Star Army

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RP: Galactic Horizon [HEF] First Expediton - Fresh Coat of Paint


Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Present - Mid YE 40/July
RP Location
Planet 188604
Horizon Expeditionary Force
Planet 188-604

Galactic Horizon HQ

In the early morning light of the desert world a small group had gathered outside the small complex that made up the headquarters of Galactic Horizon preparing for the departure of the newly created Geographical Observation Group. In the center of the commotion was a single URSA ATU, sitting silently as its cargo hold was loaded with supplies and extra gear for the long journey ahead of it. Beside the transport were 8 Redback ATV’s, each loaded with long range communications sensors and a basic set of 2 day field rations. Watching over the bustling crowd of engineers and security staff, Riccard turned to Brin.

“As one of my oldest friends and colleagues I’m entrusting this mission to you, I hope you realise how important it is that we make a good impression showcasing our field ability to Uso. She may be one of my favorite people to talk business with, but I have no doubt we would be shut down if we disgraced ourselves.”

“Of course, Mr Black, you know I would do anything for your family and this company. I’ve made a life investment into this project, so I don’t plan on having that cut short anytime soon. You can trust me and your staff to keep this mission on track, and from the records of some of the new hires I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

While the behemoth of a transport was being loaded, several security staff escorted the group of new hires towards it. The lead guard stopped the small group and turned to address them. “Each of you has already been assigned a bunk and storage locker included, for anyone who hasn’t seen the interior of an URSA before, the cabins are up the ladder and near the back. Take a moment to get all your gear in order and figure out who is where then everyone is required to meet outside the cargo bay in 10 minutes for the final briefing by the commander.”

As he was saying this the two machine cannons atop the URSA each fired several blanks sending a deafening roar across the courtyard as the weapons platforms were checked over by the technicians. Some flinched and others nearly jumped out of their skin while most were generally unphased by the sudden noise, meanwhile in the cockpit the driver and head technician were preparing to ignite the Phoenix reactor.
An elven-eared figure clad in the militaristic security fatigues of Galactic Horizon slid down the ladder, his mess of red hair along with the dark stubble that framed his face were in sync with his uniform's black and red visage as steel-toed boots quietly hit the cargo bay floor. On paper he may not have been the head but few on the security force would correct you if you assumed Terrins Dassau was the leader, even their currently AWOL Liaison Officer would most likely pipe up and say the same thing.

He stepped around an exo-suit clad worker carrying a large crate of munitions to stand at the large door that stood open, the loading crew divided around him like a stampede to a flame as he stuck the one un-gloved hand near his face and let out an attention grabbing whistle.

Taking center stage wasn't exactly something he was used to but the newly contracted personnel needed some quick orientation. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, bots of all ages - I am Terrins Dassau, I am security and I am also who you need to listen two or risk getting thrown out this big door I'm standing on." Terrins stomped his boot into the floor a few times as if to solidify his threat.

"Now we have a few ground rules to cover, the bunks are open plan for a reason so if you really must relieve yourself then find your own place to do so, inventory is to be divided up by the quartermaster and if she is not available then staff will fill that role and that goes for vehicles and suits too - can't have you lot messing up our carefully planned out supplies now can we?" Terrins took a moment to look over the rag-tag group of personnel they called the Horizon Expeditionary Force as he convincingly pretended he liked making big speeches to crowds of people.

"There are more rules like off-limits areas, security clearances and other stuff but we can go over that later with some proper orientation but just try to get along okay? Now go get settled in and if anybody needs me I'll be in the armoury, dismissed." With that necessary yet arduous task out of the way, Terrins swiped a small black box against a panel - causing his left sleeve to ride up slightly and reveal the faintest shimmer of durandium between his glove and shirt before a door sealed behind the man and hid him from view.
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What have I gotten myself into? was the first thought that went through Phreakers head. He had tried being a independent contractor with his dealings, but that hadnt worked out, so he had decided to sign up with a group. And now that he arrived in the middle of the dessert, he was regretting his decision. He hated heat, and sand...mainly really just being outside.

The only good thing was that there was a gigantic transport that was going to be his home for the time being. It looked well air conditioned and enough for him to hide away in his areas. He swatted at a fly that was buzzing at his face, and wiped the sweat away.

