Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP Free At Last

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Sirris VI - Obsidian City - Sanctuary Park
Sirris VI
In orbit above Obsidian City

In the time since his arrival with Kessler at Sirris VI, Alex had been transferred over to an NDC military ship, so as to protect Kessler's identity. On that ship, he had been kept in a comfortable room for a day or two while Araxie was brought to NDC territory to finally be reunited. A knock on the door of the cabin that he was staying in caused Alex's head to perk up slightly, though he was still mostly silent.

"Mr. Patton, visitor." came the voice of man outside, it was tinged with accent slightly. Familiar to that of someone who had lived on Osman for a while, long enough to adopt it. The door would open after a couple minutes, in courtesy to allow Alex to be presentable if needed. In stepped an old face, if albeit long since last seen.

"It's been a long time Alex, good to see you still kicking. I hope that everything from here is far more peaceful for you. We sent a transport to pick up Araxie, she should be here soon. Until then, please, rest easy." Jack said giving the younger man a nod, before taking a nearby chair, "I can answer any questions if you have them. Things......are very different now since last we saw each other."

Alex sat down in a chair. His voice was raspy, like a man who had been stuck in the desert. "...Jack... Where are we now?" The voice did seem to fit the body it was coming out from, but it was a far cry from what most people would remember him as.

"Sanctum star system, in orbit of Sirris VI. We're on the other side of the sector, northeastern corner of the map. You're safe within the nation I govern with my brother, the New Dusk Conclave. The man who helped rescue you, was an agent of mine, one of my best." Jack offered in answer, sending a neural message to have something to drink brought for Alex. When he heard the voice, his experssion took on a tinge of sadness to see the state he was in.

===== Shortly afterwards, as the ship Araxie is on is arriving =====

The door to Alex's current living space opened, with a tan-and-blue-and-grey mass bursting through with desperate purpose. Its voice was immediately familiar, "Alex!" His name was all Araxie needed to say as she nearly slammed into him, hugging him tightly. She weighed a lot less than usual - it was pretty clear that the past near-year had been rough on her, even if she'd gotten some help on the way over to the ship.

"I don't want you to leave me again, Alex..."

A tackle had been the last thing that Alex was expecting, and Araxie almost bowled him over. He barely managed to stay upright as he returned the hug. His voice had recovered somewhat since he had spoken to Jack, though it still wasn't the same as normal. "Araxie..."

The bundle of haphazard feathers and bones took a few seconds to just.. Revel in the moment. Took time to feel again. "I'm so glad you're alive, Alex. It was..." She trailed off, just going back to squeezing the rescued man. Once the second round of accidentally-crushing love passed, Arx gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and loosened up, one arm still around his back - massaging his shoulder and keeping him close, just like old times. When things were... More straightforward, less muddy.

Alex seemed overwhelmed by the occasion. It had been so long since he had been taken away, so long since he had felt someone touch him for any purpose other than to keep him in submission. He sat down on a nearby chair, pulling Araxie onto his lap while he hugged her. He began to tear up. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

"Shhhhh... You're okay now, Alex," the Elysian woman whispered with a kiss, her lightweight body resting on his lap. Alex's world became warmer as his girlfriend's tarnished wings - stress and poor health habits caused quite a deterioration of her appearance - surrounded him comfortingly. "I'll be here for you, forever... Okay? I'm not going to leave you again." Her voice was soft and weak on the surface, but even with the time that split them apart Alex could recognize that Araxie was serious - that special, subtle seriousness that meant she'd do what she said, hell or high water.

"How long... How long has it been?" Alex had, over the months, slowly lost track of time during his imprisonment. Having no external reference for time caused it to seem to distort. Hours had seemed like days, and days like hours. Only recently had he begun restoring some semblance of an internal clock.

"A year. It's been a year since they took you." The angel took a moment to look over at Jack. He'd seen her a few times, as his contacts were keeping tabs on her - there was something in her eyes that hadn't been there for a long time, and she simply mouthed, "Thank you."

He remained silent, only offering a small nod, but even he seemed haggard when one really looked at him. Though it brought a small smile to see that things were looking up for the couple. There was a small knock on the door, to which he rose from his chair. Opening the door, a woman with golden hair and blue eyes stood there, "The ship will be docking soon. The port has been cleared still after the mass of refugees came through, so it should make things quiet until an announcement can be properly setup."

