Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Hanako Shall Resist] CH.1: Cut off from supplies

"You owe me a new machine gun; stay alive." Maleirzwan grumbled as he stuffed away his medical equipment and unslung his ignivomon. The foreign weapon's barrel extended outwards like some creature sliding out of its exoskeleton, its barrel condensing as if forming a splintered bullet and the sound of liquid sloshing and boiling within.

"Roy - let us draw them away from the main group. They know one of our own is wounded and we shall be slowed." He motioned across the streets and the mess of abandoned vehicles that lay before them and then to his rifle, in particular it its cope, then made a jabbing motion towards the direction of the distant foes - I can take the shot, you call out the targets. However, then he pointed at the weapon's barrel. "HE and incendiary capable. Maybe a good time to bake the bastards. Limited shots; let us put the fear of the insurgent in their hearts"

He sprinted with that strange, unusual speed for such a hulking figure and vaulted over a barrier. Bolts were already flying past them as the unruly hoard neared, vengeance behind every baleful volley.

He stopped to roll down, bracing the weapon against his shoulder as he lay crouched against the ground and fired a few tentative shots. A few went wide, resembling the usual bolts of energy spraying to and fro. One hit a target; he saw their flesh break inwards before boiling and erupting in vapour and energy discharge - good, their armour wouldn't hold against this. He had no idea what was inside the top floors - maybe the kuvexians commanding them.
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"I hope you have a plan because the last group I was with was captured when we tried the same thing to peel them off of civilians." With just the two of them, Roy was working with way less than before the event that got him tied up in that cabin in the middle of the forest. But looking at the firepower the hulk was carrying, and how much ammo Roy himself had procured, they could afford to be a little more aggressive. Maybe this would turn out better than last time.

A bullet pinged off the side of truck next to his shoulder, possibly an attempt at punching through his cover. Roy switched over to the other side and continued firing from that position, but not before spotting what tried to snipe him. "First building I tagged, seventh floor, right side of the third window, there's a sniper. I'm blind on that side until he's taken care of." He went prone and shot the incoming wave of hostiles on the ground through the underside of the truck. When he emptied his magazine, he went back to a crouching position while reloading and peeked around the corner, getting eyes on the second garrisoned building. "Second building's been bombed heavily before, think your gun has enough firepower to take out those exposed supports?"
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As the gray-skinned Ranger snuck through the grass, her ears twitched at the sound her hidden blade made against the enemy. Bugs and Kuvexians, she could honestly say she didn’t know which she hated more, but she didn’t mind killing either of the bastards. She dispatched a few more bugs before she heard the order to rejoin the others. Unfortunately, time and bugs made that a delay since it took her a while to kill them. Noa’s actions did cause her to smile when she rested, the poor dear had a good idea, but sadly while she wished that it would have succeeded it hadn’t.

She proceeded forward, continuing to remain silent when she heard and saw the ambush, and had witnessed one of the team had gotten injured. She grits her teeth before becoming emotionless a she went into battle dispatching more bugs and Kuvexians, and she witnessed the big guy's actions. She would have felt impressed with what she saw, time for commendations will have to be later.

As she moved, she heard someone say something about a sniper in a first building so she changed directions having considered hat the injured was likely taken care of, and she couldn’t do much for them so instead she headed off to the Sniper, making sure to be extra quiet as she infiltrated the building, then made her way to him.

Silently she moved up after looking for the sniper, then thunk! Her hidden blade shot out ad penetrated the neck of the target, and he fell to the ground dead. “Sniper dispatched,” She said, her voice so sudden and unexpected it would likely cause the unaware to jump startled. It wouldn’t be unheard of, because she was so quiet that some might forget that there was an extra person with them. “Proceeding to look around here, for some Intel that might be left behind” She added, having remembered in certain video games that sometimes snipers might have something Intel related or something they could use. If nothing was found she’d steal the sniper rifle.

ooc: i hope this post is ok
New Kyoto - West Park

The team was working quite effectively and holding their ground as their self-promoted leader got pinned down. Athena did her best with the material she had to fix Ak up, but she was getting stubborn and saw the team doing all the work. She was a person that wanted to taste the action, to do what she is good at, fighting and keeping her people safe at any cost. She pushed herself up and looked at Athena "Stand down, we are now in the hot zone and I am not mortal danger..." She noticed the voice over the radio and smiled softly "We got ourselves a skilled one out there..." She rubs her shoulder that was still acing of pain "The sniper is no longer our problem, don't focus on the air support!"

