Star Army

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RP International Relations Conference of YE 42 [Open RP]

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Conference Area

"Consider it done," Himiko told Tarbah. "Please let me know, or let Taisho Yui know, where you would like it positioned and if you have any special needs. She is also curious about if your wormhole drives can help us reach Kuvexian space faster. Is there some technology or resources that we can offer you in exchange or as a gift of appreciation?" she asked.
The separate shuttle carrying the Lord and Lady of the NDC would set down, having gone separate from the princess. The nicely designed shuttle purchased from Noval Industries touched down, the royalty stepping off as they were accompanied by a few ISD agents in their formal suits. The envoy entered a car and took the trip from the port to the IRC and expo grounds, entering the area, and looking over the booths as they did so. It was a nice arrangement, and even noted a few cultures the pair had previously not seen before. This was the kind of event the NDC could get behind, and applauded Yamatai's efforts to bridge gap between nations and peoples.

Meanwhile at the NDC's booth for the expo, alongside the reps from Noval, were also those from Black Wings Enterprises. As the country's other premier company and provider of local goods, they had a duty to represent. On their side of the booth they had displays of everything from advanced plasma rifles, to starships employed by the nation, to even house hold things such as plasma powered heaters and other appliances. In a cooler at the feet of redhead with violet eyes, her sun kissed freckled complexion fitting on this sunny day, was full of drinks local to the NDC. Sodas, energy drinks, punches, and even some alcoholic beverages that glowed blue for the adults. Angela greeted and gave short explanations on everything on display, cheery and happy to tell visitors about what their people offered and specialized in.
Mining Guild section of the NDC booth
Off to the Side in the NDC booth was the section for the Mining Guild, and much like their fellow corps and the NDC, they had their ANT power armor, a bit 1/8th the size of the actual Power armor to save room. On shelves on either side were the other tools, the Mole Claws, and the Plasma Cutter/Torch. A Representative sat at a chair, happy to answer questions. On tables there were volumetric display showing the Power armor at work, digging holes, breaking rocks, and finding Ore that could be made into metal and gems.

There were displays of the ships, the transport Stork, the industrial shuttle Magpie, and the Dragon Class mobile refinery. A few pictures of the Mines, and their system Draco Eridanus, and the technology they use, their home too, the level City in their Station. The Mining Guild has also set up an information section where someone can look at displays, and they can read the information on them.
"If it is alright, I am going to check on some new arrivals," Hanako told Tarbah and the Empress, to which Himiko nodded. Hanako did a bow, a curtsy and backed out of the room and went back into the public areas to greet the new arrivals.
Hidden Sun Clan Display

Seinosuke was rather pleased at how his smol family had been behaving, the two children being even more cute than usual. "Well, we're honoured to be the first Elysians you meet. I hope it's a good first impression." Iemochi smiled warmly, while Daniel played with the fabric of his father's clothes. "Oh- Well, our kids are amongst the first to be part of a new subspecies, so I'm not sure when they'll be strong enough to get themselves off the ground." The Senator seemed rather sheepish to admit that he didn't know, but admiration for his kids shone from his Neo-Caelisolian features.

"I wasn't born an Elysian, so I'm sure I'll be biting my nails when they first try!" Mochi empathised, before sliding his jade gaze to Arbitrated. "My lovely wife probably has all the right instincts for that, luckily!" A jesting smirk touched his lips.

At the cultural exchange as the woman pointed out some of the highlights of their stand at the conference, the Juni would nod his head a few times. "Your artists put a piece of their soul into the items they make.. I like that. I've made a few things in my lifetime too, and that's exactly how it feels." He paused. "It's a beautiful idea to make almost everything by hand. It's something that is lost in many places."

"I like how you keep the history of your families on a tapestry. Beautiful and also something to pass down from parent to child. Intriguing." Mochi looked over to Arbles, giving her a playful look. "Although, our family history would probably be a thriller novel if we tried to write it all down, mhm?"
Hidden Sun Clan Display

The tiny mother laughed, giving her daughter a half-second scare as her body swelled and lurched with the motion. "Yes, indeed. Then again - I can see it playing off like a fantasy romantic drama novel, heh. Got a better ending that most of those, lemme tell ya!" She was quite relaxed now, the sort of passive, anxious tension of taking her children out to meet official, super important people from another species... Well, little nagging voices will be little nagging voices.


"Chujo Hanako, do you have a moment to talk?" The soft, formal voice of an Elysian woman called out from close proximity to the blue-haired Yamataian. Clad in a traditional, albeit simplified, violet robe with white lining and accenting. Her midnight-black plumage folded neatly behind her, the flash of yellow and orangecausing the Castor woman to stand out readily despite her small stature. Arvillael had decided to visit the IRC alone, trusting the care of her children to her husband - and the Seraph caretakers,in case he needed some help. A smile had danced across her lips earlier at the thought of Antoni trying to wash a diaper... Sounds about right. Goofball.

"If you believe it'd do well to discuss this privately, I would like to discuss with you the war against the Kuvexians." Odd for a civil-oriented senator, a representative, to be asking about the war effort - the last time Arvillael had made it onto the news was when she'd delivered her healthy twin children, but the name has popped up here and there across minor articles focused on her push for changes to the quality of living for Elysians in their territory.
"Certainly," Hanako nodded. "There is a Star Army scout starship landed nearby that we can use for war planning. You can meet the Star Army's commander, Taisho Ketsurui Yui, in it," she told the Elysian woman. She led the way there.

Arvillael, flanked by her Seraph servant-guards, whose eyes coolly scanned the crowd for anything deemed a threat, was as polite as ever as she followed the admiral to the ship. She wanted to get straight to the point, though had the culture and formality to remain polite.

"Tiasho Yui," the senator stated calmly, "I come here to seek your aid in the war against the Kuvexians." She paused before continuing, "Most of our warships have been decommissioned, as you know, but the ones we currently have are... Inadequate for patrols in security, let alone assisting in the repulsion of any task force - or, if the shadows were to lengthen so, an entire invasion force."
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