"Thank you. Go rest Seraphina, I know you're still recovering, don't need Talih being angry for not telling you to rest." he whispered back before the what seemed human left again. Returning to the chair, Jack gave them several minutes longer before speaking, "We'll be landing soon."

"Refugees?" Araxie asked, unaware of current events in the political spectrum - almost as unknowing as Alex was right now.

"The Monarchy of Dovania was recently wiped out by Kuvexian forces. Seeing the coming force and knowing they had no chance to win, they loaded up their fleet with as many as possible, and came here. We've since been trying to help them integrate into the NDC. But things are beginning to be strained from the sudden jump in population, therefore we're expanding into two new systems once held by the Star Army as satelite outposts. But with our alliance with them, we've been handed both, as well as the abandoned base said to be in one of them," came his reply, finding it another reason that he felt so tired of late. To say this is the life he had imagined living twenty years, or even ten, he would have thought it crazy.

Araxie nodded in a mix of acceptance and sadness. "I see, thank you. Jack... you've done so much for the both of us-" At this, the angel squeezed her boyfriend's shoulder again, pulling him into another, tighter embrace. "What... Could we do to ever come close to helping you in return?"

Jack gave a pained bow, "I have no right to ask this, or even much of either of you. But,....I need your help, not as soldiers, but as people who have suffered at those who have done wrong. I know I was a prideful and stubborn man in the past, and there are decisions along the way that I now regret. But please, I must ask for your help. We are trying to run this nation, and do right by the people, but there have been those who have died along the way, or lost something dear to them."

He seemed hurt to recall everything from along the way, everything that had happened in the last two years. He had been born to be a soldier, made to wage war, and not lead a nation. And even after learning all that, he still tried, but he knew there were things he even lacked. And then there was his own loss along the way... "My eldest son, Amit, has been one of them. My brother lost his wife, the woman who I just spoke with, lost her son and her wings. My mother, is among those lost as well, as well many many more. Over 1,000 lives lost since the day we began the journey here, and we will lose more along the way without help. These people only want to be free and live peaceful lives, and I am doing my best to give that to them. But I need help please," he said as his eyes moistened, breaking free of any ounce of pride he had left in him that the journey had not already tore from the man.

Oh, thank the light... It's not more fighting, Araxie thought, the relief making itself apparent across her whole body. She didn't even compose herself before she spoke next. The overall crushing weight of the news was, to her, not much more than what she'd alreadybeen through. She looked over at Alex's dulled eyes, her own glimmering with a tiny bit of hope she wanted to spread to him. "Okay... I think we can do that. Yes, we can help you, Jack."

==== Some time later, at the park in Obsidian city ====

The park formed the very center of Obsidian city, as well as the main gathering place for its citizens. The park was green and lush, a very colored contrast to the orange plant life of this world, but even those here had begun to slowly adopt the color. In the very center was the memorial wall that held the orbs of those hundreds lost in the exodus to this world. Around that were a few pavilions, pathways lined by trees and stone benches placed near the wall. The other benches throughout the park were made of locally acquired wood, the same used to make the pavilions.

Today was a bit different though, a small stage had been set up in one quadrant of the circle shaped park, people having gathered for a surprise celebration. There were those of many races and cultures here, even some of the local Tsumi and Gunja. The smell of food wafted through the air, along with the smell of nature the park offered.
Obsidian City Park

Harmony let out a small sigh as she rubbed her thumb over the palm of her hand. Parts of her were still bandaged, the Lorath girl looking like a halfway done mummy as she sat a bit off from the pavilion. She had been released from the hospital, for the time being, her body mostly recovered save for a few surgery sites that still had to heal. That seemed to be all her life had been since the night of the attacks; surgeries, rehab, more surgeries, healing, resting, and more surgeries. The doctors said she was lucky to be alive in the first place so she couldn't really complain too much after all the damage she had suffered. Her wing was still heavily bandaged as well, one of the more intense injuries the girl had suffered from her shift. But the recently dower Lorath girl instead held a small smile on her face.