She closed her eyes briefly 'Whoever you are, thank you for taking out the sniper, but be aware there more Rixx crawling around...' She messaged to Yayoi. Ak opened her eyes and grabbed her rifle that was on the ground and clicked it up "Let's show these animals what it means to mess with Yamatai!" With the second click, the rifle was reloaded and she placed it on her shoulder "Open fire, we push forward from object to object. Takedown what you can...cover each other" She barks out the orders. Ignoring her own pain, she pushed forward giving a short burst of blast towards the enemy that dropped down quickly. The Rixx didn't expect the invaders to bite back and were confused as to what to do, something the small team could use to their advantage.

Thought the forces are overwhelming and this was suicidal act on itself, The young Neko was not going to retreat as they needed the supplies. She finally got forced to hide behind an object that gave her a chance to reload, her expression was calm, but her mind was thinking constantly how to move forward until... Flashes and explosions were seen and heard from behind them. From the other side of the street, a wave of explosions came "This is Legion II, we are inbound to your location, stay put!" A female voice came over the comm "Legion II....they still are around" Ak mutters to herself "Give them cover fire, heat from two sides and clean them up" without realizing it she was smiling even more.
Athena watched Ak grab her rifle and run off before she could do some treatment. She just grumbled because when something goes wrong because they don't allow time for simple treatment, it is going be pinned on her. So she consequently took out her rage on the bug man, putting everyone down she happens to see.
Before Maleirzwan could fire, it appeared that help had come to pull them out of their current predicament. At least that was munition saved. The fungoid soldier looked to Roy for a second. "Legion II? Do you know what she's talking about?"

Of course, there was precious little time for leisurely conversation. The insectoid forces were closing in but there was now confusion amidst their ranks caused by a single daring soldier. Yet that soldier was now in a precarious position; a thorn in the side of the coming swarm but one that could be plucked and disposed of without support.

This is where his ignivomon came in, its sights zeroed in on the target that Roy had outlined.

"Once I fire, they're going to know this is our position. Get ready to lay down cover fire."

With a shriek, a beam of orange-white light shot out of the barrel a blast of hellish lashing archs and coiling flames erupted from the building, silhouetting their bombed out walls against a blinding light. Tortured metal crumped and split before melting from the heat as beam after beam struck into the targets. Rix soldiers scrambled and fired wildly but it as no use. The dour face of the structure began to crumble and melt as its weight began to collapse, top floors crushing lower ones as over half of it began to collapse amidst the horrified screams of its inhabitants.

The weapon's barrel smoked with an acrid, pungent smell as he began to unplug it from his body, closing it up and slinging it over his back.

"Moving!" He shouted as she switched to his slienced rifle, energy rounds already flying their way.
"Legion II?" he repeated to give himself time to think while reloading his weapons. He threw a glance at the fungoid. "By our dear leader's reaction, I'm guessing friends. A company of Yamatians that was garrisoned here maybe? Or a relief force?" Roy didn't seem all that phased by the current situation. Sure gunfire hailed and began slowly piercing through the truck, which now smelled like it was carrying some colognes and perfumes, which if any of them were aerosols would have been bad for him with all the plasma being thrown about, but this was a familiar situation for him. Not the sensory-overloading miasma of floral scents, but the situation of being pinned down by gunfire, and the last-minute reinforcements.

With another fire team splitting the attention of the Rixx, Roy saw an opportunity to strike fear into their enemies' hearts when he saw a group of three bunching up at one of the shop windows just a few meters away, and guns pointing towards Legion II. "Fire away, big guy! I think know how to punctuate the collapse."

Though the blast of the fungoid's heavy weapon and the building falling in on itself dominated the sounds of battle for a time, an unexpected piercing howl would take the stage. The Crimson Ravens were notorious for their bold, sometimes suicidal tactics, and the Rixx who survived skirmishes against them know that the when they start howling, things were going to start getting worse for them. The Crimson Ravens saved the howling for when they were sure to win, or they were sure to die but wanted to take everyone else with them. This way, their enemies would dread the howl no matter what the situation was.