When the cannons were fired, he jumped a little. The other people who were here would take a look at him and notice how out of place he was. Pale and skinny, with his bionic arm at his side, definitely not fit for any combat. He hoped his workstation had been loaded carefully, that was really the only thing he had brought himself, assuming any other supplies would be provided.

He listened to the two briefings, smiling a little at the idea that there were security clearances and off limits area for a person like him. He would wait til he got settled and everything hooked up, and then he would attempt to give himself full access to the transport. That would come later.

He swatted another mosquito, and hurried up the ramp. He made a direct neural connection to the main computer and requested his room assignment. He wanted to rush there and not be outside anymore than he had to be.
Many didn't really notice the small figure in the back of the crowd of new hires and security. But as she carefully listened to the breifing, she didn't look up from her wrist, and filed onto the transport with her oversized backpack in tow. But Thorn was always aware. She was busy tying herself into the Ursa's systems, her Geist communicating with it to gather technical information and link its sensors to her eyes. She was far from the lead of this expidition, merely a curious general scientist playing orbital support and weather woman. But meteorology needed more than even the Oracle floating above could offer.
Among the crowd, there were three that took up a considerable amount of space. Though, this was less for any other reason than it was because of the large, invisible circle that was apparently uncrossable to anybody standing or passing nearby. The first of the trio was a freespacer with black hair and tan skin. His fringe covered his forehead and flicked upward in many places. The sides of his head were cut short and he had a beard in the making, topped with a mustache not quite as developed. On his cheek was a black tattoo, a stylized circle with a single cross through it, for whatever reason. He was wearing an informal coat with a bland shirt underneath, not seeming to mind the extra heat. His right arm was clearly cybernetic, the same with his left leg. What stood out about his robotic limbs, is that they didn't particularly... Fit. His right arm was a touch too long and the fingers like claws, His leg had a raised knee and an extended foot. Not unlike the leg of a bird or a large, cliche'd bipedal combat vehicle. The second most notable character trapped inside the prison of avoidance was another freespacer, yet quite a large one. Her frame itself was relatively small and unimpressive. At least apparently so, since she was shorter than most of those in the crowd. It wouldn't had taken a second look to discover how deceiving her height was, because she didn't have a lower body. Her legs had at some point been replaced by an enormous, close-to-ground, mechanical spider with six legs instead of eight. Dwarfed in absurdity by this, was her impressively long hair which was much more rich in its shade than the man's. It rowdily flowed down her back, stopping with the last and longest strand coyly brushing on the scorching hot metal of her second abdomen. It may had been difficult to notice under her wide brimmed hat, but her lips were a solid black and it didn't look like lipstick. She wore what could only be described as a fancy black dress, but with the "dress" part tastefully ripped off to accommodate her less than human half.

The woman held onto an intimidating leash constructed mostly of large, bulky metal chains. She was struggling with it a bit, tugging and pulling against what was on the other end. On the other end, was also the cause of the circle around the three that no one dared go an inch past. A young girl. Not much older than 12 years on the Yamataian calender. Messy blonde hair and wearing a white and orange painted combat jumpsuit. She was running around like a mad woman, dashing towards anyone who went anywhere within reach of the leash fastened sturdily around her neck and rolling around in the sand with vigor. She was impressively muscular for her size. Almost freakishly so. How the three would get inside the vehicle without a fuss? No one knew.
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Galactic Horizon HQ.

Possibly the last, But certainly not least interesting to make their way aboard the massive vehicle was a paltry, Idle raccoon clothed in what might be misconstrued as childrens clothing under a long, Dusty brown poncho with spatterings of various greens and grays over its surface in a simple pattern to break ones outline from a distance.

The uplifted raccoon was named Trash, To his friends it was Racc. And he was a romantic adventurer of the modern age in grey fur and a tiny safari cap.

His gear consisted of the aforementioned poncho concealing a leather harness holding most of his possessions; Namely a long cylindrical device printing through the back of the poncho with wires snaking down his skinny arms onto a finger-less glove with a tubular like optical camera device pulsing a soft blue light. Opposite of that on his other arm, Connecting to the wrist was a brown rectangular box with two different lenses protruding from its front.

