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Approved Character Fleshmender Tsura Four Two 42-9518-6673

*Peeks at the character* Yay! I was afraid you were going to do something wierd.

Anyways, HI ANGEL! *Tackles* How nice of you to join me. ^.^
Thanks for the welcome! I've been going over the forums, and it looks like there's been some kind of invasion/ forced assimilation of the Freespacers? I wasn't able to find anything about it in the Free State forum, though, and there isn't anything about it in the wiki. Could someone link me to the posts about it, so I can know if I need to edit my bio?
Not really an invasion force. There was an incident where the Star Army of Yamatai obliterated and/or captured a large number of Free State assets in the central region (mostly, just Halna, Freehold and the Great Lighthouse). There are also a large number of refugees and immigrants in Nepleslian space (alliances do that) and PoWs in Yamatai space.
Is there a post where this happened? Given that the wiki has population numbers for the Free State, are there any estimates for how many died/are refugees/are under occupation?

Reading through the "What's the status of the Free State" thread, it's hard to really come by a good sense of how many motherships are left, though Wes did say there are some.
Um, just to say something, Automata are type-fours. A type three is still a living fleshling.

Unless there have been subtypes of automata created that is.
Wiki Entry on Type Threes

Apparently there are Type Two and Type Three Automatons, as well as Type Fours (who seem to be somehow different). It was a bit difficult to see what the difference is between a Type Two or Type Three Automaton and a Type Four, but I think it indicates an Automaton that was created with the digitized brain pattern of a Type Two or Three.

I think it's a valid species listing, since the section on Freespacer demographics separate each Type into living and automaton for the number of them there are. Though, it would be nice to have a better sense of what differentiates automatons and synthetic intelligences.
I'm hoping to apply to the Yggdrasil plot with Otomo Suzune. There are openings there for a technician and a medic.

If I can't get into the Yggdrasil, I was probably going to mostly play in the Nepleslian and Freespacer forums, writing posts of the collected culture and practices of her dying race while trying to raise awareness of what happened to the Free State.
Well, with that in mind then!

Type threes are still human, as that is still more or less what Freespacers are. Which is a bit of a big thing considering all of this, Mm?

I'm going to assume though that it will be Type four, the robotic kind, instead of Type three.

Based on how very different Autoz' can be the description needs to be improved significantly. Or at least more precise.

Personality is fine.

History I am slightly iffy about for some reason, however it will do.


... Ah...

Skills are fan-fucking-tasic! A cookie for you!

Inventory needs some synax fixing... But fine.

I'll make a note; I'm not a Freespacer person. As much as I wanted to be, I never actually got a charrie in to look into stuff. The creator and head of the race has also left the site for various reasons, leaving mostly Della the top 'Spacer person.

Della, you posted here. Is everything above noted passable?

Fix the above and then post in this topic when ready for another look.
Actually, Type Three automata are "human", or rather, "freespacer" only in mind: their bodies are completely robotic.
You're thinking of Type Fours.

Type Two and Type Three both have Freespacers (biological with implants) and Automata (robotic). Type Fours are all hybrid.
Updated Bio

I've added to the physical description section, reformatted the inventory section, and that's about it. If you can give me some feedback on what to change in history, I'll be happy to tweak that around, too!

I think that might have been a typo that put "Type Three Freespacers" and "Type Three Automata".

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=fr ... ers#castes

What I got from the list on the above linked page is that the Types are like a gradient: Type one, is natural (and extinct). Type two is also all-flesh, but more of a servant-type. Type three is cybernetic to whatever degree the person wants. Type four can be either slave (computer-brained and controlled) automata (based on the appearance of some non-sentient automata on Cirrus) or independent (fleshy-brained, either by converting neural patterns into programming or actual fleshy-brain inside a totally mechanical shell)

Type fives are all Syntelligences created by converting neural patterns into programming. When someone upgrades to being an SI, they become too big to be held by anything less than a ship-board computer network.

EDIT: I just finished looking it over and it looks good. I did notice that it lacks a Mindware skill. Every 'Spacer has one installed, and I was wondering if Tsura was isolated from the Polysentience when she was taken as payment...if she was, how did that affect her?

I wasn't quite sure where to put the Mindware. Should it take up its own skill slot, or would it go into another? Technology Operation? Communications?

If I need to remove Domestic for the Mindware, I will, but I'll be a little sad to see it go.
Looking over your skills again, it seems like Arts and Humanities could be combined. Frees up a slot for you, and you get to keep everything : )

In fact, you don't have to change the title heading of "Arts and Vocations". All you need is to copy the text from "Humanities" and place it before the text you have in "A&V"; I think you'll find it flows rather well together.

It also makes sense because both things are her hobby, though the anthropological studies are normally considered a vocation anyway.
And in response to your earlier posts about Freespacer status, Wesley and Jess got into an argument about something off the forum and, being, well, Wes, our chief admin basically blew the happy horse shit out of the Freespacers.
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