Through the efforts of Kessler, and a New Tur'Listan doctor that Kessler had found for her, Harmony had begun to recover her sense of touch. Most of her body still lacked the sensation, but for now she could feel her thumb caress her palm and that alone made the day a great one. They were there for a celebration, but Harmony had only yesterday gone through the painful rehab process for her nerves that had been basically burned out during her shift. She never felt the wind against her arms, or felt her hair tickle the back of her neck, nor against the completely shaved side of her head that had led to her new undercut hairstyle, but against her hands... It felt heightened. She could feel the wind push between her fingers, brush against her palms, tickle the small hairs on the back of her hands. It felt completely new to her, yet at the same time, it felt so familiar.

Lost in the sensation for a few moments, her eyes eventually looked up and around for Kessler, to see where he was and what he was up to. It was a good day for the Lorath girl and she wanted to be happy.
(not a GM post, don't worry)

Sonia stood on the sidewalk watching the crowd, looking tired a bit, her stamina not quite what it used to be after the SHAM had made most actions effortless for so long. She was a tad leaner now, but only just barely even noticeable, thanks to the synthetic muscle replacements. The blonde mercenary was wearing a yellow bikini with skinny jeans over the bottoms. With sandals on her feet, a sun hat completed the look, the tribal tattoos covering her right arm in full show as well the upper half of her surgical scars that networked over her whole body.

Adjusting the sun hat as she stood there waiting for Adi, Sonia had slight smile on her face, having been glad to be finally released from the hospital from recovery. Rehab had been only taking her so far though, the removal of such a effective system significantly impacting. It was crudely and barbarically forced upon the poor girl, but if you asked her if she would live through it again, she would admit she gladly would. Sonia wouldn't have met Adi possibly if hadn't, and she had so much to thank her lover for.
Sirris VI
Obsidian City
Sanctuary Park

Adi Pine flew above the park, wearing a tie dye T-shirt, a short black and yellow striped skirt, and sandals. Upon seeing Sonia, she called out "Babe!" and swooped down. She had to stop herself from hitting Sonia, she worried she would hurt her if she wasn't careful since she was still recovering. "You look beautiful," the fairy girl commented. The busty princess hugged Sonia's side and practically glued herself to her, and her sides gave a happy wiggle from the bug legs moving under her shirt. The reaper attack left her afraid something could happen to her lover, Sonia would've died right in front of her eyes (and apparently the reaper said it would've been because of her too) if it hadn't been for sheer chance.
Sirris VI
Obsidian City, Sanctuary Park

As a car began to approach the park, Alex took a moment to think. It had been a long time since he'd had the luxury of thought beyond day to day survival. The simple reality of life in such isolation had made time seem to stretch and contract beyond all recogntion. Until he had been rescued, he'd had no real reference for time, beyond the times when food had been slid underneath his cell door.

As the car pulled up to its parking area, Alex stepped out, the fall air felt different on his skin. The temperature and breeze were a strong contrast to the climate controlled spaceship where he had been. He walked around to the other side of the car, and opened the door for Araxie. "It seems like quite a few people came to this celebration."
Sanctuary Park

"Yeah, you're right... Didn't really expect that," the young woman claimed as she gently stood up from the vehicle, embracing Alex again - she'd been nearly glued to him ever since the two had been reunited, though she's managed to tone down her affection to something that wouldn't make people feel uncomfortable. She was dressed in a very feminine way, with a somewhat generic cream dress and matching shoes; the frills of her skirt rippled in the gentle breeze as she stepped back and looked to the sky. Her feathers were still quite a mess - the molting that has been plaguing her for nearly a year wasn't going to repair itself in a matter of hours, after all - but she didn't seem to mind that.

"We should probably work our way over towards that tent, Alex. I'm sure that's where Jack wanted us to go first," Araxie said as she indicated the structure, beginning to lead Alex along by the hand.
Rose had managed to pry her children from the not so public loving arms of their caretaker, and had even managed to get the woman into the slick bodysuit and helmet combo with some basic clothes over top, as though a purpose built nanny bot. She knew her partner wasn't ready to show their face, but they both needed out of the house. Those who knew what lay under the armor would certainly recognize it, but for now, four burbling toddlers played in circles around the pair.

