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This is one of the newest, most devastating, weapons from NovaCorp, appealing to Ephesus' love of both destruction and aesthetic beauty. It works through the creation of a spike in the underlying vacuum energy of the universe, right next to, or directly at, the vessel that is wished to be effected.

This phantom energy is what remains after the universe expanded, with most of the energy powering the inflation being converted into matter and radiation, some of it remained inherent in empty space. Phantom energy causes space to pushed outwards on itself, causing the increasing acceleration of the universe. This energy fluctuates naturally, and if there is a spike of energy that part of the universe will expand faster than the surrounding space. If the difference between the speed this point is expanding and the space surrounding it is great enough it will create a big bang, a new universe. This can happen in nature, but it is incredibly unlikely.

However Genesis does create this spike, and in the first moments of its creation, around half a second, but expanding at the speed of light, it envelops the surrounding space and matter, before becoming a completely separate universe, which is impossible to interact with. At this point either a ship is caught in there, unable to escape, or the universe proves to be unstable, and collapses in on itself, crushing everything inside.

This weapon is especially devastating against ships that are using spatial distortion, or continuum distortion technology, since they are already weakening their link to the universe, and shielding based on that technology proves no defence.

Since light travels at around 186,282 miles a second, the genesis ‘bubble' has a diameter of 186,282 miles centred on the point targeted, 93,141 miles in every direction around that point. From outside the effect, there simply appears to be an enormous flash of light, the same size as the area effect, and everything after the flash passes, nothing that was in that area remains.

Although this weapon has extraordinary destructive power, it takes 60 seconds to recharge, and drains an enormous amount of energy from the firing the ship, ensuring that it can not fire any of its other major weapons immediately after use, and weakening the shields. The range of the weapon is 1.5 AU.
Legacy Cannon (1): A split-boom Superheavy Transposition Flux Cannon unit is mounted at the front of the ship. This massive weapon unit transposes the space between two points, causing the space-time continuum of an area to collapse on itself. This weapon is usually not a first choice as it leaves damage to space which can take weeks or even months for the beam area to "heal." The TFC cannot be fired at the same time as the GWB or the DFCs, since they use the same systems. Ships using space-time anchors or dimensional screens are particularly affected by the TFC and are almost guaranteed to be dragged out of existence in about a minute by their anchors, even when not directly in the path of the beam (50,000 miles). Deactivating the T/SA or DS will halt the ship's approach to the rift. A TFC can also be used to generate a 20-mile-wide black hole anywhere within its normal firing range. The legacy units have built in engines and systems, and can be ejected. Each legacy cannon has its own dedicated quantum generator.

Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Damage: Total Annihilation over a 30-mile wide area
Range: 30 through 200,000,000 miles (the beam can not hit anything less than 20 miles from the ship)
Rate of Fire: Once every minute.
Payload: Effectively unlimited, so long as the ship provides power.
Same thing?
Not really, the way it works, the science behind it, is completely different.

Its function is somewhat different as well.

This weapon works through the creation of a new universe, not through the warping of this one.
But it's essentially made to make anything you don't like go away and not come back ^_^;
Now, upon reading this, I have discovered one thing...

Noone really cares for explainable scientific reasoning behind their tech anymore.

Zac, you have just designed a weapon, which upon firing transforms a part of reality into a compleatly seperate universe, in a pocket dimension. Come on, man. Think of suspendable disbeleif. This cannon screws it like a two dollor hooker, then asks for it's money back.
Actually it is based, in its entirety, on an article I read in the New Scientist around six months or so ago, which detailed how a spike of sufficient strength the the Phantom Energy of the universe, which it described as I have, would create a seperate universe.
This weapon can not hold any sway if I am reading it correctly because of a simple and basic law of Physics. The law of conservation matter, which states that matter can be neither created, nor destroyed, would be voided by this gun.

What this gun is doing if I am reading correctly, is your taking the matter from one universe, creating a new universe, then put it in that universe, and seal the universe correct?

