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OOC Gam'trosha Discussion

It has nothing to do with her personally, it has to do with Def'leor's past
Ya know guys, everytime I roll my dice, it seems like something 'has' to happen on our ship (luckily, the dice didn't roll a particular set of numbers.. otherwise I think Nashoba would - quite literally - KILL ME =p )

Anyway, I left things open so you gents can decide whether your characters get injured or not =)
Nope not you, Def'leor would just go on a killing rampage and kill all the workers at the spaceports where the Gam goes to get fixed. Because she never seems fixed.
Hehe, sorry guys, I got hit with life things last week so I didn't post. I'll try to keep up with posts now that the bulk of stress has been lifted. For now. D: (new post in Gam'trosha thread anyway!)
Not a problem Windra, I was getting worried since you hadn't been on, was told you'd been sick
Yeah, sick of work, lol. XD Sorry I didn't notify earlier, I was just jammed with job interviews and actual work and basically being poor. (Protip: being poor sucks XD)
Hey Gents, can we get more posts in? I'd like to get the away teams going soon so we can start exploring the planet
Hey Gents, the Chapter 3.2 Recon thread is for Drenica and Tanka only for now, the rest of ya continue in the main thread until we get an away team set up! :3
I get that from time to time as well Windra, it's why there are times when I don't post in some of the other plots I'm in because I don't get told of new posts >.<
Hey gents, its Audit time. Please update your character bios and history and put in a post please
Sorry for lack of posting! It's convention time over here, so I've basically been partying my ass off for a whole week. I'll try to post in the next couple days. /seu
Hey Gents! Lets keep the posting going please, we've been stuck at the preparation phase for the second away team for quite awhile now thus we should get it going so we can get you guys out there and exploring (and getting into trouble =P )

Also, I wanted to mention that I've made some changes to the Navy page for the Neshaten, I've revamped it a little bit by adding some additional details on the main page as well as more military history. I've also added in a new page related to the Royal Family which you can find on the factions main page. I am still working on the tech page revamp, and I will be doing a complete overhaul of the factions main page in the coming weeks.

I'll be sending out a survey as well within a few weeks asking for feedback, so stay tuned for that please =)
I'll be doing a time skip soon, so you won't have to worry about hanging for too much longer =)
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