Not far off, a white haired bastion offered her love a ride on her shoulders, dor once dressed to show some skin, in little more than jeans and a sport bra.
Sirris Vl
Obsidian City
Armora's Apartment

The golden colored horse stirred, the sunlight filtering through the window awakening him. Aztec opened his eyes, slowly stretching his neck. The rest would be rather difficult, without disturbing the bed's other occupant, Armora. She was snuggled up against his chest, facing him, her arms around his neck. A small smile split his muzzle, as he gently ran a hand through Armora's white hair. "Mora" he started. "Morning, Armora...."

Kolorsha's Apartment

The large grey mare picked up the last case containing her equipment. In the months since Talos's kidnapping, she'd gone on much the same with the university and her side gigs, but his missing presence was felt most keenly. She hoped those who were searching for him would be successful, and he would come back to her, alive and hopefully well. Meanwhile, life goes on, and she'd been hired for the beach party. The pay was good and she hadn't been DJ'ing nearly as much lately, so she accepted the gig.

Sanctuary Park

Dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a red top, the dark furred mare entered the park, looking foward to the celebration today. It was certianly needed, given recent events, a day like today could somewhat lift the pall. Hopefully, anyway..
Refreshment Tent
The tent seemed to be the source of smells, dishes and drinks from almost every culture present, as well as some of the local national creations. Nearby, a blonde spiky haired man sat surrounded by large coolers of drinks and several metal kegs filled with glowing contents. Many of the adults seemed to be walking away with cups of the stuff, a local favorite by the looks. As the pair drew closer, the man would wave to them, "Hey, welcome, you guys look like you could use something to drink. We got cola, energy drinks, other assorted soft drinks and punches, as well as my hit concoction called "plasma jet". It's a local favorite, a kind of blue raspberry flavored malt beverage. Don't worry about the glow, the fluorescent substances found in local flora are the cause, and are completely safe for consumption." He spoke proudly, standing and patting the large stack of kegs with a grin.

As Kolorsha arrived, she was directed to the stage to setup, several humanoid ACE drones helping to move equipment for her. They began to setup all the gear at the back of the stage on a sliding plate. Once the announcement was over, and the festivities began, the plate would slide the whole rig forward to bring the party front and center stage.

"Nuuuu, go back to sleep, I'll cull in sick." she sleepily grumbled before the buzzing of her phone rattling against the nightstand had her grabbing for the device. Climbing over the equine man, she flumped back on top of him as she scrolled through message notifs. She groaned in annoyance as she buried her face in his chest, "Brother wants the family at some sort of event in the park. Can we stay home today?"

Her smile grew to full as she felt the soft body of her lover suddenly hugged to her side. Sonia had been happy to survive their shared reaper encounter, even more so that Adi had. It was good to see she had healed well and with grace from the encounter. "Always flattering me, even when I know I look like a mess. Even more so with all these scars now, but you make it all worth it. So how are you holding up, I know things haven't been easy since Amit d-...passed away. But I'm here if you need me, up and walking again," the blonde mercenary said before leaning down to kiss the princess's lips.

Alice Casdan
The amazonian of a Geshrin dragged her companion out of the apartment and to the car. She would not take no for an answer, because if she had to be at this event. By the Goddess damnit, she was at least going to be miserable with her only friend. Sareash, even if she offered protest, it would go ignored as she was toted along by the taller woman. At 7'5" and with a very generous chest at even her height, was an intimidating sight alone, the rank only helped with that.

She was very unexpectedly dressed in feminine clothes for once today, having not worn the white sundress since her dates with Zoeichi. But whatever, if she wanted to just dumper her then fine, she was moving on and wouldn't let it slow her down. So she would dress to impress and be a fucking real woman for once. It flowed around her curvaceous form, a matching sun hat with light blue ribbon pulled out of the back seat as they arrived in Alice's jeep. "Come on Ash, we're already late. Don't need the lord irritated at me for once, and it's a party, something we both need to experience given our......usual personalities."

??? (mysterious nanny bot?)
The figure stood with Rose, giving the children due attention. A gentle and caring handed tended to keeping them close to the women, giving headpats and hugs if requested. She at least seeming like a she by the curvy figure, said little, but when she did was something altered in sound. "Milady, the children seem happy, hopefully they will behave as well. Please, what is the purpose of this event, or gathering more aptly described? It is rather fully attended, there is food, and it was announced as important among being a fun get together."
Rose balked, before leaning in close. "I know your not being public yet was a consideration of why I put you in that armor again. I wanted to bring you to the park with the kids, find a nice, quiet place, and kiss you while the sun glitters off that radiant face. But till you make your big reveal, could you cut the bot act? It makes me uncomfortable, honey. Like it's been a dream and you're still gone."

