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RP: 5th XF [Hotaru] When Nepleslia comes knocking...

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After the girl had left, Davis immediately turned to his datapad and scribbled a directive for an important piece of legislation to be drafted up.

A little girl's words had just planted the seeds of change in Nepleslia.

And for the first time in a long time, Robert Davis was worried.
A slender Yamatain woman with long, auburn hair pulled up into a partial bun while the rest hung in loose sausage style curls onto her shoulders and dark blue eyes had watched the whole encounter between Davis and Ami. She was quite fond of that little girl and she had almost been concerned for the little girl's safety with the Nepleslian. It delighted her to no end that she had been so very wrong about him.

"Mr. Davis?" The woman politely inquired as she very casually made her way over to Davis and his table. Her knee length black pencil skirt clung to her curves, accentuating her smooth light tan legs as her heels clicked against the floor of the cafe. Her torso was covered by a very flattering and well fitting, dark blue satin long sleeve blouse that was tucked neatly into the high waist of her skirt and unbuttoned just enough to show a slight flash of cleavage. A black velvet choker was fastened around her neck where a small dark blue opal rested at the swallow of of her throat, set into a silver setting.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting. I'm Mitsuya Ember, Motoyoshi-Taisho sent me to assist you." She bowed deeply to the Sky Marshall, the movement revealing more of her bosom as gravity shifted the shirt appropriately.
Davis smiled to the newcomer. Her outfit was quite... revealing... but he had enough sense to keep his eyes locked onto hers.

"Thank you very much for coming, Mitsuya-san," Davis said with a small seated bow. "No apologies necessary. I was just having a conversation with a most delightful little girl."

He tucked away his datapad to bring his full attention to her.

"Please, take a seat. Are you hungry?"
Ember sat carefully across from Davis with a friendly smile. "No, thank you. I could take a cup of coffee though."

"I saw, Ami is an adorable little girl. And... it was very sweet of you to give her your cover." Her smile shone more brightly at the mention of Ami. "I just hope that this war doesn't leave her an orphan, but we'll do our best to bring her mom back from her deployment."
"That would be good," Davis said with a nod. "This war has left too many homeless and without family."

Davis quietly pointed at his coffee, signaling the waitress to another cup. Meanwhile, he sipped his second of the day in silence.

The chattering of people in the cafe surrounded the two, concealing their discussion within a sea of conversation. The Nepleslian smiled, his grey beard shifting ever so slightly.

"Such a lively place. It is good to be in the presence of such activity... May I ask you your rank and position within the Taisho's organization?"
"It just means that we're starting to get some sense of normality back after the incidents that have been weighing on everyone's shoulders," Ember smiled as she placed her hands on the table in front of her.

"I'm a Chujo and the Logistics Officer, I oversee that the fleet and Hotaru are getting the supplies they need and want. It was felt that with what you were offering I would be the most appropriate to work out the details of establishing trade relations with you and your nation," she remarked in a fairly good natured tone of voice. "I'm also to attend you you to make sure that all your needs for the rest of your visit are attended to."
Ember nearly jumped out of her seat as a new alert came across the channels. "It seems sky Marshall, that I will have to escort you to your ship. War is about to break out but we can finish this discussion there. We do want to establish a more intimate relationship with you but it will get very noisy here shortly."
"If the enemy is coming here, it would be a tremendous risk to board my ship. It is able to conceal itself well, but should it be found out, there would be little it could do to protect itself. Discretion is what got me here in the first place, but it would be much more difficult to leave with enemies abo-"

" ... "

Something caught his eye. Something gargantuan, outside the cafe window. It was the largest ship he'd ever laid eyes on.

Davis stood up slowly and tapped his cane lightly against the glass. The blank expression on his face rose to a knowing smirk. Many times had he sat before a king's table, discussing worldly politics.

But never had he walked within the hallways of a God. What better opportunity than now?

"Perhaps it would be prudent to use the facilities of... your Flagship? Certainly she would have space for a single H-Ray and its crew."
"Absolutely, Mr. Davis. Please have you ship dock with the Ascendancy. You can follow me to the shuttle bay and we can get to her," Ember lightly touched Davis's shoulder with a smile.