All this and a small fanny-pack shifted when he offered a small but courteous bow to the passing family of spacers and their strange humanoid pet.

"Beannachd, Cara" He offered a greeting in what small degree he knew of the free-folks own verse from years of flying with spacers. His mouth never moved while speaking this. Instead the sound transmitted from an unseen coin shaped speaker in his neck burried beneath his fur and shirt.

Ignored, Or, Perhapse unseen with their passing he huffed and waddled with a slow gait after the group into the vehicle made even more massive in perspective by someone of his stature.

"Certainly interesting group if i do say so myself." He mused to himself "Certainly interesting indeed"
GH Headquarters

Riccard and Brin shook hands as the senior officer left the comfortable office and headed for the doors that would take him outside into the harsh deserts of 188604. Riccard sat back down in his chair and watched the events outside, if time had been kinder he would have insisted more forcefully that he accompany the team on their mission as well. So he simply sat and watched, some days he wished someone else had founded the company instead of him.


Meanwhile the lead guard for the group of hires looked at Terrins with a suppressed grin, "Go easy on em sir, doubt it's everyday these merc types are used to working on a proper planned op like this'un." The man said in an upbeat tone before signalling to the two others who had been keeping an eye on the interesting family, motioning them to follow him off as they moved to help prepare several of the Redbacks. Since they were just there to help with the prep the hired group would now be in the care of Terrins and Senior officer Brin who were in charge of keeping the operation afloat for the long journey ahead.

As the spacer known as Phreaker for short attempted to connect to the vehicle like he probably had done hundreds of times before, the Dawn AI monitored his actions in the local network. "You must be one of the newly registered gunners and system technicians. I'm sorry to inform you but there is only one cabin in the whole vehicle, a dividing wall has been erected in consideration of gender privacy I believe." It spoke directly back into his mind, answering his question while seeming to innocently force him out of several areas of the network and feed a constant loop of information to his attempts. "I'm sorry but you don't have the required clearance or temporary signature assigned to you to access certain parts of my network, I will provide all the information to you that is allowed on this loop." At the same time the AI had also gone to investigate the Ironhart who was coming aboard with the crew, it appeared she too was trying to siphon information from the system. "You are one of the Ironhart clones, Thorn. I'm sorry but you haven't been cleared to access the URSA sensor array or system reports at this time, I must warn you that any further attempts may damage your implant and could cause damage to the user. You will receive all the available information you are permitted on this loop when you attempt to connect." While the voice of the AI in their heads was that of a friendly, professional sounding female it carried a tone that signified her words were definite.

By this time Brin had made his way to the group after having stopped several times to give further instructions to some of the loading crew, surveying the ragtag looking bunch he nodded to himself. "Welcome all, you've already met Terrins who will be acting as a field captain along with myself, Senior Officer Brin Bluestone. We expect plenty of dangers on this trip and while I don't doubt you have all faced your fair share of various threats we are in charge for a reason and it will be safer for everyone if you comply with our requests during the trip." As he paused as the familiar voice of Dawn spoke to both him and Terrins, informing them both of the two connection attempts that had been made and her actions against them.

Choosing to ignore it for now as it wasn't a serious issue Brin continued, "Well, as Terrins said feel free to get acquainted with the vehicle which will be your home for the better part of a couple months, all going to plan. Any further questions ask him or myself while we finalise the preparation. Also be warned the sandstorm is expected to hit this area in a matter of hours so everyone should be on board before then to avoid potential injury, but if that doesn't sway any of you we are still finishing the roster for Redback pilots who will act as scouts for the URSA, come see me if interested otherwise dismissed."
Phreaker felt a presence in his mind, and heard the words the AI spoke to him. He also felt the attempts to block his small probes of the network and grinned. He simply sent back a picture of him winking, his face almost saying Can you blame me? Him and the AI were going to have words later.

The person in charge seemed to come out and address the group. It looked like they were going to get underway pretty soon. While the man was talking, Phreaker found his bag with his equipment and picked it up. He then went up to the man after he stopped speaking.

