Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Hanako Shall Resist] CH.1: Cut off from supplies

The pint-sized neko responded to Ak's plan. "That might be the way to go. But I have to be really close to use my mini-laser gun... maybe Big Guy here could do it instead from cover while I plant it? We're going to have to find a good spot to set it off for maximum effect too..."

Noa started gliding through the verdant treetops once again now hopefully out of the range of most of the Rixxikor's fire, shifting her field of view around and trying to find a place they could set off the grenade charge. It was then that her enhanced vision caught sight of a cabin in the woods a little past their location, that seemed to have a couple of the disgusting bugmen guarding it. She zoomed in her pink eyes like a sniper scope from behind a branch, trying to get a bead on what might be there with an excited new message: "Noa to Ak... you seeing this, boss? Found a shack in the sticks under guard. Might be their storehouse or base camp. If we wanna make a boom, this might be juuuust the place."
Were they trying to quickly dispose of the rix or are we attempting to cause a full scale infantry engagement in the woods? With every passing second he felt the forest growing less and less safe; the Rix were getting angrier and he could tell they were hungry to avenge their own. As the battle momentarily slowed down, news of a possible enemy hideout became clear and this once stealthy mission clearly was becoming closer to an all out assault to the fungoid.

"If that's so, we can expect pressure from it once the grenade goes off. We're fighting enough rix in the woods already. How far away are the supplies and are they even still safe?"
"Noa to Ak... you seeing this, boss? Found a shack in the sticks under guard. Might be their storehouse or base camp. If we wanna make a boom, this might be juuuust the place."

Ak was just getting into position as she halts and leans onto one knee thinking 'A shack....middle of the forest?' She looked into the direction of the area that Noa was heading and tried to remember what the location was like before it became this hell. She narrows her eyes and tried to convey to her memories, even though in reality it took a few seconds when she finally blinked 'Don't blow it up... its a normal shack! Intercept it and take the enemy out. Whatever is going on there, they are hiding something and I am not going to risk valuable information' She sents back to Noa.

"If that's so, we can expect pressure from it once the grenade goes off. We're fighting enough rix in the woods already. How far away are the supplies and are they even still safe?"

Hearing the man suggest, it made Ak roll her eyes as she replied over the communication "We are too far away from the supplies, we have not even entered New Kyoto, so please focus on the mission and clear this forest. Move-in on the newly found shack and open fire, take them out..." Basically she was given the order that all brakes were loose and now the battle of the wicked started. She started to sprint towards the location that Noa gave and jumped out of the bushes, piercing a Rixx neck with her blade and with a twist she throws the knife at another that wanted to react. Looking at the body, she pushed on and grabbed the blade out of the lifeless body.

The shots were being fired, chaos was now applied to this battlefield as Ak moved forward quickly she sends another message to Noa 'If you got a fancy trick to jam their communications, now would be a good time' She pushed forward and felt the heat of the blast passing by her body, some barely hits her. For some reason, she felt the urge to push forward and dove back into the bush. Quickly shifting her knife back at her side and getting her rifle as she jumps over a log rolling into the shack area and aimed her rifle at the Rixx that stood there "Kiekeboo" She sarcastically said as Ak opened fire.
Athena listened on to the dynamics of the "squad" she found herself with now. There was more to the alien that it was letting on, which gave her shivers sometimes. The mini-Neko was a trickster that would be watched out for. But the greatest of Elysian criticism would be directed at their leader, Ak. The lack of leadership experience was apparent in some of her actions. She was going to have to be extra motherly with her.

In the meantime, Athena focused more on cleansing the world of foul-mouth bug men. She provided overwatch for the others as they moved up and then bounded when it was her turn.
Electricity crackled as the baton came to life with the flick of a switch. They definitely knew physical trauma wouldn't work and his body wasn't that tough because he kept going to the gym. Roy counted down in his head for the time he would activate the kinetic pulse from his boots to propel himself towards his captive and crush him against the door. However the count was interrupted when shooting began nearby.

He was sat right in front of the door too, so if anyone came bursting in, either he'll have the door flying to his face or someone would just shoot through the door. Getting his head down wouldn't be the best idea. Instead, he activated the kinetic pulse, angling his feet so he'd be sent to the side. He slammed his side hard against the wall just as the door was breached and shots were fired, ending his would-be torturer.