It took a moment for her to compose herself before hefting Michael tondig one handed in her diaper bag, forgetting the bottle she sought was in her cargo pocket. "The kids... The kids are like their mother. Intelligent as their mom. Expect a curve ball."
Sirris VI
Obsidian City, Sanctuary Park

Giving a sign as she looked around, Sareash was not impressed to be pulled out of her comfort zone. Looking the other way, she signed again and looked at Alice finally who was getting ready to join in the party. Thought Alice in a dress was a somewhat unique sight that Sareash admits to herself looking quite fine if not beautiful. But why did Alice want to have her to go with her towards this event? She would steal the show by her intimidating beauty alone. Sareash sighs again and saw that they were reaching their destination, she lets Alice get out first.

"Come on Ash, we're already late. Don't need the lord irritated at me for once, and it's a party, something we both need to experience given our......usual personalities."

Sareash rubbed the side of her template and gets out of the car. Sareash was dressed in formal clothing that she would wear in most cases of any kind of event. It did, however, bring out her beauty as it was quite well-matched with both her hair and eye colors. She was wearing a pencil dress in the color blue with a secondary color of white weaved into it "Pissing me off was not enough Alice? Now you are telling me to hurry up to not irritate our lord? While our nature is eating me up already attending to these parties, I rather stay home and face ... people and you know that" Sareash sighs and walks towards the party "Again stop calling me ash, you know I hate it when people use that nick, now let's get this over with"
Refreshment Tent

Araxie had to smirk at the glowing fluid. The concept was, to her, really funny for some reason. Maybe later...

"I could go for a good cola, myself... I've already had enough coffee today," the birb requested, giving Alex a gentle squeeze. They'd been apart for so long that she'd almost forgotten what it was like to just feel him. "What would you like, Alex?"

Though she'd noticed the activity going on at the stage, Araxie had mostly not paid attention to it; there wasn't really a reason to, since it looked just like more pre-party proceedings. Pretty normal stuff.
The dark furred horse anthro eyed the somewhat unsettlingly glowing drink. “Plasma jet” the man had called it. Well, Rihanna reasoned, at least the name was accurate, at any rate. “It....kinda looks like charged coolant...” she said, cocking her head to a side. “ does smell good though.” She finished, still eying the glowing liquid dubiously. Something glowing that color couldn’t entirely be safe to drink...

“Oof!” Aztec exhaled as Armora dropped onto his chest again, his ears picking up a groan from the woman as she read the messages. A small smile split his muzzle at her complaint. For all that she was physically grown, Armora had this...innocence about her, something which the veteran warhorse found rather refreshing. “Mora, you know he won’t be happy to find out you didn’t show up.” Aztec replied. “Besides, judging by the preparations I saw going on, this isn’t just a formality. From the look of it, there’s some kind of celebration planned.” He flexed his neck to look at her, his golden irises meeting her crimson ones. “Might be I can win you a couple more plushies there too”

It was a pleasant change of pace, not having to setup solo for once. “NyteMare”, as she was known in the club circuit, wasn’t exactly well known, as Kolorsha hadn’t been able to afford decent mixing equipment until just a couple years ago, though she’d gained a bit of a following since. She did a final check of the connections, flicking her long, white mane to one side, before putting on her headset, designed specifically to fit her rather uniquely shaped head. Being what she was certainly drew in the curious crowd. Kolorsha didn’t know of any other uplifted having become a dj anyway...
Refreshment Tent

Alex thought for a moment as he took in the sights and sounds of the park. There were more people here at once than he had seen in the past year. Finally, he came upon his choice, though it was rather bland. But he wasn't really feeling up to any of the more exotic drinks at the moment. "Just punch for me, please," He said to the man in the tent, before turning to Araxie. "Do you think we should check out the stage?"
Refreshment tent
"I wouldn't say right away, they're still setting the DJ's equipment setup. Here's your cola miss, and your punch Alex," Zeke offered as he handed over a can of each to the young couple, "You know it's odd hearing Jack have a CO younger then him, just guess we got so used to old men in suits." The man gave a chuckle as he heard the comments of the equine woman, "I assure you it's safe, the glow is from fluorescent substances found in local flora. Found in numerous fruits, flowers, and even some vines as well as trees. Quite strange, but has tested edible, and adds a rather unique flavor to the brew."