"Hey, Im Phreaker, basically the computer guy." he said with a grin. "Where am I setting up, there some sort of systems operations room or something?" He asked. He hadn't checked the blueprints yet, he figured this was a good way to introduce himself.
Terrins put an unintentionally heavy hand on the man's shoulder and gave him some advice in a low tone, "Exactly why I set the ground rules out early, now we see how well they are adhered to," was all he felt he needed to say before moving to gear up.

A few moments later

The faceplate of the minkan's helmet slid shut just in time for him to let out a muffled sigh as the company's female AI told him about the attempted breach in the security of their rolling fortress - "Thank you Dawn, feel free to point the turrets at them if you have to use some persuasion" the redhead replied to the AI as he brought up a few important documents about the hired help he would have to keep in line, alongside the Ursa's many camera feeds.

'genetically engineered superchild along with her 'spacer parents - check, walking server rack of a 'spacer - check, researcher with affiliations to section six - check, uplifted raccoon... check - note to self, manually check system logs each hour' Terrins spoke internally before slinging the rifle to his back, a few of the more gun-oriented personnel who signed up had not been accounted for and if they didn't show up soon then they'd just have to stay behind.

The door hissed open once again as Terrins emerged in a suit of desert-patterned combat armour that let out barely audible whirs as he made sure the bolt-action rifle wouldn't knock against too much or get in the way of anybody who milled about. He gave a nod to each of the hired personnel as he moved through the vehicle, his voice filtering through the helmet's comms system as he spoke to the sentient storage device. "Terminal in the cockpit should keep you happy, just don't get too nosey," he said in a semi-stern voice, pointing a gloved hand toward Phreaker as he walked down the side ramp and approached the family of two 'spacers and a child who's... unique behaviour he had been briefed on.

"You've got some time to use the rear cargo ramp before they haul the redbacks in, no offence intended but I can see your dilema," Terrins said before crouching down to be eye-level with Titan. "How about you little lady, anything I help you with?" he said in a much warmer way, yet he still had those files open and very much kept the faceplate sealed just as a precaution.
Phreaker was told where to go by the man who seemed to be, if not actually in charge, at least in charge of the military and security around here. As he went up the ramp he looked back at the man.

"Nosy? Me?" he said with a mischievous smile. He was sure the AI had already reported his attempts to the big bosses, so they would be on alert around him, but it was what it was, he couldnt change his nature. Nor would he.

Arriving in the cockpit, he found the terminal he was told about. He grabbed a seat and sat down, taking a couple of interfaces out of his bags. While he was sure the built in AI and computer could interface directly with him, just like it didn't like him poking around, he didn't like others poking around in his "programming".

The interfaces were simply monitoring devices, ones that he had built and configured to his liking, that passed data to and from the systems. He always liked his own devices since he was familiar with them. He connected them to the terminal but did not turn them on, then he made a mental connection back to the system and the AI.

"Do I have permission to connect up my monitoring devices to your system? They would simply being a physical passthrough from your system to me, nothing malicious, I promise."
"Clones?!" Thorn shot back to the AI. "You have me sorely mistaken, you overgrown logic drive!" She pulled out of the sensor feeds nonetheless, but left her ship's control channel open in case it wanted to gain the orbital support the diminutive craft offered.

Her green eyes flashed as she poked the AI again with a much more direct probe, a databurst identifying her as the one and only Thorn Ironhart, mixed with a small data packet meant to eat up RAM for about three seconds while she locked down her own network against a counterattack. Sure, the AI was curt and professional, as was she. But the jab at her cloned body was fighting words, and she jabbed right back, more out of instinct than anything else. At least it hadn't called her short yet.
"Beannachd, Cara" He offered a greeting in what small degree he knew of the free-folks own verse from years of flying with spacers. His mouth never moved while speaking this. Instead the sound transmitted from an unseen coin shaped speaker in his neck burried beneath his fur and shirt.

Ignored, Or, Perhapse unseen with their passing he huffed and waddled with a slow gait after the group into the vehicle made even more massive in perspective by someone of his stature.

"Certainly interesting group if i do say so myself." He mused to himself "Certainly interesting indeed"

Unseen? Not a chance with the hyperactive goofball tearing up the wastes. The mere second Trash had entered Titan's peripheral vision she leaped towards him unflatteringly swiftly.