There was already an effect amongst the Rixx as some of them halted firing out of fear and some out of confusion. There was the sound of a loud blast from Roy's position, and the blur of his form being launched towards the store where a few bugs had taken cover in. He burst through the window and body slammed one of the Rixx into the displays which caused its internal fluids to burst forth. Roy let out a wild growl as the crimson orbs of his mask stared down the two left in the store, who then tried to hop over the destroyed window in a panic. And who could really blame them when a hunched figure that blended eerily into the shadows with bright red eyes was standing over a fallen comrade who, just a second ago, was standing right next to them, was eyeing them like they were a tasty meal?

Another blast launched Roy forward again, his arms hooking around the bugs as they tried to flee in vain. He landed in the middle of the street, holding the two stunned bugs under each arm, but only stood still for long enough to plot out a path forward. Roy lunched forth once more, using the momentum of his kinetic pulse boots to throw one bug to splatter against one building, and then the other to knock down a group of Rixx just about to shoot him. By now, a few of them were already shooting at him, and he knew when he needed to bug out, so he launched himself into one of the abandoned buildings and began shooting from there, dual-wielding the two guns he had. He didn't need accuracy, he just needed them to duck out of the way or scramble so they're easier targets for whoever was flanking them.

"FEAR THE WARHOUNDS, MORTALS!" His mask was set to tune his voice to be booming and deep. Of course, those over the radio would have just heard his normal voice. "Are they running scared yet?" he asked his allies, having turned off the scary voice. "Because I don't think my armor plates can do that routine again."
Yayoi smiled as her search brought her what she was looking for, it appeared to be a laptop, with what appeared to be troop formations, and the last orders the sniper received. hey there, my friends will be happy to meet you she privately thought before she heard Ak’s warning about the Rixx Understood She simply said before she lifted the sniper once more and began using it to fire on the approaching Rixx, not at all afraid that her actions will catch their attention, she thought it was better they go to her, than her teammates, who were injured.

Legion II, the words made her smile, and she felt pleased that they were still around, they could definitely use their support. Through the scope she saw that her comrades joined the battle, so she continued to fight, shooting at the Rixx and helping to dwindle the enemy population. She watched as Maleirzwan brought a wall down and she joined in taking a few of the survivors straight to where the bad side of their afterlife was.

I like this guy she privately thought before She proceeded to fire her new stolen weapon once more, her eyes saw the falling enemy combatants, She did blink when she had heard the yowling, and remembered that from when she’d started fighting before she got the cybernetics and saw few appeared to be fearful as well, clearly they’d heard the yowling and remembered what that meant for them. I also like this guy too She’d thought, but focused on the battle.

Before she heard him ask if they were running scared, she could see they appeared to be scared, so she sent a message to him directly “Hai, they are scared Warhoud” She said in response before she once more took a look to see how many more she should kill. Between her comrades and her attacks, she thought the won the battle, but it didn’t hurt to be careful and look around first. If she saw that there was no one, she prepared to depart her position.
New Kyoto - West Park

The teams converted to each other location without any mercy of taking down the Rixx that stood in their way, most of the Rixx was in chaos, confused and that is exactly the rebellion goal in this battlefield. Ak took a few down and even, with a double jump and roll, slash a Rixx throat as it collapsed at her side. The battle was shortlived, even though it felt like it was already going on for hours. It was strange that it became quiet, besides the regular shots here and thereby the Legion soldiers and her own. Ak moved towards the squad as their leader was quiet bigger than here "Rigukun..." Ak mutters to herself as she snaps to attention "Ittô Hei Narita Ak, leader of Bunker 789" She spoke as the woman returned a salute while keeping her hand on her gun "Nito Heisho Jokichi Rin, squad leader of this ragtag team" She looked at her team and signals with her finger up "Pickup gear, we are moving in five" She looked back at Ak "The city is getting evacuated, we are admitting our loses here and going to fight another are welcome to join us"

She struggled with that offer "No can-do, we require to get supplies to our bunker or our wounded will not survive another day, we were on route towards the General Supplies storage south of New Kyoto, we require a safe passage back and forth" Ak said and looked at her own team "Do the same, get the ammo and any gear you can find, we will move in five" Ak looked back at Jokichi who had narrowed her eyes at the smaller Neko before her "But I wish to keep in contact with your squad and whoever of the Yamatai is left, we are now divided and losing ground"