"Hey! Over here!" he quickly called out. He couldn't make out the complete form yet of his rescuer, but since they didn't look like a bug at first glance, he figured they were alright. All things considered. "Cut me out of these wires, will you? I think they're about to draw blood after that impact."
Deciding that it was better to get it over with now than later, the fungoid sprinted low and fast to an ambush position. It wasn't too close to the rix but he had the advantage of elevation and brush. That would hide him well but when the grenade went off, they would be looking the other way. Based on his last conflict with the rix, he had a definite advantage in strength, speed, and power.

This wasn't going to be an ambush for him but a horrific slaughter.

"Is the grenade ready?" He sent over to the tiny feline. "Set it off; once you do, I'll begin the close quarters."
Things were shifting into gear quickly, as the little hacker got the message from Ak to clear the way to the shack and not demolition it instead. She did have a point... there was obviously something there the Rixx didn't want to get out, judging by their behaviors. Maybe an ally? Still, Noa did have a job to do as she sent back to the rebel leader: "So, you want me to jam them? That's easy to say but I don't have a lot to work with he-... actually, give me a minute."

The infowar expert changed her tune immediately when her scoped eyes spotted a metal antenna sticking out of the roughshod roof of the shack, to which she glided over to in a zig-zag pattern using the potshots Ak and co were taking at the Rixxkor guards as covering fire. Her trusty FARS drone that had been hiding in the trees also whizzed in to grab her and float them both up to the roof. Amatsukaze-hei soon was looking up at the 5 foot tall rod that towered over her like a jagged skyscraper, recognizing it as the type one could use to pick up planetary civilian video broadcasts. It was a relatively simple task to have the drone clamp its magnetic strip electronic lockpick arm directly to the overgrown dipole, and then use the communications suite to resonate a crude but effective high-pitched white noise signal out on a few common civilian frequencies she knew the Rixxikor were known to use. Hopefully it would give their bug hosts quite an earful!

The FARS drone had enough juice in it to keep this up for at least a few minutes, which freed up the technician to consider the matter of the old destructive distraction plan when Maleirzwan brought it back up. "... I need a little more time, big guy! We have to find another spot because this is a no-go now." Noa ran back to get the grenade in question, hopefully a lot easier with the Rixxikor clutching their ear-holes in pain and missing a few shots...
Cutting a Rix throat as Ak lets the body drops she aimed her pistol at the Rix patrol that heard the gasp of their comrade dropping down. Seeing the Yamataian standing there, they rose their weapons as Ak smiled as at the same time the impact of the communication jam push through and the Rix could hear the high pitch from it and dropping to the ground. Ak fired a few times taking the, now easy, targets down and walked towards the shed. She quickly switched her pistol to her rifle and shot a few times taking a few more out. Taking a deep breath 'Good work Amatsukaze-hei, cover my ass' Ak sends the message to Noa as she hits the door and rolls into the room and with a quick scan, she saw the Rix trying to grab a gun and opened fire.

"Cut me out of these wires, will you? I think they're about to draw blood after that impact."

Looking at her side she blinks and saw a man on the ground and lowered her weapon while making her way towards the man. Cutting him loose "You seem beaten up, I will let our medic get a look at you..." She taps the side of her radio as she could still hear shot going off "Athena, 1-shed-2-1-3-O-4-C-5-N-6-P-7-N" She gave out the 7-line request as Ak looked back at the man "Sit there, help is on its way" With that said, Ak moved out the shed and stayed at the door kneeled with her rifle aimed forward waiting for Athena to appear. She could hear the gunfire going off "Maleirzwan, what is the delay on that grenade..the shed is going to be under fire soon, I got a prisoner of war in here" She fired a shot at an incoming Rix and took cover.

All by all the area was getting cleared, one patrol group was taken down and there were only four to five Rix still in the area that had difficulty communicating towards their main base for support. They needed to be taken out quickly by the group, the communication jam was not going to hold out much longer. Ak stayed at the position until Athena would arrive and then her mission was to give protection to the shed until her medical officer was done and the prisoner was ready to be moved out. All considered, even if it was against their odds, it played out well..but Ak knew that this was merely the start of their operations. The supplies were needed and quick.
Upon hearing the 7-line medical request over the radio, Athena's muscles where already sprung into action. Muscle memory comes handy in times like these when the mind is occupied with other matters, such as survival. Which still had control over her trigger finger, letting off rounds down range to any bug men she happened to see.

