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Approved Submission FSCorp fleets

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Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Fleet Registry
Template Used: Free form charts
Submission WIP URL:https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:fscorp:fscorp_fleets#trade_fleet
Submission Destination URL:https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:fscorp:fscorp_fleets#trade_fleet

FM Approved Yet? Yes, myself
Faction requires art? No, but I may add pics anyway.

@CadetNewb a while back I had included the 6 Caravan heavy freighters in a thread. They are the foundation of FLS, I would like your blessing to continue using them.

@Zack I know I'm already permitted but I would like permission here to incorporate C5 drones, broadsword cruisers, and U1s.

Who runs Zen Arms? I have an Alligator on the list I wanted to have permission to use.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is pertinent to the topic.

So even if these things count against USO's buildup limit, it's essentially up to @Wes at this point to say yes (which kind of happened when he approved the submission) or revise his take on the article.
This is also pertinent.

This was one of the responses (without the vitriol)

Those shipyards, are they currently building ships based on military buildup times?
Ame asked this.

This was another (again without the vitriol)
The buildup limitations are intended for nation states, not for their subordinate organizations such as corporations.
Zack had this to chip in.

And most of the rest was loads of disrespectful garbage, which was aired, and reciprocated. As I can see within the context of this thread, FrostJaeger did not start being antagonistic, pointed out a point of reasonable concern, and only got snappy against much more antagonistic responses.

Wes was already tagged by Raz. If Wes wants to reconsider matters regarding those ship numbers, he'll be able to swing back and comment on them. In the meantime, I'm locking this thread. If you don't hear from Wes again, assume it's because he's fine with this state of affair.

Frankly, I'm not too fond of this resolution so far because it default in having people I've found acting super disrespectful win their point. No matter how justified the concerned parties might be, you stoop to a level that makes you wrong.

But my role here isn't to be fair, it's to keep the peace and stop this trainwreck. So, stop it I will.
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