Clicking her own rifle to reload seems to calm the Rikugun a bit and nods to Ak "Alright you got your mindset on something, I would advice you to go as much east as you can as the Kuvexians will be bombarding this city more in the morning" She points to a road to the east as she taps then on her arm and links it up with Ak "Those are the communication freq we are using, keep it secure and all will be fine. We will move south from here to liberate more of our people and return to our temporary base of operations. The Kuvexians have placed their Navy Admiral just outside the city, watch out"

Ak gave a brief nod as she received the communication freq and looked at the road "We are moving out!" She looked back at Jokichi "Good luck sister...." They both fistbump as Jokichi nodded. Ak moved to the road that was pointed out to her as she saw her new sniper moving to street level "We are moving on, we need to get those supplies, good work up there, everyone good work!"

Pickup ammo, gather medpacks and let's move to the east side of the city. We are almost at our location, the safe route has been confirmed and we gained allies!
Upon hearing confirmation that he'd scared the Rixx, he chuckled and said, "Glad to hear it!" He recognized the voice as the one who reported that the sniper was dealt with. Though he didn't know who that was, he was glad another was added to the crew.

When the fighting died down, Roy, currently alone in the building he was in, took off his mask and wiped away the blood at edge of his face. Somewhere in the middle of his little routine, he'd gotten shot in the side of the head, but his reinforced skeleton and the subdermal armor had kept the bullet from driving into his skull. However he did still bleed and he'll bleed again when he digs out that slug. "Roy reporting in, I just need to take a breather then I'll rejoin." It wasn't a lengthy process and his personal first-aid kit had everything to patch it up, though there was no hiding the fact that he had a bloody gauze and a length of bandage around his head worn like a bandana. By the time he got out, he'd used up all the time to pick through the rubble so he just looted as he went along back to the group, like he did in the forest.

"Alright, got 3 more frags, a bandolier of small energy cells, and a replacement rifle. Oh, and the greatest adrenaline high I've got in this city so far."
"Solid pickings," The huge fungoid commented as he noted the harsh wounds but also the impressive durability. "It appears you will be well aquainted with enemy weaponry by the time you are finished."

Given that his energy weapon ran off of fluids within his own body, it wasn't so much battery packs and magazines he needed as much as certain nutrients. He was holding something; a plastic bag of all things filled with a fresh and earthy scent. There were a few more he was attaching to his back and he paused for a moment to vomit into one of them; oddly enough, no pungent odour assaulted the senses of his compatriots but something vaguely wet and sweet, followed by the sound of something shuffling and squirming amidst the debris.

"Medical supplies of which I am unfamiliar..." Something rustled in the rubble but it was that long, grotesque centipede-like organism in his arm dragging out a large box with a red cross. After retracting the impossibly long appendage, he rummaged through for whatever supplies he could find and soon, he appeared armed to the teeth for a few weeks in the woods. "The bunker will need some of these. Injuries are going to pile up."
Athena busied herself collecting whatever supplies she could rather from the corpses of their foes. Not exactly a proud moment for an Elysian, but she was sure the creator would understand and forgive her at judgement time. While she was gathering what medical supplies she could identify, her eyes came upon a new Type 41 Star Army rifle the bug clearly took from its victim. Perhaps it thought it made the weapon made it look cool, it was indeed a sleek weapon. Though that was not the reason Athena wanted it... fully.

"Such is the downfall for those that sin. Double for you..." she says as she prys the weapon from the remains. She collected whatever magazines she could find for the weapon. She could already tell the rounds were different from the other rifle she was using. So she was going to have to use it sparingly from now on.

Taking what she could, she fall in with the others as they set out for their destination.
New Kyoto - At the south-east border

Walking towards the route that the remnants fo the Legion II had given her, Ak looked over her shoulders seeing the group together and nodded to herself that they did quite well until now. Yet that situation of the city park was something that shouldn't have happened. Ak blamed herself partly for the lack of content and thinking clearly on what to do next. Did she panic? Did she get reckless? She couldn't figure it out clearly, thought Ak looked at Roy "You feeling okay? Seeing you required a breather?" Hearing the big fungoid talk made her smile "Why am I not surprise at that, you are doing good big fellow" Seeing Athena join them again as Ak nods to her in approve that she got supplies and a new shiny weapon she looked back forward.

