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RP: Abwehrans [HMS Fearless] Prologue

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Re: Prologue

The womanly doctor frowned and glanced at the Marine Corp Leutnant before staring straight at the Captain. "I have no idea, ma'am." she replied before the taller woman smiled.

"Protecting those under your command...good, I like that. But in this case, I would assume this little incident is a prank. And pranks aren't proper of officers," she spoke in her usual tone as she turned to face the Leutnant and eyed her for a moment before continuing, the entire time not removing the 'command mask' from her expression.

"This is a vessel of Her Majesty's Weltraumflotte and we are bound by duty to protect the honor of our Empire and the Monarchy," she spoke to everyone present. "So tomorrow at 1200 hours, the HMS Fearless will be setting off to the newly founded Northern Sector to conduct a survey of Neue Jaspis as well as plant Beacons for pinpoint hyperspace jumps our 'Colony Vessels' need to reach it." she explained to everyone before allowing a small smile to grace her lips. "Until then, everyone is granted leave to visit the station for R&R. Though there are a few of you I would like talk with before you leave, but I will contact you later. Dismissed," she stated as she began to head towards her own quarters.

As soon as she was out of sight, everybody started to relax. "Hot damn," one of the marine spoke with a chuckle. "Who knew the Lionhearts made women like that!?"

Leutnant Hammerlin, on the other hand, began to laugh loudly. "Ah...that was nice. I didn't think the enlisted would actually wear their dress uniforms to a simple, yet formal meeting like this," she said chuckling.

" wasn't that funny," the Doctor mumbled as she sighed and moved towards the exit. "I thought you would be old enough not to play such silly pranks."

The comment caused the Marine Leutnant to frown before snorting.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon raised an eyebrow. "This is a prank? I hope I never have to listen to their stand-up comedy." He said aloud to the marine closest to him.
Re: Prologue

Her body relaxed but she didn't move, she staed in the room looking around at everything and anything she possably could. She noted the people, the clothing, the smell in the room, any information she could get with just standing there. She watched where people went, picked up on several different conversations starting in the room, and as it came to life she noticed the excitment. She put her hands in her pockets and left to go back to the barracks.
Re: Prologue

"Teh, This behavior is exactly why I decided to to be an armourer over a combat engineer..."He would fold his thick, muscled forearms as he pondered a bit of his times at training. Drachenbaum never was a man who enjoyed leisure, luxury or even wasting time with remedial things such as gawking over a woman. He was a working man, A spartan, A berserker without the alcohol and bloodrage. He spent his money on literature and additional tools to keep himself preoccupied in baracks of any sort, though he often didn't put much effort into hygene.

No, He didn't smell rancid, horrible or even like a horse, He had basic hygene skills, though they were borderline basic as he displayed a shaggy, ill-shaven face, hopefully cleanly cut enough to pass standard inspection. He sighed, his eyes gazing to Nevaroan and a lone pup and a lost girl. Drachenbaum didn't feel the banter that he could catch within earshot deserved much verbal dialogue, prefering to keep his thoughts locked up along with most everything else as he turned towards the hall, wondering if he had placed all his tools in a proper order, pondering this as his upper-right hand came up, unfolding, to rub the scruff of his chin.
Re: Prologue

She looked up and around the room once more, as if on que she spun around and locked eyes with Drachenbaum who was glancing at her. She didn't like the feeling of being watched, she'd rather do the watching and this man already gave her a bad feeling. She twitched some looking over his muscular body, something about him ticked her off but she wouldn't let it show if it killed her.

Strands of short violet hair fall into her face, she turns away from Drachenbaum pushing the hair back and continues on her way to the barraxks, eager to leave the presence of Drachenbaum.
Re: Prologue

He let out a sharp exhale, at the Nachrichtdiensts' reaction to his casual gaze, he thought upon the reason for her disdain towards him before shaking off the thought "Just a damn skittish Nachrichtdienst..." he would tell himself mentally, reassuring himself as he headed towards the barracks, promising himself some time to think further on various topics he had been pushing aside, his four arms swaying somewhat out-of-sync as his boots pressed against the floor with everystep, slight muffled sounds from the pads beneath his boots as he entered the barracks.
Re: Prologue

Laying in her bed a book in her hand, knowing that she should be out exploring the layout of the ship ... but would rather be reading at the moment. She sighs resting the book on her chest staring into the ceiling. Shutting her eyes she falls into a light sleep.
Re: Prologue

It took the Captain only a few moment to reach her Day Cabin. Closing the hatch behind her, the young woman sighed as she pulled her beret from her head to scratch the crown in annoyance. She would have to deal with her mischievious Marine CO soon, pranksters were fun for releasing tension...but not as commanding officers.

Moving to sit behind her desk, she sighed and turned on her desk computer to glance at her crew roster once more. Pulling the telephone off it's latch, she paused for a moment. The caretaker probably hadn't returned to the kitchen yet, so she probably couldn't take an order yet. Glancing over at her roster again, she punched up the Enlisted Barracks.


During this time, the enlisted personnel and Marines had begun to file back into the Barracks to return to standard uniforms. Many of them grumbling at the so called 'prank' the Leutnant had pulled. "I can't believe that .... that... midget has that type of humor," a male marine growled before gaining a chuckle from a female compatriot.

