Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Interest Check [Horizon] Expeditionary Team


Everything Is Magical
Ok so this is something a few people know I've been planning on for a little while and I decided to start the first stage sooner rather than later. As the name suggests, the plot is based around an expeditionary team from my company Galactic Horizon for those who don't know. This plot will be starting on the planet of 188604 well known as the planet where USO as a faction resides, after talking with @Zack he agreed to let me run this but I'd still like to tag him anyway.

Now for the good bits, potential players take note HERE:
This plot will be a mix of a few combat personnel, science nerds and mechanics/engineers. Essentially it's a team put together by the company to explore some of the less well known areas to seek out potential expansion areas as well as find rare items, resources or anything else down there. The planet is harsh and there will be survival elements in keeping your characters and the group going, along with plenty more goodies and surprises I can whip up on a whim and throw at you :3.

What you can expect:
Combat, will be included but will not be a focus point,
surviving with what is available to you will be key and plays a roll in how the narrative progresses, but don't worry I will not be sending characters out with nothing, Horizon has a sizeable library along with plenty of stock tech and items from open market corps,
Character interaction will not be enforced but will be highly encouraged and as an incentive to overcome certain issues for the team,

Finally I'll tag @SirSkully, @Burgmond45 and @IQ as I know skully is down to join, and burg and IQ expressed varying levels of interest ^^, anyone is welcome to ask me about joining but please understand for the sake of the plot I wont be allowing an endless stream of military peeps or mercs and such, nor an endless list of science personnel, the only other factor I will be trying to hold onto is the fact that it's run by a company and so the characters are prefered to work for the company, PM me here or discord for more details if interested.
well I figured, what better way to expand a company and get reasons to design stuff than through RP, it helps provide a slight alternative style of plot that isn't military focused and has a specific task which can be explored through a variety of interactions.

And as far as I'm concerned most character types will fit in here, I'll be making a small article about the plot to tack onto the existing company page but for now I have a question for those interested in this plot.

What name should we give the expeditionary squad? Keep in mind the general theme of the company is space and air, and they're not a spec ops team but rather researchers and adventurer styles as well as a few nerds and security personnel. Post your ideas in this thread ^^
thanks for the suggestions, at this point I'm leaning towards Beyond the horizon but may shorten it a little bit to seem more, teamy?

any others send em in now before it's too late!
I don't know if it super helps, but I can have Akemi back the mission and, at the very least, tag along for a mission, either the first or second. If you don't want Akemi, I can bring in...

I like the acronym idea, im thinking have horizon and expedition in the name somehow but might not if it's too long

having Akemi back it would be super cool, we'd have to sort out the "why" but i don't see an issue with it and if you'd like him to tag along he can but it's basically gonna be horizon peeps and maaayyyybeee some hired dudes, he could send an Akemi rep to work with horizon who goes on it?
I think I have a solution, I'll avoid all the complicated names for the team and use them in the mission naming, im thinking team name should be "Chasers", "Pioneers" or "Investigators" these are my rough ideas based on the traits that it can double as both the team name and an easy way to refer to each member as a "chaser" and such, keep giving suggestions if you got em
Alrighty, so far we got @SirSkully bringing his security boi from horizon iirc, @FrostJaeger might be making a character so I'll dm you about that, @HarperMadi has expressed an interest too, and now @BloodyScarlet has a character who could come.

Looking like a good bunch my dudes so fix up any little chinks and bots and we will have this plot underway soon, I'll post another update when there is a week till start.
"Something is about to reach out and, Grab you!"

basically stuff is moving in the background and for those interested there will be more activity related to this coming soon, bonus points if anyone understands my vague reference with the text line.

I look forward to seeing who sticks with this crazy plan till plot launch which for better or worse is going to be in JULY!!

So set your calendars, get your characters ready and prepare to go hunt raiders and explore a bunch of wide open desert.
nice ovob

so might take the time to do a quick character tally count, we now have phreak from jjans
Skully has his Horizon security guy terrins
i have whatever NPC's i feel like using and probably Riccard, maybe

@FrostJaeger has said he will make one so waiting to hear on that
@HarperMadi was interested, please let me know if you still feel like joining or not
@IQ Was interested as well IIRC

and anyone who still is lurking and may be interested don't be afraid to put your hand up and say "pick me!" we still have plenty of time before it starts so no one needs to rush if you've got other stuff going on