Inactive Member
Producer Information
Designer: Independent Weapons Incorporated
Manufacturer: IWI Northern Foundry, Funky City, Nepleslia
(Suggested) Price: 2400 DA
Individual Component Costs:
Gauss Propulsion Unit: 150 DA
1 Chain of Spikes: 75 DA
Nomenclature Information
Name: FL-10 "Porcupine" 10mm Flechette Launcher
Type: Gauss (Magnetic Propulsion)
Model: FL-10
Role: Military/Civilian Light Assault Rifle
Length: 3' 9"
Weight: 5 Kilograms
Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Solid
Firing Mechanism: Gauss Driver, Semi-Auto/Auto
Caliber: 10mm Tungsten
Effective Range: 350 meters
Maximum Range: 700 meters
Minimum Range: 0m
Muzzle Velocity: 824 m/sec
Muzzle Blast: None
Firing Mode(s): Semi automatic, automatic
Recoil: Light recoil.
===== Ammo Description: =====
Name: 10mm High-Grade Tungsten Flechettes
General Description: Long, cylindrical spikes of tungsten chained together for sustained fire for long periods of time. 4 fins extend from the spine and steady the spike on its course when fired.
Ammo: 60 spikes on a belt fed from a square magazine inserted into the side of the gun.
Bullet Description
The spike is a modified version of the original design, which was originally stake shaped. This newer design is basically a 1/4 inch, high-grade tungsten spine with four retracting fins, built to pierce personal armor (e.g ballistics mesh, cloth, leather.) The spike can pierce up to 1/4 inch of ballistics mesh with lethal force as long as it strikes a vital organ (brain, heart, lung).
Name: Tungsten Shatter-core Rounds
General Description: 1/4 inch tungsten spikes with a tiny amount of impact-trigger explosives in the center.
Ammo: 60 spikes on a belt fed from a small box inserted into the side of the gun.
Bullet Description
The Shatter-core rounds are built with destruction in mind. Looking like regular High-grade spikes, the Shatter-core rounds, on high-velocity impact, shatter into shards of high-speed tungsten capable of damaging un-armored targets easily.
===== Weapon Mechanisms: =====
Safety: Yes, a switch behind the trigger will retract all bullets back into the drum clip.
Fire mode selector: Yes, a switch above the trigger will turn on a reel beneath the action which will draw the chain through automatically when you pull the trigger.
Weapon Sight: Foresight.
Attachment Hard points: Optional flashlight/laser sight track on the right side of the gun barrel.
Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure:
Remove stock. Remove front grip and barrel. Dissasemble action and take great care with a standard weapon cleaning kit to remove obstructions. Also, remove the clip and chain to get rid of a jam or run in the chain.
Replaceable Parts and components:
Barrel, front grip, action, stock and gauss driver.
Designed as an assault rifle for law enforcement and civilian use, the FL-10 was intensely designed and rehearsed, numerous attempts being made to correct design flaws, such as adapting the design to change from the original titanium to a more effective tungsten round.
Despite this, progress is being made, albiet slowly.
Designer: Independent Weapons Incorporated
Manufacturer: IWI Northern Foundry, Funky City, Nepleslia
(Suggested) Price: 2400 DA
Individual Component Costs:
Gauss Propulsion Unit: 150 DA
1 Chain of Spikes: 75 DA
Nomenclature Information
Name: FL-10 "Porcupine" 10mm Flechette Launcher
Type: Gauss (Magnetic Propulsion)
Model: FL-10
Role: Military/Civilian Light Assault Rifle
Length: 3' 9"
Weight: 5 Kilograms
Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Solid
Firing Mechanism: Gauss Driver, Semi-Auto/Auto
Caliber: 10mm Tungsten
Effective Range: 350 meters
Maximum Range: 700 meters
Minimum Range: 0m
Muzzle Velocity: 824 m/sec
Muzzle Blast: None
Firing Mode(s): Semi automatic, automatic
Recoil: Light recoil.
===== Ammo Description: =====
Name: 10mm High-Grade Tungsten Flechettes
General Description: Long, cylindrical spikes of tungsten chained together for sustained fire for long periods of time. 4 fins extend from the spine and steady the spike on its course when fired.
Ammo: 60 spikes on a belt fed from a square magazine inserted into the side of the gun.
Bullet Description
The spike is a modified version of the original design, which was originally stake shaped. This newer design is basically a 1/4 inch, high-grade tungsten spine with four retracting fins, built to pierce personal armor (e.g ballistics mesh, cloth, leather.) The spike can pierce up to 1/4 inch of ballistics mesh with lethal force as long as it strikes a vital organ (brain, heart, lung).
Name: Tungsten Shatter-core Rounds
General Description: 1/4 inch tungsten spikes with a tiny amount of impact-trigger explosives in the center.
Ammo: 60 spikes on a belt fed from a small box inserted into the side of the gun.
Bullet Description
The Shatter-core rounds are built with destruction in mind. Looking like regular High-grade spikes, the Shatter-core rounds, on high-velocity impact, shatter into shards of high-speed tungsten capable of damaging un-armored targets easily.
===== Weapon Mechanisms: =====
Safety: Yes, a switch behind the trigger will retract all bullets back into the drum clip.
Fire mode selector: Yes, a switch above the trigger will turn on a reel beneath the action which will draw the chain through automatically when you pull the trigger.
Weapon Sight: Foresight.
Attachment Hard points: Optional flashlight/laser sight track on the right side of the gun barrel.
Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure:
Remove stock. Remove front grip and barrel. Dissasemble action and take great care with a standard weapon cleaning kit to remove obstructions. Also, remove the clip and chain to get rid of a jam or run in the chain.
Replaceable Parts and components:
Barrel, front grip, action, stock and gauss driver.
Designed as an assault rifle for law enforcement and civilian use, the FL-10 was intensely designed and rehearsed, numerous attempts being made to correct design flaws, such as adapting the design to change from the original titanium to a more effective tungsten round.
Despite this, progress is being made, albiet slowly.