"Teddy!" She shrieked something along the lines of in anticipation of the stuffed animal's cuddly demise.

Fortunately for the anthropomorphic raccoon, he entered her line of sight relatively late and her war cry was enough to wisen the cybernetic woman to the little girl's game. She had almost reached Trash's tail before the freespacer gave the chain a hefty, grounded tug, driving her many legs into the dirt as she did. With that, Titan froze in place with millimeters between her finger and a single stray tuft of Trash's fur. Half a second after this, she was hurled back by the force of her mother's pull at least a meter. The half-spider herself did not seem too pleased by this, scowling in the direction the raccoon went. She was obviously grasping for something mean spirited to say and eventually found it, opening her mouth with an expression that made it look like her voice could cut through solid steel. Though, before she could speak, the man next to her did first.

"Aye! Save it, 78." He interjected with authority, his voice sounding monotone yet unusually country. He gestured towards Brin who was clearly brewing up another speech for the group.

By this time Brin had made his way to the group after having stopped several times to give further instructions to some of the loading crew, surveying the ragtag looking bunch he nodded to himself. "Welcome all, you've already met Terrins who will be acting as a field captain along with myself, Senior Officer Brin Bluestone. We expect plenty of dangers on this trip and while I don't doubt you have all faced your fair share of various threats we are in charge for a reason and it will be safer for everyone if you comply with our requests during the trip." As he paused as the familiar voice of Dawn spoke to both him and Terrins, informing them both of the two connection attempts that had been made and her actions against them.

Choosing to ignore it for now as it wasn't a serious issue Brin continued, "Well, as Terrins said feel free to get acquainted with the vehicle which will be your home for the better part of a couple months, all going to plan. Any further questions ask him or myself while we finalise the preparation. Also be warned the sandstorm is expected to hit this area in a matter of hours so everyone should be on board before then to avoid potential injury, but if that doesn't sway any of you we are still finishing the roster for Redback pilots who will act as scouts for the URSA, come see me if interested otherwise dismissed."

During the two staff lectures that had occurred the male freespacer had been paying close attention while the other had been completely occupied by the child they were dragging along with them. Somehow this gave more of an air of competence and organization than it did the contrary. It was almost although they had planned it through.

The door hissed open once again as Terrins emerged in a suit of desert-patterned combat armour that let out barely audible whirs as he made sure the bolt-action rifle wouldn't knock against too much or get in the way of anybody who milled about. He gave a nod to each of the hired personnel as he moved through the vehicle, his voice filtering through the helmet's comms system as he spoke to the sentient storage device. "Terminal in the cockpit should keep you happy, just don't get too nosey," he said in a semi-stern voice, pointing a gloved hand toward Phreaker as he walked down the side ramp and approached the family of two 'spacers and a child who's... unique behaviour he had been briefed on.

"You've got some time to use the rear cargo ramp before they haul the redbacks in, no offence intended but I can see your dilema," Terrins said before crouching down to be eye-level with Titan. "How about you little lady, anything I help you with?" he said in a much warmer way, yet he still had those files open and very much kept the faceplate sealed just as a precaution.

The man nodded in assurance while the woman released an intense sigh of relief, barely having the energy to thank Terrins for his disclosure. Titan giggled in response to him and with no warning whatsoever reached a hand out and punched him in the face. As it turned out the faceplate was a good idea because "chaos child" would be a disgusting understatement. She quickly withdraw her fist after the contact was made and hid it with her other hand, surprised at the toughness of his armor. It didn't look like her fist was bruised, which was shocking in itself.

"Titan!" The woman gasped, not too pleased with the playful aggression.

She looked down at her hurt hand apologetically and awkwardly said, "Sorry."
Dawn was silent in Phreakers head for a moment before responding in a calm tone. “I have confirmed your access level on this terminal, you are free to connect your devices. I will be acting as your guide, all questions and requests should be directed to Brin or Terrins if I cannot answer.” She was intelligent, and had full control of the systems but she was no super AI and did what she was told.

