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RP [Independent-plot] ISS Sobek

HX-17 System
ISS Sobek

Millena began doing the fox anthro version of a blush reaction as she heard Mercury's comment about her Geist interface being gorgeous. Her ears perked up slightly, and a warm flush spread across her cheeks. She felt a flutter of appreciation for the compliment, despite her usual modesty about her cybernetic enhancements.

Holding up the pad she was suddenly holding, Mileena turned the screen to face Mercury and Nikicon, revealing the previously mentioned Wayfarer ship. "I'm glad that you're unharmed, and I hope you follow the doctor's orders," she said with a playful but sincere tone. "If I have to, I will bind your arms to a chair or bed," she added, teasing Nikicon good-naturedly but with an undercurrent of genuine concern.

As she continued to examine the pad, Mileena pushed a button and gasped. "Oh! One of them is here too?!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. On the screen, outside of the Sobek, a member of the D3 species was visible. Her initial shock quickly gave way to a broad smile, indicating that she had encountered one of the D3 before and was pleased to see them again.

Mileena's mind raced with the implications of this unexpected arrival. The D3 species was known for their helpfulness; at least, the ones she'd encountered had been incredibly supportive and resourceful. "I'll vouch for them, certainly," she said confidently, glancing at Mercury and Nikicon. "They are super helpful; they helped me before."

Her voice carried a tone of certainty and trust as she began composing a message on her pad. She quickly detailed her positive experiences with the D3 species, emphasizing their reliability and the valuable assistance they had provided her in the past. After typing out her message, Mileena sent it to Lenna, vouching for the newcomer. She hoped this would smooth the way for their integration into the crew. The midway point of the ship's ramp was the designated location for meeting new arrivals, so she headed there to greet the D3 member personally.

As she walked through the corridors of the ISS Sobek, Mileena couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The potential contributions from the D3 species, combined with Mercury's expertise, promised a new chapter of growth and capability for their mission. She arrived at the ramp and saw the D3 individual, their form immediately recognizable and comforting.

With a welcoming smile, Mileena extended her hand. "Welcome aboard," she said warmly. "I'm Mileena. It's great to see you again. Though we might not have met personally, I am familiar with your species. I've already told the captain that I vouch for you. Members of your species have helped me before, and I owe them a debt of gratitude."
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