She moved from cover to cover until she finally bursted into the shed and got down to one knee. She looked over towards the prisoner of war and looked him over visually for any any obvious wounds that needed to be treated. The man seemed fine enough to move under his own power, though she prepared bandages just in case he was just really good at acting. The lack of a medical scanner was hurting her abilities a bit.

"Unless you have hidden wounds, you look ambulatory. I can treat any less serious wounds once we are not under fire from these vermin." Athena said sternly to the prisoner. Stern, but professional.
"I'm waiting on Noa." Quite impatiently he would have added has he radioed in to Ak. If his knuckles could turn white, they would. The rix were getting closer to his position, their weapons sweeping up the hill as they tried to find some semblance of a better firing position. He couldn't hold here for long but if his attack started too early, it could throw off the entire thing. "Waiting very patiently, moreso than the Rix closing in on my position."

He needed the distraction too. It did not take a genius to realize charging enemies looking your way and all armed to the teeth, even with his durability and strength, was going to result in a lot of injuries and many of them would be his own.
With his muscles stiff from hours being in the same uncomfortable position, Roy agreed to keep his head down and wait for the medic, and let his rescuer handle incoming hostilities. In the meantime, he focused on the sounds of fighting to get a clue to what the situation was, and if he could pick up any sounds that could hint at where the enemy might shoot at them from.

When the medic came, she gave him a once-over and confirmed that he was at least well enough not be carried out like a fresh carcass. "Well, I'd say pride counts as a hidden injury." He pushed himself to his knee. With this being an active combat zone, keeping his head low was a good starting plan. "The name's Roy. Pleasure to be tagging along," he'd grin before turning his head to where he jettisoned himself. "I was with a few of your people when I got captured, but I haven't heard anyone else but the Rixx here." He could hear a faint, shrill noise coming from behind the wall. Before the shootout, he heard some shuffling there, some chatter, and what sounded like a can being dropped. His best guess was that it was either the kitchen or the storage room.

"Step back from the wall." He adjusted something on his boot before he stood and wound up a kick at the wall, that on impact, released a pulse of kinetic energy that broke a section of the wall off, big enough for him to walk through. Without skipping a beat, he jumped through and made a quick search for usable equipment. "Give me a minute to gear up," he called behind him. "I'm not leaving my stuff here." The first thing he picked up was a metallic dog mask with red orbs for eyes. Before his capture, he tapped into one of the Rixx' frequencies. The shrill whining was coming from the mask, and he needed to turn it off before its speakers got damaged. In the process of slipping into his shirt and armor, he tossed a pair of Rixx rifles through the hole in case they needed it, keeping one for himself for when he busts through the door into the hall.
The Forest

The new recruit was secured by Athena and that made Ak smile slightly "Alright PoW is secure...we will resume the mission..." Ak signals everyone and moves from the shed and signals to Maleirzwan "No time to wait, release everything you have...the communication jam will go down any minute now" In reality, it was even shorter, but they had to push on to take out the last of them. The forest was being lighted up by incoming fires when the explosion came through "Open fire, I repeat open fire..." With that Ak infrared eyes kicked in and she could see movement from various points taking a moving aim and opening fire herself.

The overall combat didn't last long, give or take a good 2 minutes as a Rixx dropped to the ground in front of Ak "Gather on my location, we are moving to New Kyoto, the path from safe house to city is now clear...yet we are not there yet" Ak moved to the edge of the forest and kneels as her eyes changed back and looked at the city where the constant fire fighting was going on "Amazing how they still held their grounds...." She mutters to herself and knew the remnants of the Legion II was still there.

Looking back at the team "We got to move through the city and get towards the supply route, we will enter a warzone as there is constant fighting there. The latest intel showed that they are losing ground which is understandable. We clear a path so we can return with supplies for the bunker, understood?" Ak said as her eyes stopped at Roy "I guess you are hitchhiking the ride? If you wish to help keep us covered and take out any Kuvexians or Rixx" Looking back at the city "Let's move" With that said they moved.

