To: Senate of Yamatai, Empress Himiko, et al.
From: Robert Davis, former Premier of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
To my fellow diplomats and senators,
Dignity, honor, and fairness are immemorial concepts which define the processes of peacemaking, and, although my fellow Nepleslians are well-versed in expressing their passions with the utmost regard for clarity, I understand that such honest fervor may detract from the objectives of treaty-drafting.
As such, I would like to extend my services as a diplomatic envoy to your fine senate and make all efforts to marshal the arguments of each party in a way that strives towards our mutual goals with the utmost efficiency.
Years have passed since I have last held a chair in the multifaceted and complex realm of diplomacy, but I feel that such manners are not lost to the inexorable march of time.
I pray for patience, prudence, and a fruitful end to our negotiations.
Sincerely yours,
-Robert Davis