Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Imperial Decree [Imperial Decree] Make A Treaty with Nepleslia

Re: Imperial Decree

Ayana waited to hear what the others had to say about the treaty she was proposing. She was quite pleased that the Nepleslian ambassador had agreed with her on most of her points already.

"I second the motion to bring this to a vote."
Re: Imperial Decree

Roxanne grinned at Ayana's projection.

"Central Yamatai, realizing that the Nepleslians are our family, not our enemies, votes yes to this new treaty, and welcomes the return of a more peaceful era!"
Re: Imperial Decree

Jack Miller leaned back in his seat and nodded, smiling to himself as the proposal received a few good votes. A few moments later, Miller leaned back forward and reached a hand for his ear, which held a communication device linked to his Nepleslian government circuits to keep him updated with their own ideals and opinions.

The call he received was marked as very important...Jack stood up and bowed to the room before heading towards the exit, so as to not interrupt their proceedings. "Excuse me, I have to take this." As he stood and started towards the door, Miller was all smirks and smiles. "Yeah, I'm here," he said into the small communication device

...but after a few steps, Miller's pace slowed. "...there are what?"
His eyes glanced between the floor and the wall. "...when? How?"
Jack finally came to a complete stop. "What did they..."

Miller held his breath, his gaze staring blankly, at nothing.

"...oh shit..."
Re: Imperial Decree

Maysaki watched Jack walk away from the table after giving him a quick nod, but looked away when he began to speak. "I approve as well." She spoke simply, drumming her fingers along the table.

"Ja-- Mr. Miller, if you need to leave on any issues we can hurry this up and send you on your way."
Re: Imperial Decree

"I vote yes on this treaty. I feel that it is fair to acknowledge the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia as our equals and allies. They were initially our brothers and we should not be frightened of what greatness they might achieve- for despite all of our disagreements, we are still family and we must let our siblings do what they can to find their own way and not impede on their ability to make their own decisions. We should not be our brother's keeper when we have to keep our own lives in order during this time of crisis," Ayana nodded politely as her projection broadcast her very obvious response to her own proposed peace treaty.

"I hope that in the future, we can try to achieve similar less intrusive treaties with future cultures we encounter so that we do not destroy their cultural heritage or their ability to govern themselves. We can only accomplish so many more things with our future comrades if we do not impose the notion that if they ally with us that they will no longer get the chance to be themselves.

We are not a conquering force; nor should we try to be because it is not our right to force our will and culture onto others because we disagree or feel that one race is inferior to the other. We are not bullies, so we need to stop acting as such.

We are at war, we are in danger of losing it and we need all the strong allies we can get without making enemies of them by forcing them to submit to our will. When we do this, we give our enemies a seed of discontent to use as the key into the hearts and minds of people we have bullied into submission."
Re: Imperial Decree

"I approve of this treaty as well." The Lorath senator stated as she thumbed at her datapad still. "It seems reasonable and fair."
Re: Imperial Decree

"I vote yes," Hanako sent from the battlefield.
Re: Imperial Decree

Crowned Prince Motoyoshi Tio said:
The YSE/NSE Treaty is on hold due to the overriding IAA document. The treaty is to be reviewed and modified by the new Imperial Family before being resubmitted for approval.
Re: Imperial Decree

To: Senate of Yamatai
From: Empress Himiko

I wish for the senate to resume its efforts in establishing a treat of peace and commerce with Nepleslia.
Re: Imperial Decree

Wes said:
To: Senate of Yamatai
From: Empress Himiko

I wish for the senate to resume its efforts in establishing a treat of peace and commerce with Nepleslia.

To:Empress Himiko
From: Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko

Suggestions and words of encouragement...

I concur that peace and commerce should be a priority with our neighbouring nations right now. However, I believe it would be beneficial to ensure that any agreements made are done so with the best interest of our economy. If trade opens up again, we should subsequently initiate promotion of locally made products to preserve and create jobs. We should mindful of any situation where foreign products are pushed into our markets, filling the needs of a population which has been surviving under war conditions for several years. We should seek to avoid dependency on foreign products.

I also recommend that we be mindful of the needs of a post-war nation, pending our victory in the honoured name of the Empire. New agreements for expansion should allow for Yamatai to shine once more.

Lastly, I advise caution. The Imperium of Nepleslia is no doubt recovering as well. It is likely that they will lean towards the tendency once more of trying to make asymmetrical agreements in their favour.

I trust your direction, as my successor you have been a bright shining star guiding this nation through dark times.

I wish to be of any assistance I can, both as a Taisho in the Star Army and a member of the Ketsurui Clan. I am available to both you and the senate between my other official duties.

In your service, and for the Yamatai Star Empire.
"One word," said the recumbent senator; "Extradition. Criminals in Yamatai are criminals in Nepleslia, and vise-versa, or the treaty is an international wank."
From: Taisho Kurita Shunsaku

Rather protectionist of you, Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi. One could make the case that you are against trade with the Democratic Imperium. Just as you are against trade with the Lorath.

You caution us against their asymmetrical trade favors. Are you not suggesting that we offer them the same by limiting or restricting certain, as-yet-unspecified goods? What are you afraid of from the Nepleslian market? Weapons? Neppy burgers? Aethersperm music?

Rather than dictating the terms we want here, would it not make more sense for us to approach the Nepleslians with an embassadorial delegation to even see what their mood is like? As I recall, Taisho, you and all other Nekos are still legally barred from entering the Democratic Imperium. It would seem, to put it mildly, a necessary first step to understand the Nepleslian point of view before deciding what they should do. And considering that their entire government is currently run by their Premier and his four Grand Admirals, I think it is wiser for us not to try to deceive them as they are not only the heads of government but the heads of the military force.


Taisho Kurita Shunsaku

PS: I would suggest someone other than Flint Vanderhuge be the point of contact.
To: Senate of Yamatai, Empress Himiko, et al.
From: Robert Davis, former Premier of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia

To my fellow diplomats and senators,

Dignity, honor, and fairness are immemorial concepts which define the processes of peacemaking, and, although my fellow Nepleslians are well-versed in expressing their passions with the utmost regard for clarity, I understand that such honest fervor may detract from the objectives of treaty-drafting.

As such, I would like to extend my services as a diplomatic envoy to your fine senate and make all efforts to marshal the arguments of each party in a way that strives towards our mutual goals with the utmost efficiency.

Years have passed since I have last held a chair in the multifaceted and complex realm of diplomacy, but I feel that such manners are not lost to the inexorable march of time.

I pray for patience, prudence, and a fruitful end to our negotiations.

Sincerely yours,

-Robert Davis