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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

You're in the right spot. Now just post your request in the orders thread here if you haven't already done so, and wait for your orders. Once you have them, and the class is up and running, you begin.
So pretty much, if you want to post saying your "final" good byes to your friends, go ahead and do so. I'll leave the thread open for a while so you can do that.
Hey Mya your the new guy from the Czech republic right? I remember reading your earlier posts. Now you just have to wait for your orders and we can finally get this thing going.
Mya has orders, so as soon as he can then he can start RPing in the class 3 thread. Once he replies, we'll get moving! you guys are in for some fun.
I already made my first post last night so hurry up and read if you haven't yet!!! :twisted:

(By the way, Yagen if your reading this you spelled my PC's name wrong in her orders thread on the Star Army Network.)
Oh Boy... :roll: Is the RP here usually this slow? I'll admit I don't have much experience with this sort of thing but I have watched plenty of people RP during real life P&P bouts so Im pretty familiar with the theory.
Also has anyone heard from Mya
Well, the roleplay is just recovering from the holiday break, our worst slow down all year. Plus, we are not always on at the same time, so we post when we can and such. Real life RP is different then online RP in that respect.

Yes, I've talked to Mya. He showed interest in my Azorean species a while ago. Why do you ask?
I was under the impression Mya was also supposed to participate in Fort Ready and once he had posted something things might kick off a little.
Sheesh :shock: well speak of the devil here I am moaning and groaning and then 5 minutes later Mya is here. Ehhh... I forget, whats the time zone in eastern europe?
alright master!!! woohoo P&P for teh winz. Anyway, no usually it isn't this slow. There are a number of multi-faction things occuring that are kinda leaving everything in the air right now because they can change a lot of the setting. (There is a peace conference between almost all factions in SARP that could resolve the big Neplesia, Yamatai, SMX war thingy. It is just getting started). You know how that goes, slowly. Just try and be patient, life will get rollin' again. Believe me, I look forward to it, and by the way: Welcome to the Star Army!
Oh I see, hopefully things will be different in the next few days. Also, a PEACE CONFERENCE?!? Your joking right, in a universe like SARP peace is only an illusion, just the calm before storm. (Besides it would probably get boring pretty quick.)
master9147 said:
I was under the impression Mya was also supposed to participate in Fort Ready and once he had posted something things might kick off a little.

You were right.. I had some RL stuff to do so I didn't make it to post earlier.
btw. my time zone is GMT+1 (7 hours ahead your central time I believe) which might slow us down a bit sometimes .. we'll see
Thats OK, its not your fault I did not want to sound like I'm bitching. Sometimes I forget how small this little starship we call Earth really is. Ive only been to western Europe. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
Bah, sorry I haven't gotten to post yet. Today has and is still busy.

KAI, if you are reading this, can you write the next poast?
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