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Approved Submission IATF

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The complete lack of definite equipment is a glaring problem. It does not tell us their capabilities and level of access to equipment.

The complete lack of what sorts of evidence they use to charge a bent cop makes it difficult for the players to know what they ought to be looking for. An unclear explanation of who is in charge makes it difficult for players to understand where in the NPF these guys fit and who they ultimately work for. It also does not explain what sorts of crimes they hunt for. Do they only concern themselves with big fish or every form of graft and corruption, no matter how small?

How do they police themselves? Or is it the IPG's job to walk in, audit them and perform summary executions on corrupt IA guys?

It says that people who pass certain tests are assigned to the posting. Even against their will?

"Undercover members of the IATF tell their placement only to their spouse and, in certain cases, children, if they have them, who are required by law to tell no one else." Because Nepleslians are such law-abiding folk. This would be the reason for sudden, random IPG inspections and executions.

IPG: Your kid told his girlfriend that you're a cop. That girl's the daughter of El Mafioso. You just blew an IPG operation. *shoots cop, sends team to shoot wife and kids* I'll be back around again if anyone else's family screws up the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

Where are they based? Sure they can have their main office on Prime but what about Delsauria? Kennewes? What do they do when they have to conduct investigations on a planet that's not Prime?
Though not necessary, these things will help a lot in the long run.

1) For player convenience, I suggest that the page list the equipment that the IATF prefers to be used or special issues, and include a link to the rest of the NPF's standard inventory. That way, it's that much less navigating on their part should they be browsing the page.

2) What evidence/intel your PCs will have to look for to charge a crooked cop will need to be known clearly and in advance by the GM, but doesn't need to be listed here - it can be told IC during a briefing for an example. Still, make sure to put it down somewhere instead of keeping it in memory.

3) Ranks should be linked on this page from their normal page to simplify navigation and also help the article's appearance. Right now, that part looks very bare. Additionally, any details about where the players fit in and who their boss is isn't necessary for this page since this is the organization page. That info should be on the plot page instead, which is another topic entirely.

4) You'll have to figure out how they police themselves. Either by having the IPG come in and take a look once in a while, or by having some 'founders' or somesuch handpick members they believe are not bad - even then, the occasional rot is great for plot and such. Imperfection allows us to have a great story in the first place after all. Without it, we just have some mary-sue stuff that gets boring fast.

5) Nobody outside of the IATF should know they're in the IATF - it's how the FBI does undercover things to the point their agents are living double lives after all. And they do it that way for a good reason. It's the best way to do it.

6) As for where they're based, a few broad strokes should be good enough. Saying each major planet with a major police presence has an IATF HQ somewhere while fleeting, small colonies likely only have a handful of agents is likely work.

Ultimately, it will be @Koenig808 that will approve or disapprove it however. I and Sigma can only give our recommendations I believe. To be honest, and I don't mean to be rude, but I do feel the article is very bare bones and could be better. But even then, I feel it's enough to get your feet wet. He however, disagrees, and for good reasons.
To do list so far:
  1. Improve the equipment page.
  2. Expand the investigation process.
  3. Link the npf ranks.
  4. Hire a babysitter for the iatf.
  5. Do a complete 180 on the inclusion policy.
  6. Give other locations besides HQ.
  7. Clarify the interview process.
  8. Probably something I'm forgetting.
As the GM of this (apologies for not being on that much, just been busy with christmas and new year)

for @Sigma:
I would believe they would go for any corruption because if people get away with small corruption they will keep going and it will turn big.

The policing for them would be done by the head of the IATF but if necessary higher officials in the NPF (useful for interesting plot ideas)

The IATF I believe wouldn't force people into it, they would be offered to job, maybe for a mission to see how they do in the IATF then they will be offered a job in the debrief of the mission if they were successful.

I would think that the undercover cops would tell their wives and children that they wont be returning home for a while, the only thing they would be allowed to say is they will be gone.

For @CadetNewb:
I was thinking of having a different post labeled something as Classified Intel for IAFT Agent, as I haven't thought of any cross over stuff with other plots, this would have a brief summary of their target and what leads they have with what they need to prove it.

As the ranks are the same I may set a link to them or have a discussion with @nite train about maybe having only a small part of the Ranks as you have to be a certain rank to be allowed to join then the highest Rank isn't the highest Rank of the NPF so that if they join they will never reach the top unless they leave the IAFT.

Look at second paragraph for sigma.

Yes that is true, the IAFT is known but their members are only known to the IAFT, I was thinking that the leader of IAFT isn't the one who recruits people, they take interest they send one of the higher up IAFT who could give that person a job the duty to see, the leader will then watch the debriefing and decide by what they hear if that person would be allowed to join.
That's not quite what I meant in regards to the criteria for which the IATF would act on someone. It's not for crossover stuff with other plots, but more so that it clarifies the area or parameter that they work inside. Like, they have to be 'this much evidence' that they're 'this corrupt' for an example. Having it there on the page would be ideal, but is optional; for now, what really matters is that you, as a GM, have it in mind so you can properly do your job and tell the players a good story.

Meanwhile, the problem with the ranks and the uniforms, now that I had time to think about it, is that they're present but very barren. It doesn't look good, and honestly, you can freely get rid of them. As a part of the police force, it's pretty safe to assume the uniforms are going to be the same anyways. The same goes for equipment, UNLESS, there's some specialized gear.

As for how the families are involved, I disagree and recommend the FBI route is taken, but it's entirely up to you and how you want to do it.

Overall, I feel it should be approved so you can go ahead with the plot despite the article not being perfect, but that's up to @Koenig808 . Just to be thorough though, the only other thing you're missing to get a plot up and running though, is a page for the plot itself; this is just a page for the organization that the plot will be working with.
I sent him a convo.
Do keep in mind that all the high level internal policing of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia is left to the Internal Pacification Group. As long as the IATF does not overstep its bounds at the more local level, I approve.
@nite train - for the time being, until you get a better feel for it and figure out what else to put into the article, you can get rid of everything from Ranks on downwards. And again, you'll need a page for the plot itself, since this is only the organization that the plot is about.

Unless there's more to discuss, I'll go ahead and approve it tomorrow.
I don't think anything should be removed. The skill information is important.

I'm moving this to approved.
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