Closing in on the once beautiful city of New Kyoto, they only saw now were broken buildings, fires everywhere and the sound of firefighting. They moved at the side of the road towards their given target. Anything could happen, Reckless Rixx could be popping up blazing shots anywhere. Ak was focused on her surroundings.

feel free to cause trouble ;) We are now heading to the city!
Roy hadn't taken too long with the armor as it clicked into place thanks to magnetic locks making it much easier to just put on and secure as he was moving. When he burst out to join his rescuers in their mission, he stood proudly with the dog mask firmly over his face, its eyes glowing lightly, like a demon stalking the night. One glance at his gear and anyone can figure that he wasn't a rookie by any means, but the way he carried himself, loose and casual, may give people the idea that he was not very disciplined or at the very least, not invested in what he got himself into. With the mask on, his body language would be all what anyone else has to go on.

Though to his credit, every bullet he lets loose was fired with a purpose. In the firefight outside the cabin, he'd jump to the front, drawing fire towards himself by leaving himself a bit more exposed. Though an all-black uniform was already hard to spot at night. He was counting on it as giving himself a wider view of the firefight allowed him to take better aim.

When the leader of this band of resistance fighters called to regroup, Roy followed, but taking a route that brought him towards bodies, picking up guns and loose cartridges and magazines and some grenades as he went along. The guns, at least those with straps, were hanging on his left arm, slung as if he were some butler for a noble but instead of a towel, it was an armory. The grenades were in a bag he picked up from the Rixx, once holding beer and a trail mix. The cartridges and magazines were stuffed into every pocket.

As they were briefed on the mission at hand, Roy was removing the ammunition from the weapons in his arm one by one and dropping them into any empty pocket he found on himself as if he were a robot in an assembly line. When the leader looked to him and asked if he was going to tag along for the ride, he simply replied with, "That's why I've stocked up. Grenades anyone?" He presented the bag containing a baker's dozen, plasma and fragmentation alike, all mixed into a dirty party bag.
When the nameless man came back with his armor on, Athena couldn't help cock her head to the side and think of the good book's descriptions of demons. She was going to say something, but the situation required her to keep her Elysian preaching to a minimum. She put the "medical kit" back on to her belt and proceeded to join in the firefight with the Rixx. She didn't have the best marksmanship ability, but she liked to think she was hitting enough of the Rixx that she wasn't wasting ammo.

With the last of them down, she rallied over to Ak and nodded. "I am sure the royal Clan is regretting not genociding these creatures now" Athena said, hinting at their seemingly endless numbers. "Kill one of these buggers and their whole clan appears after they fall."

He was relieved that the semblance of an organized ambush flew out the window. The rix troopers poking at the bushes with their rifle were not.

The foul insect and its friends spread out and cocked their guns, energy regulators charging up as they prepared to turn the foliage into ashes. Snapped twigs around folded leaves with footsteps on the ground beneath told them all they needed to know.

This assumption shattered much in the same way the rear trooper's head did when what his chitinous skull split into two with the whispering wind of something swinging through the air, two both halves leaning opposite directions staring wide eyed and shocked as brain matter and flecks of blood sprayed onto those in front of him. Panic spread, weapons raised, one firing prematurely and answered with hissing chastisement.

None of them saw the huge fungoid descending but they heard the rustling of the branches and leaves just in time to see the knife making a horrid crunching sound drive through the face of another bug, the impact cratering shell and shattering its grotesque visage, sending its limbs in a wild spasm.

Horror turned to hatred then to a choked gasps; even less than that. Choked gasps barely escaped erupted lungs, blown apart into gory mist a silenced energy rifle, turning a single column of soldiers into a pile of twitching death-begging bodies. Another fumbled for its rifle, aiming at the fungoid terror and wildly tapping the trigger and cauterizing the flesh of another of its own, shoved out before him and staring with a mortified scowl, head jerking from each round that punished its vaporizing biomatter.

Maleirzwan moved faster than the revulsion could set in, kicking the corpse into the shocked soldier as he barreled into another rix soldier, ducking low in a blur of bowling motion, smashing into his knees and sending him tumbling to the ground. He swept around, feeling the butt of a rifle smash into his side. The pain reinvigorated him as he spun about, a serrated knife finding the ribcage of an enemy; sawing, biting, chewing, ripping in moments - something awoke in the blade, reflecting in his consciousness. A hunger, a need, a hate that was not his own, as if drank from the lifeless body on its end now fallen to the dirt.

