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RP: Abwehrans [HMS Fearless] Prologue

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Re: Prologue

Nevaraon nodded back crisply at the Obermaat. He intended not to get into anymore crap with any higher ranks. He got out his own razor and made sure that his hair, both facial and on his head, was completely shaved. He rubbed his bald head and got ready in his dress uniform.
Re: Prologue

The armorer tuned out most everything, he chose a bed nearby the entrance to the barracks. He had went about his training the same way, as he unzipped his duffel bag, and began to check his equipment. The Obermaat's presence didn't bother him as it might have bothered other Maats', As the Obermaat was still a lowly enlisted rank soldier, not someone who would actually garner much authority from anyone.

Drachenbaum began carefully sorting wrenches, cutting torches, power tools, and so on, and placed them on strips of durable cloth before rolling them up, and fastening them with velcro strips. Battery-powered tools would be placed in the leftmost side of the bag, the several bundles of carefully organized tools in the center, and lastly all uncategorized tools in the right side, before zipping up the bag and pushing it beneath the bed.

His eyes glimpsed over at the numberous women who were still changing, before sitting at the central base of the bade, kicking his feet up and laying down. His facial features were fairly stiff, he had a passive frown crossing his lips and a set of open eyes staring up at the cealing. He grunted with some agitation, having to shave all distinguishing features such as facial and base hair, off.

He had long rationed his items of personal hygene items by day, amount, and such. After alll was said and done, he would have reahed down into a side pocket, retrieving a shaving razor, and slowly taking it up to chin to start
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon leaned over towards Koenig, who happened to be the nearest Marine. "So any idea on what the Captain is like?" he asked a little aprehensively. "I mean we all know about her, but any idea what kind of person she is?"
Re: Prologue

"Does it really matter, kamerade?" Koenig responded, while straightening up his collar. "As long as we follow our orders, we'll be fine. There's no need to know how our officers are as people." He ran a hand over his head, feeling the sandpaper-like surface on it, indicating it had been at least a couple of days since he last shaved it completely bald.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon shrugged as he buckled on his sword. "I suppose so, but I like to know if she'll eat my guts out if the smallest thing is outta place." Nevaraon adjusted his jacket and ran over his dress uniform, checking for anything that was out of place. "My name's Maat Nevaraon Darkmidnight, by the way."
Re: Prologue

Koenig didn't even bother looking up at the Marine he was talking to. Not out of spite, but because both he and him were amongst the lowly ranks of enlisted on board the ship, as mere nameless faces. "Obermaat Koenig Eissen." He simply nodded to Nevaranon, also buckling on his sword. "This is the Weltraumflotte, friend. Doesn't matter if someone like me is from the Sniper School or if someone like you is a veteran Infantryman. If you're enlisted, officers will always 'eat your guts out' for the smallest infraction." He sighed, popping his neck.

"But perhaps that's what makes us such a professional military force. And besides, what other service lets us share bunks with women?" Koenig smiled at the women in the room.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon grinned "Can't agree with you more." he said as he glanced around. He stood up straight and looked into a mirror and adjusted his rank which was slightly angled. He glanced in his mirror and approved himself ready for inspection.
Re: Prologue

After twenty minutes of readying themselves, the majority of the enlisted personnel had left for the shuttle bay. This left most of the marines and a few other enlisted behind in the barracks. "'s almost time," one of the non-commissioned officers sighed as he began leaving the room.

"Better hurry up to the Bay...don't want to be late meeting the new captain," he called out as he left the room.
Re: Prologue

She chooses a bed and leaves the marines to their talk, picking up on a few different conversations, as she walks to a bed in the far right of the room, but not really finding anything to interesting. She was already dressed in her uniform, having arrived in it. She sighs, having picked a bed in the far end of the room a feeling of lonliness creeped upon her ... something she was justly used to she smirks 'it's like high school' she thinks to herself glancing over the already formed friends and foes. She finds herself glancing here and there her eyes weaving through the crowd, lifting her arms and running her hands through her hair, falling back on her bed and shutting her eyes she thinks of the long trip ahead of her.

Hearing the announcement she rolls off her bed shaking her head and running her fingers through her hair. Wiping the wrinkles out her of uniform and goes to find Maat, to see he he'd like to walk with her again.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon, being ready already, was heading out towards the door. Mostly following the crowd, since he hadn't spent enough time on board to get the general layout yet. He glanced back at the barracks to see Evangeline looking around. "I hope she's looking for me." He thought as he fell back to walk with her.
"BOOM." He said as he fell into step with her.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon grinned "Sadly, that was the very best I could do. Any idea how long this'll last?"
Re: Prologue

"It could last 5 minutes or an hour, either way, we should probably get going immediately. I hate being disciplined by officers." Koenig spared no expense in butting in on the two's conversation, keenly aware at the social mistake he had just made. This being Koenig's first time on a ship, he was extremely nervous about making first impressions...meaning that he wanted to come off as a straight-laced Marine to impress the officers. Boot Camp taught him that his comrades reflected upon him, and this was his way of maintaining discipline amongst anyone lower than him, regardless of his relatively low rank.