They moved carefully through the empty and broken streets, Ak could see the holes in some walls where firefights were held and it made her shrug. She could hear the distant of fighting and bombardment and was conflicted to be either happy being safe or being sad to be far from the combat. Walking to the edge of the street she took cover behind a collapsed piece of wall and looked at the direction of the general supplies. Its walls were broken, it had Rixx crawling over it and even a few heavy armored Kuvexians shouting orders that scared the Rixx back into line. She looked back at her team "Looks we got a handful there, we need to retake that any cost, but we are outnumbered, maybe outgunned" She smiled a bit seeing how they formed up in their last battle "But I would suggest taking a direct approach, Yayoi I want you to seek a cover from this city line. Use a building or whatever you need to get the higher ground, I need your cover from up there" She points up as Ak looked at the others "Roy was it right? You and Maleirzwan are going to make noise from the east side, use the forest and grow bushes for cover, hit and run tactics, but no stupid moves as you got no backup, Athena I need you to back them up with any medical support and cover fire" Nodding to them as she looked at Noa "Noa and I will go west through the bushes and perform sneak attacks. A short burst of communication jamming will be done by us to prevent any incoming attacks. Let's move"

She clicks her rifle and nods to Noa as the two move to the right side to disappear into the bushes. She lets the leaves and branches hit her as Ak focused on running and jumping over certain obstacles and shrugs at Kuvexians barking orders with frustration "Guy has no control..." Ak mutters to herself as she rolls over the grass coming out of the bushes and takes out a Rixx with a smooth swing of her knife and drags him into the bushes only to continue.

TL: DR: Charaa goes to make a sniper nest, Ant and Nameless goes to go rampage with hit and run tactics, Athena gives support on those two. I (and Paladin) go sneak attacks. There is an average of 15 to 20 Rixx with 3 Kuvaxians walking around, Kuv is heavy armored so Sniper won't work due thick armor. Keep track of all kills by spoiler tag it on the end like this.

Rixx: 19 left
Kuvexian: 3 left
As the tank born Neko began moving, she’d heard the response from the man she knew as Warhound. She felt pleased to hear him chuckle, it was a sound she had grown concerned might be a foreign sound in a now war-torn world. Soon she would find herself on street level, where she’d encountered Ak, and the rest. The Neko didn’t react verbally when she’d heard the words from Ak, saying good job. She just nodded they certainly did need to get supplies. She hoped that this would settle her own gut, having felt somewhat guilty for the medics using resources to take care of her.

The arm was helpful, though she wouldn’t lie about that. Rikugun’s appearance caught her attention, and she’d remembered hearing of their arrival. Still, it made her awed to see them.

So Warhound was called Roy? She recognized his voice so it had to be him, still, she didn’t comment. She knew not everyone had heightened stamina. She saw his injuries, the bandages appeared old. She hoped he will be alright. Her attention went to the Fungoid, he was certainly huge, and she remembered she liked him too. He was certainly impressive and huge to be sure, though her attention went to Ak as she began speaking.

She remained calm, expressionless, her head nodded in acknowledgment of her orders and immediately turned herself, and shot forward, all the while holding the rifle close as she headed to her new destination.

Once inside she got herself set up. “Yayoi in position,” she reported before she used the scope to take a look. Heavy armored, no way can this sniper do anything about that, bugs though they would be easier. She spotted Ak’s actions and smiled excellent work she privately thought, though she didn’t want to distract her so she didn’t send any messages.

She began holding her breath, allowing her to steady her aim, and with a pull of her trigger, the bullet shot forward at her bug target and went through him, giving his close companion a coating, while also dying to the bullet going through him too. A through and through? huh, bugs must be weak or I am lucky, ok next She fired on the next Rixx, before she quickly scanned the area, for something she could use to cause problems for the Kuvexians and the bugs.

The next Rix to die, fell on another Rix causing both to fall, but the fallen Rix died when she fired on him next. “The Kuvexians appear to be heavily armored, the Sniper may not work on them, but Rixx are fine though.” She reported not wanting the Kuvexian to be ignored even though she had to.

testing ok, so incase this works so
Rix: 14
Kuvexian: 3
is this alright?
"Oh, I'm well acquainted. Already know their juicy sweet spots," he'd say to the fungoid before turning his attention to Ak. "Yeah, I'll be fine, boss. Got a reinforced skeleton and an extra layer of armor just to do this kind of crap. Just so you know, I appreciate the save, I do, but you really don't have to take a bullet for me, alright? That's my job." He lightly chuckled as he moved forward along with them, picking what he could off of bodies with a smooth, practiced set of motions. At times, he'd hang back to pull out armor plates from the vests of Rixx who died from something other than a shot to the chest in order to replace his own shattered ones. While not a perfect replacement fit, it was better than running around with little more than dust.