*Click*. The sound of a mag jittering in a gun - the soldier he'd knocked down earlier, rising to his feet, hands shaking, mandibles clenched.

Shriek and chitter. Another who'd been knocked aside amidst the carnage, steadying his aim, right on his centre of mass.

Burning anger. A vengefulness much like the one that echoed inside of his skull, inside of his veins, boiling and pouring out at the seams. A another gun, a bigger gun, a bigger bug, bigger guts.

They were so helpless to him. The hatred told him. The hatred knew. He welcomed it as he would a guest. Living steel hungered, hostile flesh awaited. Too close to raise his own firearm. So be it.

His arm swung outwards, an almost comical gesture. A palm erupted as if something had shot from within but it was not a single blur of black but a lengthy, flapping mass of living perversity. It slapped against the arm of the rix who had thought he could take his shot, throwing off his arm, before it wrapped around his arms. Hundreds of legs grasped against his form, scratching flesh before the same hungry sawing continued - a knife was held in the creature's palps and mandibles, now burrowing into his throat, life fading with every gnashing incision.

The larger rix swung his hefty weapon upwards but his dead-standing comrade was yanked his way, crashing into him as the snaking limb slid off of his body. He spun as he tossed him, swinging the living whip and rolled away into the same bush they'd thought he was hiding in. Rifle fire followed, igniting leaves and shattering branches. A grenade replied. The bigger rix saw and held onto the corpse, knocked bast as the black desecrated its remains. He looked to see his comrade gurgling for life and clutching to a seeping wound in his stomach with his sole attached arm.

A splitting pain his back, a howl of agony that he had not the the strength to utter. Life extinguished before it slumped face forth onto the ground.

Maleirzwan reloaded the weapon and moved on.


"Maleirzwan moving to rejoin." He said as he jogged towards the others. A foul smell, rix in nature, clung to his body. He was wiping something with a cloth of some sort; bits of matter flaked off of it and the smell grew deeper and more pungent as he neared. "Are there any kuvexians on the ground?"
Forest Edge

Giving a brief nod towards Roy "Go ahead if you can miss one I would be glad to have it" She replied as Ak was given a grenade that stocks up her load and started the walk towards the city. It was burning and getting hit badly by the Kuvexians, how it held out for so long was a mystery to her, but eventually, that city would break. Ak sighs and looked over her shoulder towards Athena.

"I am sure the royal Clan is regretting not genociding these creatures now" "Kill one of these buggers and their whole clan appears after they fall."

"They most likely are regretting not wiping those creatures out at first contact" But Athena was right, these bugs were savages and they didn't mind to capture and torture anyone. It was the ultimate weapon for conquesting the planets. She shrugs and looked at the city that was now closing by, the screams of the Rix and the shots being fired were now heard

"Maleirzwan moving to rejoin." "Are there any kuvexians on the ground?"

"Good of you to join us" Ak replied not looking at him as she held the grip of her rifle tied when slowly getting into the streets of the city "I've seen the Kuvexians on various locations, they tend to go into battle to gain glory or seek ways to let someone else do the work and take the glory" Ak spoke as she placed her rifle forward and moved forward checking the roads and using the cars, trucks or whatever was on the road as cover "We require to find a safe passage through this place, meaning any resistance needs to be taken down" She taps the side of her head "Use your head, if the enemy finds us then we will be screwed...we are outmatched and outgunned clear?!" Ak looked around the obstacle towards the rest of the road as there was not much there "Let's move..."

The group slowly moved forward from cover to cover and Ak slowly stops as she leans against the truck and looked at the others "The area is to quiet...something is off" It was if she was reading minds, at the same moment a wave of pulsing shots was fired from a high angle in the direction they were heading to. Ak moved instinctually forward and pushed Roy to the ground, however, her action made her a target and she made a spin to the ground as her shoulder got hit "Fu...." She manages to get out.
"Smoke grenade. NOW." Maleirzwan growled, hoping somebody bought the now invaluable grenades. He heard the sound of an energy discharge meeting armour and the thudding of Ak's body to the ground. Immediately, he raised his weapon and fired a volley in the direction, sending energized bolts of charged liquid streaking like small meteors. Grabbing Ak's body with one hand, the huge fungoid flung them over his shoulder, sprinting off of the road and towards the nearby woods for cover.