Minutes later, Koenig found himself in line amidst the rest of the Obermaats, in front of the Maats but behind every other higher-ranked enlisted man, NCO and Officer. He stood smartly at military attention, smoothing out his uniform.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon jumped as the sniper spoke behind him. "I didn't even hear him coming." He thought to himself. With a self-concious smile he shrugged at Evangeline and followed Koenig's example. Soon enough he was in line with the Maats just three men to the left and one row behind Koenig.
Re: Prologue

She took a mental note of Koenig's actions, thinking over it for a moment as if trying to figure him out. Unlike the man from the boarding dock Koenig seemed more friendly ... not at the moment but he had, a different look to him. She was eager to get to know everyone. She sighed and looking around, trying to figure out where to go, or stand.
Re: Prologue

Once the crew had finally lined up side by side, the enlisted would have a complete view of the officers. This was because the standard welcome for an starship Captain had always been a double line scheme with officers and warrant officers in one line and enlisted in the other, thus created a sort of corridor of bodies. And there was definitely something afoot.

The entire column of officers was dressed in standard uniforms. As opposed to the enlisted column attired in Dress Uniform. An average height, female surfacer with a womanly build stared at the line of enlisted personnel for a moment, carefully noting their Intelligence Analyst had not dressed in the more formal attire. "Leutnant Hammerlin....did you," the warrant officer began only to be cut off with a snicker from the Marine Commander. The voluptuous woman merely groaned audibly as she planted her hand upon her face. "I knew it," she muttered under her breath as one of the personnel from the Flight Corp, one of the higher ranking NCO's straightened up.

"Attention," she bellowed as everyone snapped to attention. Most of the supply effort had quieted down, since the majority of the station personnel had been shooed away and the materials mostly packed away, so the thud of leather boot upon metal deck plating could barely be heard over the natural background noise of the station docking bay.

Over the edge of the Shuttle Bay ramp, came the Gold Beret of an Imperial Warship Commander. This was followed by the sight of long, chocolate-brown hair that was well-groomed and put up in a simple ponytail to keep it out of the way. A fair-skinned face with a neutral 'command' expression could next be seen with the dark, thick goggles all Nightdwellers wore. A few minutes later, the crew could see their commander was definitely taller than most women...though not quite as intimidating as the Chief Engineer that stood in the officer's column.

The tall, muscular Nightwalker was built just like a soldier in most cases. Her muscles defined enough to make her appearance intimidating to any civilian she would come across (and even the occasional naval crewman), but nothing really impressive to a Weltraumflotte Marine. What set her apart was the attractiveness of her facial features. Though most of the Surfacers would probably be blind to this fact due to the goggles, many Nightdweller who were used to looking at their own kind with goggles would note the face didn't match quite well with the soldierly body. It was gentle one even with the command mask every ship commander was responsible for was like a contradiction to a few of the older Marines.

It was even more un-nerving was her gentle tone of voice as she spoke up, pulling out a datapad.
Oberleutnant Erna Löwenherzt:
On the First Day of the Fourth Quarter, After Freedom 259, you are ordered to Weltraumflotte HQ to take command of the NS-D1-04 HMS Fearless as her Commanding Officer. You are to hereby execute any orders given to you in the name of the Empire and the honor of your Empress.

<insert name here>
Weltraumflotte Personnel Division

"Madam Exec, permission to come aboard." she said as she turned to the voluptuous officer, one of the higher ranking naval personnel on the ship.

"Permission Granted, Captain," the warrant officer responded as she stepped out of the column. "Oberstabsfeldwebel Griselda Hellmannsohn," the womanly figure introduced herself with a salute. "Though I prefer to be called Doctor Hellmannsohn," she amended as she further identified herself as the ship's Medical Officer.

"Thank you, Docter. Though I am a bit to why my officers are in Standard and my enlisted are in Dress."
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon started as he saw the Captain, despite his inexperience even he could see the difference between the Captain and the older marines. "Oh, well, it must be a Captain thing." He gave a mental shrug and continued to hold his outward discipline.
Re: Prologue

"...Wow." Koenig whispered incredibly softly, so as to not break the rigid silence and stance of each Marine. He was usually indifferent to the way that women look, but their commander was a knock-out. This would be his first military assignment, and he was grateful that he was spending it on board a ship with a hot commander.
Re: Prologue

Watching her Commander board she looked around at some of the gawking men. She couldn't help but smile as she heard a soft "wow" escape Koenig who was 3 men down from her. She continued to watch the room intently, her eyes skipping from place to place.
Re: Prologue

As much as Nevaraon hated to admit it to himself, he couldn't help looking towards Evangeline instead of the obvious object of male attraction, aka the Captain. "It's probably just cause she's so quiet." He told himself. He'd always liked quiet girls back at the high school. "It's just a small crush at best. It'll pass soon enough." He continued silently
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