With the objective in sight and enemies within the area, Ak gave the orders and Roy went into position with the fungoid, who he now had a name to tack onto the massive unit, and Athena, the combat medic who looked over his injuries when they first found him. "No sweat, leave the flank to us." Roy wasn't bad with hit and run when he was with his unit, but that was to be expected when they've synchronized how everyone thought. Though with Mal, Roy felt what amounted to chaotic harmony between them, so it wasn't hard to work with him so far.

"Alright, I'll sling a few grenades at them before we start running and gunning," he told Mal and Athena while he folded a handkerchief into a rectangular strip wide enough to cradle a thrown explosive. "Keep at least a five-meter spread from me in case I don't let go of the grenades in time, or if it bounces off a branch. But don't worry, that almost never happens."

He heard the gunshot from a sniper and saw Rixx dropping. "That's our cue. Fan out, zone in on a target and wait for the first grenade to blow before taking your shots."

Taking position behind the trees while also getting a line of sight on the objective wasn't as tedious as Roy first thought as he got lucky with an opening. He cradled a plasma grenade on the handkerchief, primed it and started spinning it around before letting go of one end of the makeshift sling to lob the explosive mass right onto a unsuspecting Rixx duo behind rubble, who were likely taking cover from the sniper. The explosion masked the smack of the second plasma grenade against a concrete wall by one of the Kuvexians, who was a bit more attentive that time and dove away before they got caught by the explosion. But having seen a target of opportunity, Roy just couldn't let them go just like that. He lobbed a frag grenade over to the Kuvexian who couldn't escape that time, not when they haven't gotten to their feet yet. The frag exploded, but given the heavy armor, Roy wasn't convinced his target was dead.

"Moving positions, but that Kuve's mine. Just got to prep a present."

Rixx: 12
Kuvexians 3
With the wilderness shrouding them, Maleirzwan and Roy rapidly disappeared from sight as his long-range configured weapon charged with power and he began to select his targets. The energy based explosive detonated as he zoomed in, filling his scope with glaring lights but unlike a human, he could aim with all of his ocular organs open. His weapon swung away from the scattering, burning rix towards another one of the kuvexian troopers barking orders at the confused defences.

"Target selected: Kuvexian trooper, middle of the road, behind the burnt out jeep. Shatter their resolve."

His scope zoomed in on its arm, targeting its energy rifle. The weapon was raised and its stock braced against his shoulder. The sights moved to focus on its magazine as he pointed towards scattering rix, the threat of insubordiantion or death from the tyrannical alien greater than the Yamata resistance.

Their fears would be in doubt when a volley of iridescent yellow-green bolts slammed into the kuvexian and splashed against his magazine. Jumping sparks of blue-white lashed out and jumped across his weapon, a few more rounds slamming into his sides and he swore as he fell back into cover, audibly slapping the weapon as it began to malfunction. The troopers looked dumbstruck for a moment before scattering. That hesitation was all the time Maleirzwan needed to reduce the gut of one into a frothing, boiling mess as the rest of its body ingited from the flames, screams drowned out by return fire and forcing him to drop and crawl over the roots.

"Their indignation grows."

Rix: 11
Kuvexians: 3
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The team was going like a well-oiled machine and hit and run on various targets as it started to panic the Rixx, however, the Kuvexians were calm and focus on their surrounding and one caught Ak in her action as she took another Rixx down and started to charge her. Ak slides over the ground and changed direction towards the Kuvexian, she could see how much heavy armor he had on and knew that this was going to be difficult. Firing in pulse waves her rifle at him as most got deflected by either the shield that went down quickly as the armor got hit. She drops her weapon and took a jump to try to get over him.

