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RP: ISC Phoenix [Interlude 3] - Re-Loading

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"Look," Mel leant over and whispered to Hitori without anyone else noticing, "Just my intuition playing sillybeggars, but something is wrong. Tell me what happened - get it off ya chest, it'll make ya feel better..."

So John radioed the local control tower and found out about a gun megastore which boasted "If it isn't ballistic, we don't have it" and found a place to land the shuttle just nearby - along with a laundry for his pants.
"I am going to make sure you pay for this." John scowled to Luca on his little whoopie-cushion-jam stunt.
"Bring it on - I'll be ready." It seemed like these two had a gentleman's agreement on this. They'd almost distilled it to an art. John closed the airlock and began to let the thrusters do their work to get the shuttle off the ground.
"I'll have something cooked up." The landing gears went up and off they went. The trip would take a couple of minutes with STL.
Robert settled down quietly beside Vincent. Looking up at the huge ID-Sol he asked simply "How's it going?"
Vincent shifted his eyes over to gaze at the newcomer incredulously. Since when was he there? he thought to himself.

"Not bad... You?"
Robert shrugged "Can't complain too much. So...uhhh what's your story? Got bored of a quiet life?"
"Actually," Vincent said, "I have been in the employ of both the Red and Green factions of Nepleslia- the reds first because, simply, they created me and the greens second because I got bored of fighting a losing battle. I defected shortly after, taking one of the Greens' overly-damaged surplus shuttles and repairing it. After that, I guess I just set out on my own."
"Well, at least your life has seen a good bit of large scale action. I always wondered what it would be like to be on a military grade battlecruiser." Robert replied. "Though i've heard plenty of horror stories from the marines who had to just sit tight and listen to the blasts."
The shuttle came down and landed on a shuttle pad/parking lot among many other Shuttles.
"Okay guys," John radioed the passenger's compartment over the onboard radio, "I'll stay here and keep the place in good order. I don't want anything from the shops anyway. Have a nice time - and thanks once again for flying Air-Phoenix." He then took of his headset, opened up the airlock, remained seated and looked at Luca, who snickered, knowing the real reason he was staying behind.
"Enjoy yourself." Luca said as he got up and left the Passenger's compartment with a chuckle.

After some walking through the shuttle-park, down a few flights of stairs and between shuttles of various makes and qualities, Luca was almost down at the exit when suddenly, someone jumped out of the shadows and put a knife to Luca's chest. A raggedy man in a brown coat and discoloured teeth was staring at him.
"Oi!" Mel said as she drew her pistol and pointed it at the mugger. Sebastian had also drawn his revolver.
"Don't worry guys I got it," Luca assured to his crew, "Lemme guess." He spoke calmly to the man, "Money or life, right?"
"Y-y-Yeah!" He spoke up, "You yammie bastard! Why don't ya go back and kiss your overbitch's ass?" He was probably referring to Yui.

Mel and Sebastian looked at eachother in a mix of fear for their captain (and in Seb's case, his son) and lowered their weapons.
"Simple -" Luca said as he, in almost swift successions, managed to flick the knife away from him, falling on the ground... "- She screwed me over -" ... then held his assailant's arm behind his back in a hold... "- and she liked it!" And began to apply pressure, "So I then left and told her: 'fuck you!' and got back to my roots, here. Y'see? Now I don't wanna hurt you..."
He released his hold and let him go. Luca was even courteous enough to pick up his assailant's and gave it back to him. "You dropped this. I have no beef with you."

"Damn decent of ya, kid." The man said as he put away his knife, and frowned at attempting to take down one of his fellow men. Luca felt a bit sorry for him and searched his pocket for something to give the down-on-his-luck mugger. He began searching, for, well, something.
Mel walked up behind Luca and put a 50 DA note in Luca's hand. "This should cover it, mate."
"Thanks, kid. This'll keep me going for an entire fortnight." The mugger said as he stashed the 50 in his pocket and then disappeared from whence he came.

"Why'd you let him have 50 DA?" Sebastian asked Luca as he put his revolver away. He then asked himself, "What sort of son have I raised?"
"Obviously, one with a generous streak." Mel answered his question, "Something ya don't see too often in a place like this... he's an odd kid."