Meanwhile the Ironhart clone seemed to be retaliating for some Judging by the tone and syntax of her words it seemed she was adamant towards being known as a clone. However there were other factors too, perhaps reasoning would be the best course. Then she detected the attack, while small it wasn’t to be scoffed at by any means.

The AI simply shut off the data transfer link and spoke to Thorn. “I am detecting a response caused by anger, I believe I am responsible for this and would like to issue an apology.” Dawn paused to ensure there had been no damage to the systems, she didn’t try to counter the attempt on her network and simply changed the subject, she was efficient. “Your gunner counterpart has already reported to the cockpit, you have been registered as the second gunner. I advise making your way there to get acquainted with the terminal.”
"I'll accept the apology. Let the record show I am the original Thorn Ironhart nee Lisa, and am no clone." Thorn's tone seemed still mildly annoyed, though she was considerably less scornful. "I apologize for the minor attack on your systems. I hope it caused no harm. As for making acquaintance with the console. I am not as familiar with remote operated weapons as with sensors. As soon as I get up there, would you be willing to teach me the principals of operation?"
When he got the reply from the AI, he simply nodded. With a command is interfaces booted up, and were ready to be used. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes as he connected to them. It felt like cool liquid was flowing through his pathways as he made a neural connection to the systems through his interfaces. With this connection, he sent out mapper programs, to get a lay of how the system is. He made sure to stay within his allowed area, not even going near higher security level stuff....for now.

"So, AI...I cant keep calling you AI, you got a name or something?" He asked the AI. "Can I get a overview on the operations of the systems I will be responsible for?"
The minkan hadn't been expecting the sudden outburst but he reacted accordingly - a military upbringing, service in the military and merc work he did for a few years combined with his military grade body let the minkan raise his left arm just in time to block Titan's single punch. The armour flexed as it was intended to but there wasn't the feeling of muscle and bone underneath the plates, rather as if the limb was made from something much sturdier as Terrins managed to only just keep his balance while perched upon his haunches.

He muted the helmet's mic and let out a small grunt, the limb was attached to his shoulder after all and that still had non-synthetic nerves. The helmet was unmuted again and Terrins spoke to the 'spacer parents, "No harm done folks but your daughter has one hell of a left hook, I'll be sure to put that to good use". The armoured figure rose to a stand and tilted his head towards the daughter, "Now Titan, I am okay but a lot of others might not take so kindly to being slogged - no punching any other friendlies okay?" he spoke in a soft tone as he went over the list of commands he had been sure to continuously re-read, despite the... uniqueness of the situation he still treated her like any other kid.

The guy may have been a bachelor, but he sure as hell had a way with other people's kids.
Dawn paused for another moment at the Ironharts words. "The original?" She asked, "You were identified earlier as the genetic copy, if your statement is true I shall update my records." At the mention of systems damage the AI had just finished her checks to ensure there was no lingering effects or issues that could pose issues later in the journey. "No damage was sustained, the attack was deflected by 92.1% with the only parts to get through being too small to cause issues..." While Dawn was still limited in terms of personality she had picked up a few things here and there from hanging around Riccard and Kryss for too long, "Although your method was, admirable." It was almost like the computer was smirking invisibly at Thorn but the moment passed as quickly as it came and she was soon back to being a clean cut program of efficiency.

"The remote operated weapons platform terminals are designed for ease of access for many species and levels of expertise on account of the expected widespread use throughout the sector by the end of YE 45 after the company undergoes major expansion. My reach extends to target acquisition and aim stability and correction however I cannot operate them without a physical user present or my companion program, Dusk." She paused for a moment to allow Thorn to process several small info files that were sent her way explaining basic function and the cause and effect of each weapon along with some basic usage tactics. "I am your appointed guide for navigating the systems and terminals of the URSA and other Galactic Horizon technology, when you reach the cockpit I will give both you and your counterpart a briefing on basic use. Along with a simulation training exercise."

While part of Dawn was engaged with Thorn, another was still working with Phreaker. "My primary identification is the GH Higher-Funtioning Informational and Analytical Artificial Intelligence, however my codename is simply Dawn, my purpose is to take all the information from any connected sensors or information sources and compile a dynamic report for each action path. Most efficient method of completion, fastest/slowest method of completion, least collateral damage and maximum area of effect are some of the routines I run for the company depending on the situation. Recently the protocol known as 'Shock and Awe' was implemented by Kryss Black however I am not yet able to access its specifics or run it."

