from the baby race of the world. The siren quickly jumped off the stage, where a human swung his sword at her. Before it got close though, she touched his face, the human instantly stopping his sword, being stuck in some kind of spell. "I will take that, sweetheart." The siren said smiling, with the human handing over his sword. She was not doing this undisturbed however, with soldiers trying to get to her, but her duplicates were protecting her. They broke off chair legs and more using them as weapons. Soon after receiving the human's sword, the Siren cut his head clean off.

She soon turned her attention to one of her duplicates who was losing in a battle. But before she reached it, a human stabbed it in the chest and spit on her. It was obvious that the death of the duplicate somehow hurt the siren, with her grabbing her chest. "You are going to regret that, darling..." She said with a evil smirk. She charged the humans with her remaining duplicates.

The Barkeep

The stout wood elf took shelter beneath his bar as his patrons were attacked. It was obvious the man has never been in a battle his entire life. "Nurel, bless me!" He cried, shaking furiously. A wood elf patron was suddenly thrown over the bar and to the floor in front of him, his face cleaved in two.

On the Stairs

A lithe wood elven woman stood in the staircase, dagger in hand. She was one of the many barmaids in the tavern, wearing a loose, short dress, and having served almost all the tables. "Quickly, upstairs! We may be able to blockade ourselves!" She said with a grunt, ripping her dagger out of the skull of a human that had just attacked her. Some patrons heeded her call, while others tried to fight back and died, and more yet tried to get out of the tavern all together.
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