The "Gun Megastore" was just ahead, over the road. Seeing how big the place was, it looked like it stocked more than just guns. Probably accessories, tactical armour, gear and more than a fair share of ammunition.
Robert raised an eyebrow as he walked down the ramp and saw the failed mugging. He wasn't worried about Luca to much, the mugger was just too nervous. He did glance around to see if there were any mugger buddies. After all the crap was finished he followed them into the gun super store. The first thing he looked for was some light body armour of some kind.
Vincent was late getting off the shuttle and, of course, missed Luca's brief scuffle with the would-be mugger. However, he sighted the gun superstore almost right off.

"GUNS! I'M COMIN' FOR YA, BABY!" No-one in the group had ever seen Vincent sprint so fast towards a building. Ever.
Himiko awoke from her catnap shortly after the shuttle landed. The Yamataian stretched before exited the shuttle. "Be back later.." she said to know one in particular, practically disappearing in a nearby crowd of people.
The store certainly was bigger from the inside than it did outside. It was a massive open area with balconied levels going deeper underground. One floor for each major piece of gear.
Guards were at the entrance and exit, keeping an eye out for would-not-be thieves.

The ground level floor had the main checkout counters, and a variety of solid-ammo pistols, revolvers, shotguns, assault and sniper's rifles, sub-machine guns, carbines and more types of ammunition then you could name on your fingers and toes.

The next floor down via spiral staircase through the open section of the had energy weapons on one side of the room. Mostly civilian-grade laser weapons. They required a background check and probably a license to buy. On the other end of the room were explosives and grenades - along with kits to create your own.

The next floor down had tactical armour. The sort that could protect you from a stray round or two. Flak jackets, mesh vests, helmets, belts, straps, pouches and bandoleers were on prominent display. Electronic gear such as walkie-talkie radios connected to headsets were also available, along with other gadgets and gizmos.

"Well I'll be buggered." Sebastian said as he looked at such a wide selection, "Just like old times."
"Hey, welcome to Ballistic Warehouse." The burly clerk said upon the crew entering the store, "If it isn't ballistic or tactical, we don't stock it."
"Say," Sebastian said, "Do you do mass orders?"
"Yes we do, sir. What were you interested in?"
"Sub machine guns. Zen-arms 10mm ones."
The clerk quickly took a look through the stock computer, "Yes, we have heaps on hand here." The clerk replied happily, "How many were you interested in purchasing? We got a shit-ton of them for free from those fuckin' reds' armouries."
"20 of them. Each with a shoulder stock and a spare magazine, and ammunition for each." Sebastian replied, "The reds don't deserve a weapon that they can't fire straight anyway."

The clerk's eyes widened, "Oookay. I'll have to ask you, do you represent any particular organisation? We have to do a background check for things like this."
Luca walked up alongside his dad, "Oh, is this what we're getting?"
"Sir?" The clerk asked, "Are you with him?"
"Yeah." Luca explained, "I represent the ISC Phoenix. Just do a quick search."
"Mmmhmm. I-S-C..." He began typing into the computer, "P-H-OE-NI-X." A record came up for Luca, and some of his crew. The clerk then leaned his head, and smiled. "Yep. You're cleared for this sort of purchase. A privateer organisation I see. 20 guns, costing 400 each, plus 50 each for magazines and stocks, plus 20 for ammo, each comes to... 9400 KS, plus 200 if you want it all shipped. It'll take a day to get it all there."
"I'll pay for that. Here." Luca said as he swiped his card at the register, "Send it to this address..." He then moved off into the rest of the store, browsing.

Meanwhile, Mel was taking a look at the various Sniper rifles lined up. She found this odd number which looked like the bastard child between a Revolver and a Sniper rifle. It took 7.62mm ammunition in a 6 shot cylinder. The sights were also perfectly tuned to the weapon and adjustable if need be.
"Interesting..." She said as she picked it up and weighed it in her hands.
"Hey Luca! Check these out!" Robert pulled out the headset radios. "What'cha think? Might come in handy, since the rest of us don't have telepathy."

He then noticed a suit of tactial armor that would fit him perfectly, not the best of armor but thick enough to block a few rounds. but it was more than he expected since he was much smaller than the average Nepleslian.
Luca had managed to find himself a better combat harness. This one had straps going over his shoulders, and connecting to his belt. It also had pockets on the straps and could thread through Luca's jacket to stay on. It also made whatever he was carrying on his belt feel a bit lighter. He bought it for 200 KS.

"Headsets are a good idea. Maybe we'll get 6 of them. How much are they?" Luca asked Robert as he picked one up and looked at the label. They were on sale for 120 KS apiece.