While she seemed to be simply rambling on about her various uses and abilities the AI wasn't showing off and was simply attempting to be efficient in answering his question, what systems would the spacer control. "Although I can perform most digital information requests I require a physical user or my companion program, Dusk, to operate manual systems such as the weapons and automate the remote combat units." As Phreaker's peripherals interfaced with the URSA network Dawn linked several higher functions to the controls such as access for the sensory units within the vehicle along with the satellite communication system for contacting HQ or either S6 or USO if desperate assistance was required. "Your main directive is to man the primary weapon platform of the vehicle and are to engage when ordered, your targets will be given at the time of order issuement, if none are specified you are to fire away from allies and aim for hostile structures or large weapons and vehicles."
While Dawn talked, Thorn was moving, looking over the data packets and filing them away in her Geist's system log. "Is the interface wireless capable? My Geist allows me to connect with such hardware directly, and considering you have access to my files, I imagine you have already heard of the things my sister and I can do."
The minkan hadn't been expecting the sudden outburst but he reacted accordingly - a military upbringing, service in the military and merc work he did for a few years combined with his military grade body let the minkan raise his left arm just in time to block Titan's single punch. The armour flexed as it was intended to but there wasn't the feeling of muscle and bone underneath the plates, rather as if the limb was made from something much sturdier as Terrins managed to only just keep his balance while perched upon his haunches.

He muted the helmet's mic and let out a small grunt, the limb was attached to his shoulder after all and that still had non-synthetic nerves. The helmet was unmuted again and Terrins spoke to the 'spacer parents, "No harm done folks but your daughter has one hell of a left hook, I'll be sure to put that to good use". The armoured figure rose to a stand and tilted his head towards the daughter, "Now Titan, I am okay but a lot of others might not take so kindly to being slogged - no punching any other friendlies okay?" he spoke in a soft tone as he went over the list of commands he had been sure to continuously re-read, despite the... uniqueness of the situation he still treated her like any other kid.

The guy may have been a bachelor, but he sure as hell had a way with other people's kids.

Titan's response was a simple gaze into his eyes, her pupils shrinking inside her almost hazel looking green-brown irises. Despite their liquidity, her peepers were oddly penetrating. After a moment, she gave an incredibly slight bob of her head, hardly visible to anyone who was not paying attention. Her lack of response could had been concerning, though there was a measure of eerie assurance that lingered from it. It was almost like Titan had already heard what he had said before the thought of saying it had even crossed his mind.

After the brief, awkward silence, her father spoke up starting with a nervous laugh. "Ahaha... She has far more than that goin' for her. Back home we call that play aggression."

With that said, what Terrin would have to assume is his wife (afterall, they seemed to have that level of intimacy between them) quickly interrupted him. "-Only naturally, she will certainly be remitting any such behavioral patterns while aboard the vessel."

This was the first time she had spoken with any length to her statements. It was surprising just how quickly she could say so many complicated words. Her accent and vocabulary almost seemed to be the complete opposite to her husband's. Not only did she sound far more sophisticated but there was a lot more emotion and weight behind what she was saying as well.

"Yeah," He assured everyone, "That."

"By the bye, we shan't botch our arrival to that cargo ramp." 78 exclaimed, already prepared to take her leave.
"Well then I shan't keep you any longer, go get settled in and don't hesitate to let me know if you guys get any flak in there," Terrins replied, giving the family a curt nod before he went back to his final rounds - a hand unintentionally gripping the Xiphos at his side to quiet his movements. There were some habits you just can't shake.

The armoured man watched as the crew hauled the last few sets of equipment in like ants to a nest, he tuned in to the Ursa's systems and pinged Dawn once. "Dawn, would you be so kind as to bring up the systems report for me? cheers honey" he asked as though the AI were some bouncy administration worker, he knew that politeness wasn't needed yet artificial or not the system was intelligent enough to run everything they couldn't and he respected that.