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Approved Submission IATF

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Because the Blacks are smart. They do not threaten the security of the Imperium. They do not participate in crimes which are going to get them in hot water with the IPG. Casinos, gambling, selling and shipping weapons. These do not threaten Nepleslia or its citizens. One could argue that arms dealing might but then we'd have to arrest every gun shop owner. Street gangs are beneath the IPG but the Blacks are not the only criminal organization which the IPG has to keep an eye. They're just the oldest and best known. It has been established that foreign smugglers use Nepleslian territory as a location for sentient trafficking, smuggling military tech, and other things which threaten the security of Nepleslia.

IPG, like the CIA or Gestapo, can either be a very hidden organization or a monolithic one that brings the down the hammer.

Further, they can do this does not mean they do it all the time. I have very deliberately bound the organization to a small size so that it can be present when necessary but not able to piss on every fire, hence why they only step in WHEN the NPF cannot handle something or cannot be trusted to handle something.

12,000 Military Police and 6,000 Commandos. With those numbers and the NPF, they kept the peace in Nepleslia for the entire 2nd Mishhu war, which saw millions of men mobilized for the military. And I am deliberately not numbering the Intel/Counter Intel section so that it remains the most fluid and secretive.

Explaining all of this would be easier if you were on the IRC with BloodyScarlet.
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While I did have a small hand in conceiving this idea, I mostly only pitched a few vague tidbits towards @nite train while he was writing this up. His relatively short time thus far on SARP coupled with my own modest at best familiarity with the inner workings of the Nepleslian state are most likely to blame for the kind of murky initial submission for this group. However, small as my contribution to this organization may have been, I did kind of leave poor Nite Train out to dry in not chiming in earlier. So for that, I'm sorry, honey!

Reading the criticisms against the IATF, and after speaking with Sigma at length in the IRC, I completely understand the resistance to this submission as it is now. I will accept the responsibility for not being familiar enough with the NPF and its sister forces to give adequate advice to Nite Train while he was putting the concept together. But that's why we have a submission process, and I'm glad that the discussion here seems to be moving towards a constructive solution.

Thus, I'm proposing (assuming that Nite Train is agreeable, since this is after all his project) that the size of the IATF be significantly reduced in accordance with the suggestions before, and more clearly establish it as a police force, and not as a paramilitary or military force. To quote Admiral Adama from the reimagined BSG series: "there's a reason we keep the police and the military separate. One is to fight the enemy of the state, and the other is to protect the people. When the military acts as the police, the enemy of the state tends to become the people."

More to the point, the focus of the IATF may fit into the setting better if it's more clearly defined to be an investigation force, or even better, as an actual internal affairs cell, with far less resources than the military and equipped more for law enforcement rather than wanton carnage and destruction. These wouldn't be shock troopers like the SS, but more along the lines of U.S. Marshalls, after all. Since the main factions of SARP are already saturated with military plots, I wonder if something more akin to a detective group would be well received? As for a specific purpose, here are some of my initial thoughts:

One, since as Sigma said, it's well known that smugglers operate within Nepleslia, it probably isn't too big a stretch to assume that there is at least a slightly concerning amount of police and government corruption that makes such a thing possible. Perhaps the powers-that-be in Nepleslian territory recognize this, and an eager young politician or visionary (or whatever) start an initiative to actively weed out this corruption. That's where the IATF would come in, serving as an actual internal affairs group that investigates NPF and IPG officers, empowered to arrest any that they discover to be corrupt.

Two, again springboarding off of the smuggling issue, perhaps their primary function is to serve as the heavy hand of Nepleslian customs, and are equipped to board and/or disable suspected smuggling vessels, seize their cargo, and arrest the offending crew. This idea could tie in nicely with independent plots that lean towards criminal acts such as piracy; even if the IATF doesn't get its own plot, other RPs like my own could use it as an antagonist on certain missions in which they have to run illegal goods through Nepleslian territory. While I realize that the military would be suited to this task as well (and feel free to correct me if this is too off-base), it seems to me like kind of killing a fly with a cannon to deploy military vessels against small-time crooks, unless said crooks are a significant threat to Nepleslian civilians or infrastructure.

Three, the IATF could be organized to specifically counteract criminal syndicates like the Blacks and the Reds that still operate within Nepleslian territory. This may necessitate outfitting them with a bit heavier gear, but still nothing on par with the IPG or any other battalion of Awesome Soldiers.

Would any of these suggestions help clarify things a bit?
First off, thank you for your input. Second, by all means, do as you wish with the IATF. I just want this thing confirmed with as little friction as possible.

Update: I chopped a few zeros off of the numbers list.
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The point of going through the NTSE is not to be smoothly confirmed, but to ensure that there's quality and contribution to the site. It's not easy, so it's really good that you've all stuck with this so far and haven't given up.

The idea of the IATF focusing on internal affairs - that is, tackling the corruption of the NPF itself and the factors that create this corruption to begin with - is a very good idea in my opinion. It even brings to mind "The Untouchables", who did do some of the very same things; dealing with police corruption and hitting it at the source. This direction would give the IATF a clear, defined role that isn't occupied by another pre-existing setting element. As Syaoran has pointed out, the IPG simply isn't interested in these kinds of matters - they have bigger fish to fry - meaning that they're a perfect target for this submission.

At this point, there are only two limiting factors. The first is if @BloodyScarlet , the GM, is behind this idea or not; if the GM isn't, then we'll have to find out what is to Scarlet's taste and go from there. There is absolutely no point in going forward if the GM isn't enthusiastic about this. The second issue is the article being changed to reflect this new direction, assuming it's adopted.
I'm glad to see you're all collaborating together on this article, but I need to point out that you're not in a hurry due to the NTSE either. If you want to get the plot out quickly, I can understand, but know that we're not putting you under pressure to hurry up or anything, so take what time you need.
Well I really like the stuff @Floodwaters has said, it sounds really good steering away from what the plots are normally like on here, and all the ideas seem really good to me, so I say that I am all for it.
Then you all know what you'll be wanting from the article and have to do - talk to each other and see who can/has time to make the changes and so forth. The thread isn't going anywhere so we'll be waiting here in the NTSE for when you're ready.

Needs FM approval before it can be moved to approved. @Koenig808
I've went and made some minor changes to the article to try and fix a bit of grammar. It can still use some work however; the article can go ahead and have links to what equipment is available for an example, so any readers don't have to go through an extra hoop to find out. Perhaps, even special issue equipment only they get when doing sting or something, if applicable. This is all optional of course. Overall, I APPROVE the idea, provided there are no objections.
I am rather curious to know why you go with wires. They're horribly old-fashioned and easily detectable. There are plenty of more effective means of secretly recoding things. Is it deliberate?

Also, I do not believe this spouse policy for undercover officers is wise. But I will not stop it as it is just one more reason why the IPG is superior.

Overall, I do not see anything to hold this back, though it seems ill-equipped for its task. Again, I do not see the imperfection as a detractor. Now I will wait to see what Scarlet does with this.
Honestly, I only used wires because I couldn't think of any other means. Anyone with something better in mind is welcome to edit the wiki.
The setting is fully capable of integrating digital recoding devices into your EARS. Wires about about as primitive as it gets for this setting. Get inventive, man!
Many imperfections in terms of mission, legality and equipment are present but if the GM who will be using them does not have an issue with them, all that remains is what our boss thinks of it.

If the GM is satisfied with it and intends to make use of it for RP opportunities, I won't stand in their way.