However, the Kuvexian noticed the move and jumped up and grabbed her foot and twist around to make a harsh slam move towards the ground. Ak lets out a moan fo pain as her body bounces back from the ground as the Kuvexian slammed her upwards into her stomach letting Ak fly upwards as he quickly tried to grab his own rifle and wanted to aim up. Ak tried to recover from this combat move and shook it quickly off as she made a diving figure to go quicker downwards and grabbed the Kuvaxian left arm only to push herself downwards as she made a rolling motion to lock her legs with some luck around the Kuvexian neck and with all her strength she pushed herself back to the ground making a harsh slam to the ground.

Ak rolls from the lock to a stable position as the Kuvexian spit out some grass and pushed himself upwards and started to mumble in Kuvexian languages to her as she jumps forward and knees him right into the face and slides over to his back placing a dagger into his thick neck. The Kuvexian was down and Ak was breathing heavy as this took more out of her then she had presumed. Without knowing a Rixx was sneaking up on her by the back.

Rix: 10
Kuvexians: 2
Yayoi watched through the lens of the Sniper rifle as her comrades in arms took down the Rixx, and she was able to witness Ak taking a Kuvexian down as well. The Neko grinned as she saw this, but then became distracted when she saw the bug creeping up at her like a creeper. She certainly didn’t like this idea, and decided she should go ahead and tell that Rixx what she thought of him, or rather her little friend would. She aimed at the Rixx with her Sniper, and once more held her breath to steady herself.

After pressing the trigger, the bullet shot forward out of the barrel like a kid going out for recess. It charged that bug with such enthusiasm that one would think the Rix she was targeting was some kind of well-loved family member, because that Bullet really wanted to go to that Rix really fast.

The bullet hit its target, and the Rix fell back, dead with an audible sound as it fell. “Excellent work on the Kuvexian, but be careful ma’am” she said commented to Ak she said through telepathy. She then went back to targeting Rix and shooting them.

Rix: 8
Kuvexians: 2
Athena nodded over in Ak's direction as she silently moved behind Roy and the increasingly curious alien to provide support. Roy she was sure was a normal human of some sort, but Maleirzwan she hadn't the slightest clue how to treat medically. The one thing she was sure about is that liquids should stay within the body. That was usually the standard for lifeforms... something the Rixx once again seem to throw a middle finger at.

Her mind started to list additional reasons she hated the Rixx and their Kuvexian masters, but Maleirzwan's weapon discharge going off snapped her back to the present. She snapped her new rifle in the direction of the Kuvexian that was the main target of the attack. Not giving the blue skin time to react, she fired a pair of double shots with AP rounds into the soft spots the weapon had created upon impact, crouching and leaning from a tree.

It should make it easier for the rounds to penetrate and finish the job. She kept her weapon trained on him as he fell to the ground and then switched her sight picture to a pair of Rixx firing on Maleirzwan.

Pop pop
Pop pop

She leaned back to hide in anticipation of them firing on her position. "Angry little buggers, aren't they?" Athena said over the radio channel.

Rixx: 6
Kuvexian: 1?
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Roy loaded up the bag carrying his extra grenades with energy canisters and a few half-filled magazines until the pack was full enough to his liking, but not too heavy as to hinder the flight path. He had also snapped the strap to avoid it getting tangled up in the branches. That would have been disastrous. With Mal and and Athena firing on another Kuvexian, Roy's target had popped out of hiding to fire upon their position.

"Priming cluster bomb," he reported as he armed a plasma grenade in the bag before spinning it around like a sling. "Shield your eyes and get behind cover!" He lobbed the pack at his Kuvexian target. Seeing this, the Kuvexian thought to catch the pack and throw it back, forgetting the concept of cooked grenades, if only for a moment before realizing his mistake. A shot from Roy's energy rifle stopped the Kuvexian from reacting fluidly and the bomb landed at his feet. As the plasma grenade exploded, it caused the energy canisters to explode violently as well. The other grenades, most of which were quickly brought to a temperature that excited them a bit too much for any safe handling, exploded near instantly. The combined explosive power was enough to rip apart any power armor, so the unlucky Kuvexian was just a bit off from being completely vaporized. The grenades that didn't blow up immediately spread around the general area before exploding and the bullets in the magazines began cooking off from the heat, firing the magazines in a random spread, taking out a few extra Rixx.

"Kuvie down. I think I might have put too many canisters. Salvage's going to be crap from that guy."

Rixx: 3
Kuvexian: 0?