Meanwhile, Mel had picked up this Sniper Rifle Revolver - err - gun, and flicked the cylinder out.
"Can't use a suppressor..." She said to herself as she spun it and put it back in, "But one hit should rattle someone to bits pretty easily."
"You interested in that?" A clerk asked from across the room.
"Yeah. How much? Who made this?"
"It's a new line. People are heading back to the basics recently."
"Yeh I noticed. Haven't seen something like this in yonks."

"It's supposed to be a new rugged model." The clerk said as he took the rifle and scanned it. "Even the harshest conditions and it'll still fire it's 6 shots straight and true. 2500 KS or 5000 DA."
"Done," She swiped her money card, "And done. Thanks mate."
"Y'welcome. Would you like to buy some ammo?"
"Sure." That cost a further 4 KS/8 DA per bullet. She bought 20 of them.
Robert bought 7 of the headsets, just in case, for 840 KS. He then grabbed the small tactical armor and asked about the price for that.
The clerk looked at the small man at the counter. They only had one type of suit that would suit Robert's needs.
"You can buy any suit of tactical armour available and make it fit ya. Lemme show you..." The clerk then went on to demonstrate that by pulling the many straps and belts through the tactical bodysuit, it could fit just about anyone, save an ID-SOL, "And that's 800 DA, or 400 KS, whatever you prefer."

Mel, while satisfied with her new acquisition, asked a question to Luca after looking through some of the other things in the shop, and noticing there was one member missing: "Where'd that Hitori girl go?"
Luca scratched his head, "Dunno. She has a habit of disappearing."
"Yeah..." Mel said, "But where to? You gotta keep an eye on her."
"Don't worry. I think she's capable of handling herself."
Robert paid the 400 KS for the armor and then slunk off to browse the selections on all the floors, looking for anything interesting.
Meanwhile, Vincent had found a beastly piece of hardware somewhere near the far end of the superstore, up on the second floor.

He was holding a massive, stockless black gun with three four-foot, fixed barrels. It was attached around Vincent's shoulder by a length of black material which supported the gun fairly adecquately. There was a long chain of bullets that extended from the main part of the gun, up to the ammo-carting equivalent of a 50-gallon drum with an urban camouflage paint scheme. The gun-toting merc changed from a muscle bound thug into a truly capable Minigun carrying glacier. Carrying the heavy apparatus as if it were a child's plaything, Vincent lumbered to the front desk.
While Luca was browsing through the shelves and isles of weapons and gadgets, he took a look at a lonely "Hunting Crossbow", then Mitch suddenly sprung to mind.
Mitch seems like the sort to lug this thing. He said as he picked up a box for it, looked at the 120 KS pricetag and took it to the counter. Always being stealthy and professional. These things are real quiet if I remember correctly.

"Dude! Dude!" The clerk was agape when Vincent plonked the massive chaingun on the counter, "Now THAT is a weapon!"
Suddenly, three men burst into the shop with handguns raised and fired a few wild shots into the ceiling each.
"THIS IS A STICKUP!!" One of them yelled at the top of his lungs.

Everyone had a split second to react at the utterly Darwinian examples with gunfire or a threat. One of the guards blasted one of the would-be's in the back with a Styrling Shot 12, leaving most of him in a carbo-gelatinous heap on the floor.


Anna sat down with Laeliel at the dinner table when she'd finished her domestic duties. She had a bottle of wine, poured herself a glass and gave another to Lae.
"I bet you're wondering how I raised my boy." Anna asked the disguised Elysian, "And how I came to meet that man." She was referring to Sebastian, "It's such a blur, now..."

The chaingun Vincent had set down on the counter was suddenly back in the merc's hands, and with the sound of an electric motor whirring to life, the stacatto noise of the heavy machine gun made the thieves scatter- albiet not fast enough. One's lower body was torn to meaty shreds as he dove behind an un-occupied clerk's counter. Widening his footing and swivelling a bit to his left, Vincent put some rounds through the second thug, the sheer force of the slugs lifting the man off his feet and pushing him back towards the door where he eventually fell onto the sidewalk, a gelatinous pile of mis-shapen muscle and bone.

Satisfied, Vincent set the gun down on the table again. "How much?"
Robert glanced warily over a ripped up stand that had stood in Vincent's path. The bullets had just narrowly missed his head. "Ya done with the shooting?" He called to Vincent.
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