"They just finished her and you'd be one of the first visitors aboard her," she whispered softly into the man's ear.
Davis's head barely moved to the side. He stiffened at Ember's touch, her whisper's breath tickling his ear.

"My lady, I..."

A pause.

"Yes, I would like that."
Ember smiled as she gave Davis's shoulder a gentle squeeze before releasing it again. She took a couple steps back to give the man a little bit more space.

"Follow me then, please, Mr. Davis. Stay close, I don't want to lose you to the crowd," she spoke cheerily as she started walking, she paused for a moment to glance over her shoulder at the Sky Marshall to make sure he was indeed following.
Davis eyes squinted at the squeeze for a moment, and he was about to open his mouth before Ember had stepped back.

Davis followed the woman, his cane making a swift third leg as they traveled through the star fortress. His face was once again emotionless, although his eyes showed a spark in them that had not been there before.

"I look forward to seeing the interior of this flagship. It must be marvelous."
"It is indeed beautiful. I dare say it is finer than even the Chiharu flagship from KFY. The MFY truly outdid themselves on her," Ember added proudly as she slowed her pace to place herself beside Davis rather than in front of him as they reached an elevator that'd take them down to the shuttle bays.

She pushed the down button and waited for the lift to arrive, watching Davis curiously. "I'm rather curious as to what your fleet yards are designing in the way of new ship classes. And of course, firearms. I don't think there are finer projectile based firearms anywhere in our known galaxy than from NAM."
"NAM designs many things. We take pride in its ability to function as a multi-level corporation. The company serves both the civilian and the military sectors of the Imperium and she's second to none in our market. MFY, though? I haven't heard much from it before, but I will definitely be paying attention to their proceedings from now on after seeing this behemoth."

The datapad in his pocket vibrated.

"Excuse me. I must take this."

He turned away from Ember, then pulled out his datapad and entered his password to view the incoming message. It was from Corcyra.
Alert level 1. Mishhuvurythar congregation 1 LY from Delsauria. Symmetrical force deployed under GAd F.Vanderhuge. Initiating hailing prior to engagement. Plan A measures beginning enactment immediately in event of hostile contact.

His heart sank as he read the information and replied.

"Keep me informed. A similar situation here currently restrains me from returning to Nepleslia. I entrust your men with the negotiations. You can reach me here."

-Sky Marshall Robert Davis

He closed the communicator, returned it to his pocket and turned to Ember once more.

"My apologies, madame."
"Not all, dear sir. You have a nation to run while we keep you here with us during these odd times," Ember graciously replied as the elevator dinged open.

"After you?" She gestured towards the open door for the Sky Marshall to enter first. "I just hope you won't mind our company a little longer, we are not bad bedfellows."
"Ladies first," Davis said as he motioned to the elevator with a slight bow. "Not all Nepleslians hold contempt for Yamatai. The 5th has done little to anger the citizens of the Imperium, I think. You are simply survivors in a far corner of the galaxy."
"Thank you." Ember smiled, the Premier indeed was a gentleman. Without protest she entered the elevator before him and held the doors open for him. "I don't believe so either, we tend to keep to ourselves. We don't interact with the other parts of our nation very much either. We stand on our own two feet, just as Nepleslia stands on its own, as well. But such is the way of us survivors."
The Sky Marshall smiled lightly.

"I can only hope that our negotiations prove to be fruitful for both parties. I feel that ties of some sort would provide much benefit to our nations."

The ride was quiet for a while before he cleared his throat and spoke once more.

"How has your experience within the Star Army been? It was not so long ago that we both served the same empire."
"I've had an interesting time of it. I sometimes miss my original body and the chances I might have had back before the SMX. But adapt or die, I thought it was kind of neat to have a cybernetic hand when I had it," Ember chuckled wistfully. "I am glad they came to their senses and lifted the Species ban again, it was harmful to the morale of the nation, I think."
"Unfortunately, the damage from the act still lingers in the memories of many Nepleslians," the Sky Marshall said solemnly. "A lot of good careers were ruined during that time, and many took it very personally."

He grasped his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth gently.

"What's done is done, however. You had a previous body, you said? May I ask what type?"
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