"No, it's fine, there aren't any of those games anyways. But, there is a beach party included, so a good excuse to wear that bikini you like so much. You know..," The clone said before leaning in, "The one that's barely there. So come on, let's hurry up and get going, I want an excuse to flash you." With that, the laziness was seemingly reversed to boundless energy in an instant. The princess rolled out of the bed before hopping up to start stripping as she sauntered off to the shower with a wink.

The general rolled her eyes as she was rebuked for the use of such a name, but still gave her a small grin. "Lighten up, this is the first day off since being let out of the hospital, and you and I......well, we've never actually been in each other's company outside of work, even though we both could use the break." Alice said to the agitated elysian as she followed, pointing to the refreshment tent where all the good smells seemed to originate from.

Nanny Bot

"Rose, you know it's a cover I have to keep for now, at least until the time is right. I'll take you to the woods where I've been working on something, though far from done, It's a goodstep forward. For us as a family, and I think sex in a cabin on a hill that overlooks the sunset as it crests the mountains. Is the perfect place to wake up after." the figure said lowly over a private geist connection between the two, their hand gently brushing Rose's hand as the words were uttered.
Sirris VI
Obsidian City
Sanctuary Park

"No you don't! Y-you'll always look great, n-no amount of scars is ever going to change that." The short princess fell silent when Sonia mentioned Amit. She sniffled and accepted the kiss, clinging to Sonia more tightly. She didn't say anything, but it was clear she hadn't taken her brother's passing very well.
Rose gave a small smile to her masked companion, nodding. "I just wish this disguise wasn't necessary. And you had me fooled for a moment. What possible reason could you have for hiding like this?"

Rose's geist responded across the short space between them as one of the children found a particularly interesting rock. Another had busied herself squealing at one of the screaming birds that had landed near her.

Rose's eyes glowed as she slipped back into the guise of a middle aged teacher that had grown old too fast. Granted, she was barely approaching her thirties, but Rose's stressors had been at an all time high since the incident. "Waking up to you in that little cabin sounds nice. Our daughters would appreciate more land to roam like the wildlings they are."
Central Park

As the Elysian received her cola, she thought about the event for a moment. Sure, this was a bit... Out of nowhere, in a sense, but it still struck her as odd that they were still setting up stuff like this... And a DJ? Were they expecting the reunited, fatigued couple to dance or something? She sipped on the cola; its bubbly contents tickled her mouth and throat, and she coughed quietly to settle herself down. Damn, when was the last time I had soda? A year ago? Probably... "Yeah, Alex was in charge of a lot of stuff back then. Oh, and - you are?" Araxie turned towards the new arrival; having been a drifter for a majority of her adult life, the birb had seen things weirder than a talking horse.
Refreshment tent

"Lighten up, this is the first day off since being let out of the hospital, and you and I......well, we've never actually been in each other's company outside of work, even though we both could use the break."

Sighing at that Sareash looked at Alice "What can I say, I like being in armor or uniform rather then being in any kind of dress" Sareashh looked at Alice as they walked at the refreshment tent and grabs a drink "Thought you are getting quite some attention with being a dress yourself"She smirks at that and grins as she offers her friend a drink "Yet it is good to have us dismissed from that dreadful and yet boring hospital. I do hope to get another assignment soon" She thought for a second. Sareash had a difficult time to adjust herself towards the situation she was in, people were staring at her, people were chatting and talking about non-related stuff that she frankly didn't care about. Why did she come here, ahh yes someone had dragged her out of her comfy bed.
Refreshment tent

Alex sipped on his punch, the fruity taste a welcome change from the tapwater he had been used to for the past year. In fact, it was better than the majority of beverages that most of the populace had back on planet Osman. Whereas there, the divide between rich and poor was vast, this place seemed to be composed primarily of a thriving middle class.

"It seems like this is a lot nicer of a place than where we used to be." He said to Araxie.