If this is the case, then he is destroying matter, which can not be done.
Zakalwe said:
Actually it is based, in its entirety, on an article I read in the New Scientist around six months or so ago, which detailed how a spike of sufficient strength the the Phantom Energy of the universe, which it described as I have, would create a separate universe.

Do you have a source for this "Phantom" energy Zac?
There is no matter destroyed in this weapon.

What it does is use an enormous pulse of energy, supplied for the ships generators to make this universe (or the SA universe, the difference is insignificant) create a new universe within it. This universe is completely devoid of matter. However for the first 0.5 seconds of its existance this universe absorbs anything it touches as it expands. After this period it does not interact with this universe at all, meaning that the ships are trapped their. An alternate, more dangerous and more energy efficient option is to create an unstable pocket universe that will collapse in on itself and destroy everything inside. However even in this there is no energy or matter destroyed. It is crushed, and brought into another universe but it is not destroyed.

Where is it destroyed?

... Please don't ask me to dig out that New Scientist, it will take forever. Wikipedia has a poor quality page on it however. It's a theory of Dark Energy.
No, they're not interesting, and this is more interseting than most.

Anyway, I found the article. It turns out I used the wrong word. I will replace 'phantom' with 'vacuum'. Phantom energy does exist, but it's a subtly different concept.

Vacuum Energy:

Most of the energy that powered this period of inflation was converted into matter and radiation. But not all of it: some of the inflationary energy remains as "vacuum energy", the energy that is inherent in empty space. This causes space to push outwards on itself, a phenmenon that astronomers believe is responsible for the apparent increasing acceleration of our universe.

Now the important bit:

It is this vacuum energy that can give rise to a new universe. The vacuum energy is not a fixed quantity; quantum mechanics says it fluctuates at every point in space-time. If there is a sudden, sharp increase in this energy at some point, that point will blwo up faster than its neighbours. And if that difference is dramatic enough, it will create a new big bang.

This is from an article by 'Eugenie Samuel Reich' on the research of 'Sean Carrol and Jennifer Chen of the Universtiy of Chicago'.
Zakalwe, why don't you just say that NovaCorp hadn't made an anti-fleet weapon yet and that you wanted to have one made while not really copying other weapon descriptions?

Also, I find it hard not to notice the number of Anti-Star Army of Yamatai technology that's popping up recently. An anti-fleet weapon that kicks the bejeebus out of CDD-using ships, interdiction field and beams to make sure that CDD using ships will be handicapped or severely impaired while in combat, etc...

Ephesus is an Elysian and Elysia just regained independance. Anyone see a trend here? ~_^
The connection between the two is completely incidental.

Ephesus may be Elysian but he doesn't really care about Elysia. His loyalty lies elsewhere. Whether it be to himself, NovaCorp or Coffee is rather hard to tell.
The question is: How does this thing do what it does? I'd like an explaination of this "Phantom Energy" and how this weapon spontaniously does the things it does.

Honestly, if this weapon is approved... this will show that nearly anyone can pitch out a half cocked idea for a super weapon, without investing the effort and research into the physics and science that would be required to acomplish such a feat, and without explaining how the devil the thing would work.
Doc, please note the quotations I have provided, explaining what Phantom Energy does, and the basic theory behind how the weapon functions.

I gave some thought to how the Genesis device actually creates to the spike, and what I came up with was this:

Genesis creates the ‘spike' in Vacuum energy through sends out two high powered energy beams, each one recreating the effect of the inflation energy that existed in the moment after the big bang. This is created by firing a specialised United Theory Cannon, thus recreating the heat and dimensions of that time, in combination with an extremely powerful beam of gravitons. Each beam in itself creates a considerable growth in the surrounding space, but each is insufficient in itself to create the Genesis effect. When the two beams meet in the same place however the combined effect is enough to create the required spike.
You're just blowing smoke, since you just talked about a second gun which you never mentioned before (The United Theory Cannon) which is required to the Genesis weapon to work.
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