"Our is not to chose what oddities our CO's have," she replied as the telephone began to rumble.

"Enlisted Barracks," the nearest Marine answered with a bored tone. That tone changed as he straightened slightly. "Ah...yes...yes, ma'am," he replied before hanging up and walking over to the napping Eva. "Hey...Captain wants you in her Day Cabin," he said as he tapped her shoulder gently.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon glanced over intrestedly. "I wonder why the Captain wants Evangeline?" He had just laid down on his bunk when the call came for Evangeline to see the Captain. "Hey, Eva!" He said "Good luck up there."
Re: Prologue

He barely opened his mouth before her eyes shot open, she slowly rose as he spoke to her yawning she stood and staightened herself out. Rubbing her eyes and checking herself quickly in the mirror finding everything in order she nods at Nevaraons comment. She pulls her hair behind her ears in a mousy kinda way before walking out of the barracks and to the Captain's Day Cabin.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon laid back down on his bunk. But, unfortunately he got bored. So he sat back up and challeged a fellow Marine to a friendly game of Irm Stiktleng, a game that while like Earth arm wrestling it utalized three arms instead of just one.
Re: Prologue

It would take a while for the Intelligence Analyst to reach the Captain's Day Cabin. In fact, the woman would have to travel all the way the top most deck and unlike the Station they were docked with, she had to do that via stairs. Since the Scout was such a small vessel in the eyes of its designers, lifts were more of a luxury than a necessity. Because of that, the only mechanical lifts were for the cargo hold and only in the form of conveyor belts.

As soon as she reached the First Deck, she would be greeted by the sight of the Marine Commander exited a room to her right in full dress uniform and a scowl upon her face. "Void-born...." she bit off the nasty curse as she stormed past the intelligence analyst without even acknowledging the young woman's existence.
Re: Prologue

"Ugh..." In the meantime, Koenig had elected to just lay on his bed until ordered to move and get up. He didn't essentially feel like taking a jog through the ship or do push-ups in this crowded crew quarters. "The least they can do for us Marines is at least extend the living space of these quarters a bit. Being in close proximity to guys is not how I'd want to spend my days on a starship."

He complained to noone in particular, really. And with all that said, he got up and headed off to the showers.
Re: Prologue

She wasn't the least bit taken aback by the Marine Commanders mood at the moment. She would've found it heard to beleive if she didn't come out of there at least a little shoken up due to the "prank." So she didn't let this women scare her as she stood beside the door, and knocked twice.

As she stood in the hall she looked around taking note of the visuals the way up there, finding it a little odd that a ship with such great expectations would have such little funding as to not adding a few lifts. She then thought to herself that it was probably due to the size of the ship and the majority of the crew ... being Marines and well bodied people, it wouldn't be that hard to simply walk around the ship.
Re: Prologue

Nevaraon strained with the other marine's arms. He then pulled his upper right arm and grabbed at it with his left hand to hold them both in one hand. A dangerous move since the other marine, if he reacted quickly enough, could easily break free and win. But surprise was on Nevaraon's side as he used his free right hand to slam the other Marine's hand down. Nevaraon stood up with his arms raised, while money was passed around.
Re: Prologue

"Enter." the Captain's voice came muffled by the door. It was literally more like a hatch than an actual door. It was also manual instead of automatic, meaning one would have to physically open it rather than just step through.

But once the young Gorkavitch had opened the hatch, she would find herself entering a moderately decorated office space. To her right, there would be a sofa with a coffee table while there was a second door to her left. On the opposite end of her entryway, sat the new Captain behind a nice, yet spartan desk. "Please, sit down, UnterAgens Gorkavitch," she replied with a small smile.
Re: Prologue

Evangeline glanced over the room before her eyes met the Captain, and with a smile and a nod she made her way to the sofa and took a seat in the middle. "Thank you," and with her head held up high, she sat gracefully back straight and legs crossed, Evangeline came across as a woman with mannors and morals. Her smile was sweet as she awaited news from her Captain.
Re: Prologue

Erna studied her the intelligence specialist for a moment deciding to get down to business. "Well, Ms. Gorkavitch. I thank you for coming so promptly and you are probably wondering why I called you up here in the first place," she began as she leaned back in her office chair.

"Honestly, I have a few question as to why Nachrichtendienst assigned an intelligence specialist to my ship, but I doubt they would have told you either," she explained with a honest smile. "But since you are here, you might as well have an assigned position on board. No use having an intelligence specialist wandering around aimlessly, so I'd like to assign you to the Bridge as my Communications Specialist." she told Evangeline before sitting up straight.

"Honestly with your training in Encryption and communications systems, I believe that's the best position to place you. Do you have any objections?"
Re: Prologue

She nodded with agreement to the Captain, "when assigned I was only informed that it was simply for safe measures." She paused for a moment, thinking if she actually had any objections to her current assignment. "No ma'm, I have no objections to my assignment. I would think I'd very much enjoy it actually." She gave a meek smile. "Thank You."
Re: Prologue

Erna smiled back and nodded. "Excellent," she replied. "I would like you to report to the bridge about three hours before we leave Weltraumflotte HQ so that you can get familiar with your station," she ordered before closing her station. "If you don't have any questions, you are dismissed." she stated as he noted the Caretaker was on station now.
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