"Severity of the wound." He demanded as he ran, half crouching to lower his profile and aiming to sprint over a barrier. Hopefully the rest of the team could force the heads of the enemy to duck for cover. There were too many places for an ambush here or an IED.
Athena was on the move when she looked over at Ak when she heard her yell. She tossed a number of smoke grenades to obscure sight and followed smartly after the alien back to the words. Though she knew they were only good for visual and would nothing against thermal vision. A thought that came up as she thought about the look of the enemy fire. It would not take much for trigger happy and stressed nekos to fire at anything that moves.

"Put her down over there!" Athena yelled just loud enough to be heard by Maleirzwan. "I got this, we need your firepower back to the front. Try to get an ID on what is firing on us if you can." she said, pulling out her sad excuse of a medical kit so she can begin examining the nature and state of Ak's wound.
Roy's hand lingered for a bit in case anyone else wanted extra grenades before slinging the bag around him, but not before checking if it had any gross bug-related juices all over it. As the crew reassembled, he took note of the people in it, especially the big guy, as easy as he was to notice. He hasn't recalled seeing much of his species before, but the questions will have to wait.

"What frequency are your radios on?" he'd ask as they were heading towards the city. He guessed everyone there were on the same frequency, otherwise he'd have to question how competent these people were.

The last of his looted guns were dropped at the edge of the forest, keeping only two which were in the best condition, one to use the energy charges and the other to use the bullets as each type was more useful in certain situations.

He kept his gun pointed low, but he kept his eyes above the horizon. The sorry state of the city made it nearly unrecognizable from his choice vacation spot. It looked like any old battlefield, only with the tall buildings making spotting enemies harder with the millions of windows they could peek out from.

The leader mentioned the unnatural silence of the area, and before he could say anything, he was pushed to the ground, following a salvo of gunfire at their location from ahead. As soon as he hit the ground, he rolled under the truck for cover as smoke engulfed their position. He switched to heat vision and quickly spotted a number of heat signatures at various levels in the buildings ahead. "I estimate that there's a dozen and a half on the corner building on the next block. Heat signatures spotted on the floors 3 through 7," he reported over the radio. Under the cover of the smoke, he fired his looted rifle, taking out two within the 4th level.

When another hail of bullets fired at his general direction, he crawled to the other end of the truck and took cover there, peeking out the side just enough to see the situation of the garrisoned building. "Bad news, more are popping up on the opposite side of the street of the tagged building."
It went all so quickly, but Ak reacted on pure instinct and tried her best to protect her fellow teammate. It was nothing but normal that Yamatai soldiers fight for the Empire but also to protect each other at any cost. She could feel the burning sensation at her shoulder and how she got carried away was just a blurry motion for her. She could hear Athena saying something, but her mind was still not processing it all as her senses came back. It was then that she could feel the sensation of the burn cut through her skin "Argg.." It was nothing major, as most of the armor had reduced the impact, yet it was clear that this was done by a Kuvexian sniper type of class.

Meanwhile, shots were being fired at the group from a building at the end of the streets and Rixx appearing from that same location. The only thing they could do was to hold a position or pull back. Yet if they waited too long they would be pinned down and they might be facing prison of war status. Ak knew then that it was no option to be a prisoner to them, her memory clearly remembers how her sisters got shot in the head without any mercy. She tried to get up, but felt the piercing through her shoulders and growls "We, got to retreat....." She coughs a few times feeling her lung being most likely to be brushed or something "...we got to..."

On that same moment that she wanted to give the order to retreat a piercing sound of a fighter engine could be heard as it came closer and closer to only deliver the explosion of their only exit. The fighter flew away, for now. Yet Ak looked with great eyes at the exit being crumbling down by a building that collapses "Fu..." She grabbed her shoulder as another piercing pain wave pushed through and looked at Athena "Patch me whatever is needed" Looking at the others "Mal...cover find an alternative route or support him" Ak needed time to get back on her feet, but her mind was already rushing with possibilities.